I might be the only one but I think his new stuff is poor. This album and the last one have been full of songs with weak melodies, little emotional resonance, awful voice distortion and just a lot of experimental shit for the sake of it. "For Emma Forever Ago" and, to a lesser extent, the eponymous second album were so much more enjoyable. Branching out and trying new things is fine but not when you forget what brought you to the dance - moving, melodic songs that can connect with a wide range of people. This current stuff just seems overproduced, harsh on the ears and meandering without proper hooks or much that's easily singable. It's like he's just showing off rather than engaging through his music, to me at least. He's gone up his own backside like a lot of artists, though unlike them, he hasn't built up a substantial back catalogue to warrant such deviation from what made him successful.
I used to love Fleet Foxes but they too have gone a similar way.