Books you'd like turned into film

Has been rumored for a long time. And King wants Abrams to do it if it is to be done. He is a big fan of Lost and vice versa. There are Dark Tower references in Lost too.

But the scale of the project would be almost too big to be put into a movie and could end up being a disaster

I know, just did a quick check yesterday and it seems that even though Cuse/Lindelof/Abrams optioned the rights to the movie(s) from King, they will not be writing the script since they are too busy with LOST and working on something of this magnitude so soon would be too tiresome.

I can see how you might have been interested in Dark Tower getting made from your username :smirk:
Has been rumored for a long time. And King wants Abrams to do it if it is to be done. He is a big fan of Lost and vice versa. There are Dark Tower references in Lost too.

But the scale of the project would be almost too big to be put into a movie and could end up being a disaster

I was going to mention that, would be an incredible show if done properly. As a film it wouldn't work as you couldn't put all you needed to into a couple of hours.

- Clive Barker. Would love to see that made into a flim, another though that would probably be better as a series.
Has been rumored for a long time. And King wants Abrams to do it if it is to be done. He is a big fan of Lost and vice versa. There are Dark Tower references in Lost too.

But the scale of the project would be almost too big to be put into a movie and could end up being a disaster

Like the last three books...up until the ending, which was good.

If you have to make them into feature films, then I think you'd actually have to start with Wizard and Glass, which not only has the most commercial appeal, but also serves as the perfect introduction to the main character.
Yeah, starting with Wizard and Glass would make sense. It was the most tedious book in the series i found, as i wanted to get back to the journey to the tower but it needed to be there and helped flesh out Roland a lot more.

And you know i completely missed the Randall Flagg/King link until now. Has been a while since i've read a Stephen King book though. May have to read the dark tower one's again.
If you have to make them into feature films, then I think you'd actually have to start with Wizard and Glass, which not only has the most commercial appeal, but also serves as the perfect introduction to the main character.

Thats the way the comic books have gone, they started with Wizard and Class to keep the chronology linear.

Like the last three books...up until the ending, which was good.

He's never been too good with endings. King's accident changed a lot of things and that affected the story as well. It could have been a lot better but in the end it still has to stand as one of the epic stories of modern fiction. Roland and Randall Flagg/The Man in Black/Marten Broadcloak/Walter o Dimm will always be very close to my favourite literary characters.

The zebra did it :eek:

In all serious though I'm suprised nobody has made films/tv series out of Patricia Cornwall's Kay Scarpetta novels.
Whats that about?

Some young British guy in the 11th century who wants to study medicine. He finds out that he needs to travel to the Muslims in Persia. You follow him on his travels through Europe, Constantinopel, Persia and parts of Asia.

Great book. Would make an epic film.
Blood Meridian.

Also, could someone make 'I Am Legend' without fecking around with the setting, the characters or completely missing the point? Is that too much to ask?
Some young British guy in the 11th century who wants to study medicine. He finds out that he needs to travel to the Muslims in Persia. You follow him on his travels through Europe, Constantinopel, Persia and parts of Asia.

Great book. Would make an epic film.

Yeah certainly sounds like a good stortyline for a flick alright. Maybe you should attempt a screenplay? Couldnt be any worse than some of the drivel bein churned out recently!
I would like Eragon but this time some good film that could make a trilogy not the movie that was made two-three years ago...
A straight, non-musical version of the Wizard of Oz. It's a great book, ruined by the musical versions. Dorothy is 21 and gets her baps out.

Ok she isn't and doesn't but it's worthy of a proper remake.