Boycotting occupied palestine

Yeah but its temporary. A decade ago we were talking about the Turkish flotilla and it was quickly forgotten. This is just tawdry social media fodder.

Indeed. You do what you can. B&J have done what they can as an ice cream company. Kudos to them. The alternative is keep quiet which is exactly what some on here and the Israeli government would prefer.
Yeah but its temporary. A decade ago we were talking about the Turkish flotilla and it was quickly forgotten. This is just tawdry social media fodder.
This story is temporary and will fizzle out but the situation is not going away. Even Israelis recognize that the OPT is an abnormal state of affairs. The vast majority of Israelis, afterall, live within Israel proper and there is a lot of resentment toward settlers for a whole host of reasons. The orthodox do not serve in the IDF but require the IDF to take very large risks in protecting them. This might be fine with Israeli politicians who have no problem with expropriating Palestinian land, but it doesn't sit well, unanimously, with the Israeli population in general. There is also the issue of these settlements tarring Israel's image globally. If it weren't for the prolonged period of annexation and arguably apartheid, there would be no stick with which to beat Israel. They're going to have to come to some kind of resolution with the Palestinians in the near future. It might not be two states, one state, or even three states, but it will have to be significantly better than it currently is. Water rights are a huge problem and that's only going to get worse, with Israel signing a deal with Jordan to provide drinking water from the West Bank. Meanwhile Palestinians living in the WB have to rely on settlements because they control the water resources. In ten years time this might be significant enough to cause outright civil war (making the intifadas look quaint in comparison).
That would be down to Israel, America, UK/EU states, but also Egypt/surrounding "allies" of Palestine who refuse to open borders/offer support because of the extremist government in place/benefitting internally from the conflict.

I'm not defending anyone in this game, it's just not as simple as it seems. Sadly, as always, it's the most innocent who bare the brunt of all of this and the painful, depressing cycle continues.

Is not that simple? you want to share the blame to dilute the main responsible, Israel. If they would not occupy Palestinia for starters, and never let go the leftovers of a country, the other actors would not act as they act. Don't pretend that there is not a big main responsible

The conflict can be as much complicated as you want afterwards, but do not exempt the big major part of the blame to who corresponds
Is not that simple? you want to share the blame to dilute the main responsible, Israel. If they would not occupy Palestinia for starters, and never let go the leftovers of a country, the other actors would not act as they act. Don't pretend that there is not a big main responsible

The conflict can be as much complicated as you want afterwards, but do not exempt the big major part of the blame to who corresponds

I'm not diverting blame in the slightest, but nor can you ignore what now exists in Palestine politically. You're right to highlight the actions of Israel as having been a major contributing force to this. However, there is no solution which would see them back down and any regime would arguably be more opressive to its own citizens than Israel's.

Indeed, conflicts such as those that transpired earlier in the year are largely evidence of the steps Hamas will go to consolidate power (happens both sides).
Is not that simple? you want to share the blame to dilute the main responsible, Israel. If they would not occupy Palestinia for starters, and never let go the leftovers of a country, the other actors would not act as they act. Don't pretend that there is not a big main responsible

The conflict can be as much complicated as you want afterwards, but do not exempt the big major part of the blame to who corresponds

Israel exists because Europeans and Arabs couldn't stop slaughtering their Jews. Israel's presence in the so called occupied territories (the birthplace of Judaism) was a consequence of yet another failed genocidal Jihadi war against the Jews. The land was in the procession of Jordan and Egypt - not a non existent 'Palestine'.

Hope this helps.
Israel exists because Europeans and Arabs couldn't stop slaughtering their Jews. Israel's presence in the so called occupied territories (the birthplace of Judaism) was a consequence of yet another failed genocidal Jihadi war against the Jews. The land was in the procession of Jordan and Egypt - not a non existent 'Palestine'.

Hope this helps.

So the solution to stop the slaughtering of the jews is the to steal the land and ban and slaughter Muslims.

No, it doesn't help
Israel exists because Europeans and Arabs couldn't stop slaughtering their Jews. Israel's presence in the so called occupied territories (the birthplace of Judaism) was a consequence of yet another failed genocidal Jihadi war against the Jews. The land was in the procession of Jordan and Egypt - not a non existent 'Palestine'.

Hope this helps.

Brainwashing level overload.

So even if what you say is correct, now you will make life hell for generations of folks who weren't even around during the 60's because yeah they made life hell for everyone.
Israel exists because Europeans and Arabs couldn't stop slaughtering their Jews. Israel's presence in the so called occupied territories (the birthplace of Judaism) was a consequence of yet another failed genocidal Jihadi war against the Jews. The land was in the procession of Jordan and Egypt - not a non existent 'Palestine'.

Hope this helps.
Nice fantasy.

Don’t forget the amount of brown envelopes and threats needed to pass the UN vote to actually create your ‘state’.
I have no problems with Israel if they would vacate the occupied lands and also give equal rights to anyone who wants to live in Israel no matter what they ethnicity or religion is.
I have no problems with Israel if they would vacate the occupied lands and also give equal rights to anyone who wants to live in Israel no matter what they ethnicity or religion is.

So you want Israel to give the lands back to Jordan and Egypt? For they were the ones that lost it after attacking Israel.
Three years prior, in 1964, the PLO themselves stated in their new charter that they DID NOT WANT that land anyway.
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Israel investigating shooting of Palestinian boy in West Bank
The Israeli military is investigating the death of a 12-year-old Palestinian boy in the occupied West Bank.
Palestinian officials said Mohammed al-Alami was shot by Israeli soldiers while travelling in a car with his family near Beit Ummar on Wednesday.

Beit Ummar's mayor meanwhile accused Israeli troops of storming a local cemetery and digging up a newborn's grave hours after she was buried by her family.

These Israeli military lot are fecking disgusting. Also, not holding my breath for this 'investigation'.
So you want Israel to give the lands back to Jordan and Egypt? For they were the ones that lost it after attacking Israel.
Three years prior, in 1964, the PLO themselves stated in their new charter that they DID NOT WANT that land anyway.

Of course. Didn't Israel start the 6Day war themselves? You are trying to change history or simply ignorant.
Of course. Didn't Israel start the 6Day war themselves? You are trying to change history or simply ignorant.
Don't most historians agree that the 6 Day War was a rare but justified preemptive strike by Israel?
For some reason I initially read the thread title as “boycotting occupied plasticine”.

Well, that’s my contribution for the thread.
Don't most historians agree that the 6 Day War was a rare but justified preemptive strike by Israel?

No they don't. The Israelis very well knew thru their spies that Egypt was in no position to launch an attack.

Lovely bunch these hasbara Israeli trolls.