Britain's Got Talent....

Easy decision really
Cant believe they had at least 4 potential winners in the first show. Spellbound, Tobias Mead, Stevie Starr and Olivia Archibold shouldnt all have been on the same show.

I have seen feck all since Monday thats been any good

You don't think the dog was any good?
These are better than Peridot(??)
I don't mind Spellbound. I'm sick of the street dancers though.

This kid's face actually annoys me. Just looking at him is enough to make me want him to go out.
I get a feeling they're pushing for him to reach the final.
fecking hell, he's bad.

He makes the guy from Coldplay sound powerful.
Anyone just watch Emile, he was unbelievably bad.

Seriously, i could've better with my hardcore gangsta rap.
Fair play to this guy, the costume is actually really good.

The act might work better if halfway through the song, he got the voices mixed up. He's playing it too seriously at the moment.