Britains Got Talents 2011

That Scottish support worker should win imo. Great voice, and nice humble kind of guy.
That Scottish support worker should win imo. Great voice, and nice humble kind of guy.

Good call Livvie.

From what I saw though, the standard this year was abysmal in comparison.

I did see JLS perform with Diversity, and that was a world apart from the "talent" on display this year.

I did see last years winners perform again this year in one of the semi's and they too were a cut above.

I think that young lad being labelled as the UK's Justin Bieber is the only one that'll have any form of success outside of the programme. It saddens me that he'll probably be a millionaire before he hits his teens, but he might as well cash in whilst the opportunity is there.
I was forced to watch the final.

Some ratfaced kid who's voice hasn't even broken came in second, after singing some bland song with the help of an entire orchestra of backing singers and various other effects.

This is apparently more talented than a guy writing his own song and then playing it live on the piano with no help from anyone else whatsoever?

Do people actually understand what talent is, or is this just another show for Cowell to plug his latest souless autotune drones?
at the end of the day the public vote Noods. The guy on piano was talented for sure, but too boring for the general publics vote
The way that little kid was overhyped really got on my tits. He wasn't THAT good yet there was clearly bias towards him from all the judges like he was mind blowing.

Simon Cowell did more to convince me that the Internet rumour about that kid was true, as opposed to it being a load of shit.

It was also a disgrace that the fit singing girl with the dog didn't make the final. The Scottish guy was a deserved winner.
I caught a small portion of this as the missus' mum was watching it when I was round there, and as shit as the show is, the young girl they had on who had won the American version was absolutely incredible.
That Ronan Park kid wasn't all that. Amazing how the public will swallow whatever Simon Cowell throws at them.

It's also disgusting how many ways they have to rig this thing just for the purpose of entertainment and making money, not to mention the way they treat some of the performers. Razy the matrix dancer, for example, got dicked on throughout the whole friggin' thing. Not only did they pit him up against the other guy at the expense of one of them (both should've been in the final), but they also did it again in the next round. Absurdly, they then gave him just one fecking day to come up with a completely new routine altogether, then criticised him, infront of the audience whilst influencing the public, that he was coming up with the same old tricks. What the feck is that about? It's as if they didn't want him to win (bit like the woman who they actually chose the song for, and cut her off just as she was telling her tale).

Crazy how they brought in Louis Walsh and asked for his comment just to attempt to sway the vote. Not only that, but each and every one of the judges reacted to his performance as if they'd just seen him swallow his own head, shit it out and screw it back onto his neck again.

Then you've got the random amateur, mildly autistic dancer who, for me, didn't seem to be all that good either. He kept losing his balance and shaking whilst doing all the poses, and the fact that he was dancing completely out of tune to random chart music didn't make it any more impressive either. Why on earth want to watch this kid when she's used to watching professionals?

What a steaming pile of shite. I'm glad the Scottish singer won - it must've been a complete kick in the face for the judges and, seemingly, Amanda Holdem, who openly admitted after the results that she wanted Ronan Park to win (taking the emphasis off the win altogether), though I wouldn't put it past them having fixed that in order to take the pressure of Simon Cowell.
That Ronan Park kid wasn't all that. Amazing how the public will swallow whatever Simon Cowell throws at them.

It's also disgusting how many ways they have to rig this thing just for the purpose of entertainment and making money, not to mention the way they treat some of the performers. Razy the matrix dancer, for example, got dicked on throughout the whole friggin' thing. Not only did they pit him up against the other guy at the expense of one of them (both should've been in the final), but they also did it again in the next round. Absurdly, they then gave him just one fecking day to come up with a completely new routine altogether, then criticised him, infront of the audience whilst influencing the public, that he was coming up with the same old tricks. What the feck is that about? It's as if they didn't want him to win (bit like the woman who they actually chose the song for, and cut her off just as she was telling her tale).

Crazy how they brought in Louis Walsh and asked for his comment just to attempt to sway the vote. Not only that, but each and every one of the judges reacted to his performance as if they'd just seen him swallow his own head, shit it out and screw it back onto his neck again.

Then you've got the random amateur, mildly autistic dancer who, for me, didn't seem to be all that good either. He kept losing his balance and shaking whilst doing all the poses, and the fact that he was dancing completely out of tune to random chart music didn't make it any more impressive either. Why on earth want to watch this kid when she's used to watching professionals?

What a steaming pile of shite. I'm glad the Scottish singer won - it must've been a complete kick in the face for the judges and, seemingly, Amanda Holdem, who openly admitted after the results that she wanted Ronan Park to win (taking the emphasis off the win altogether), though I wouldn't put it past them having fixed that in order to take the pressure of Simon Cowell.

I thought that was a bit out of order to be honest.

They keep saying about a need to "up their game." There's only so much popping and bending that guy could do, so added something very different to his act, and slate him for it.

Interesting though how nailed on favourites in Susan Boyle and Ronan have not won the competition. Which would indicate that the public aren't as blind to the judges comments as you'd think.
The public will vote for who Simon Cowell tells them to vote for.

If that was the case, Ronan would have won, or more likely, New Bounce.

And whatever music you like, (that's you as in anyone, not just you Noods), that 12 year boy had an amazing voice - for that age.
Had Simon Cowell said that he wasn't all that, he wouldn't have got anywhere near the final.

Razy had no chance of winning the thing after he laid into him for having the tenacity to add another string to his bow - something they fecking stressed that he should do. It was pretty fecking cool and all. Poor guy - I was routing for him throughout the whole thing.

Edit: Also, the kid's age shouldn't actually be a factor. It's 'Britain's Got Talent', not "Britain's Got Talented Kids'.
He had a good voice, yes, but it was nothing on the women with the dog, the Scottish guy and a couple of those kids from the Jackson 5-ish band. He wasn't as good as the guy with the guitar either.

They always put some sort of slant on the performers to make the show more interesting, hence raking in more votes and viewers. It's a shame, because it's such a good idea for a show on the face of things.
Nah, Cowell just has indirect ways of telling people who to vote for. For example, by giving one person an entire professional backing team, and another bugger all.

I couldn't be more bored with people butchering other people's songs in some lifelessly soul destroying manner. I don't care if they're 12 or have an amazing voice. The bloke who won did so on the back of taking an Evanescene song and ruining it. They even had to give the guy with a guitar a shitty backing track which removed all the soul from his performance. Ruining songs is not a talent. Just stop it Simon, stop it now.
Nah, Cowell just has indirect ways of telling people who to vote for. For example, by giving one person an entire professional backing team, and another bugger all.

I couldn't be more bored with people butchering other people's songs in some lifelessly soul destroying manner. I don't care if they're 12 or have an amazing voice. The bloke who won did so on the back of taking an Evanescene song and ruining it. They even had to give the guy with a guitar a shitty backing track which removed all the soul from his performance. Ruining songs is not a talent. Just stop it Simon, stop it now.

Which makes it all the more ridiculous that this Ronan gimp got miles closer to winning the thing than the black pianist and composer.

I couldn't believe he wrote that. Really, really fecking good. Brave and all.

He's a sly little gimp, Cowell. Said it in the other thread, but the following couple should've gone through, and the only reason they didn't is because Cowell swayed the voting by undermining their act:

So much more talented than the singing kid. Had Simon Cowell gone and said "You two are one of the best acts that we have ever had on here..." or something to that extent, you can bet your right bollock they would've got to the final.
.... though I wouldn't put it past them having fixed that in order to take the pressure of Simon Cowell.

So it's fixed if Ronan wins and fixed if he doesn't? Interesting.....
Yep, that's exactly what I said.

Well, no, not really. I wasn't being entirely serious, but it wouldn't surprise me if there was some sort of plot to send him through, hype him up, shit themselves at the accusations, then rig the voting so as to cover themselves.

The basic point was that the extent to which they try and sway who goes through and who doesn't is so obvious it's incredible. The Ronan Park thing was almost amusingly obvious - bringing in Louis Walsh just to big the kid up further was about as obvious as it gets, especially when he commented on nobody else's act (of which most were considerably more impressive).

That parrot is fecking incredible, by the way. Great video.
Yep, that's exactly what I said.

Well, no, not really. I wasn't being entirely serious, but it wouldn't surprise me if there was some sort of plot to send him through, hype him up, shit themselves at the accusations, then rig the voting so as to cover themselves.

The basic point was that the extent to which they try and sway who goes through and who doesn't is so obvious it's incredible. The Ronan Park thing was almost amusingly obvious - bringing in Louis Walsh just to big the kid up further was about as obvious as it gets, especially when he commented on nobody else's act (of which most were considerably more impressive).

Did you watch the entire series? Louis Walsh was on the panel that sent Ronan through as The Hoff was on some other engagement. That's why they spoke to Louis, because it was relevant.

Every year with the XFactor and BGT reports are rife that it's rigged for such and such to win. It's laughable really. Especially how strict the watchdogs are for this kind of thing these days. People were saying it's rigged for Ronan to win and then when he didn't people have been saying it was probably rigged for him to lose.

I'll agree that they deliberately offer more praise to their favourites in an attempt to influence the public though.
Admittedly, I didn't watch the first auditions.

It's so fecking obvious, though. Like I say, there was even the young female singer who was about to land them all in it by telling them that she wasn't actually the one that picked her own song until Ant and Dec cut her off.

It was an amusing slip-up given that they were criticising her for her choice of song. She was well pissed off on the results night.

Little things and all like their pre-talk regarding the performers prior to their act. Before Ronan Park, it's all "what a wonderful being, if he was older I'd give him anal". Before Razy, it's "oh, well he's got to find something new", "I think he's used up all his tricks" and that sort of shite. They do it all throughout the show.

I'm not really saying anything too seriously with regards to them directly fixing the voting, but it is so heavily swayed that it may as well be fixed.

I found myself liking David Hasselhoff as the show progressed, mind. He gave off the impression that he was pumped up to the eyeballs with a bit of mandy half the time.