Bob Marley

Marley, the film obviously, is gonna be this years Senna. Should be available soon as it's gonna be a OnDemand rental thing in America from tomorrow, shouldn't take long till someone uploads it.
I'm with Weaste and Mockers... how can you not like a bit of Bob...?

He was a Red too apparently.

Bob Marley.
I'm with Weaste and Mockers... how can you not like a bit of Bob...?

He was a Red too apparently.

Bob Marley.

he was a celtic fan and a tottenham fan also. what the feck was he, he couldn't have been all 3
he was a celtic fan and a tottenham fan also. what the feck was he, he couldn't have been all 3

No. That was all a missunderstanding. There was a guy who played for Celtic called Roy Aitken, who's father was called Jim.

Everybody thought that because Roy Aitken's father was Jim Aitken that Bob Marley must support his fellow countryman and therefore, support Celtic.

Hope that cleared it up for you.
No. That was all a missunderstanding. There was a guy who played for Celtic called Roy Aitken, who's father was called Jim.

Everybody thought that because Roy Aitken's father was Jim Aitken that Bob Marley must support his fellow countryman and therefore, support Celtic.

Hope that cleared it up for you.


I suppose I should do this. :lol:

This old boy in knew who played in the NASL told me Bob met Bestie when he was playing for the Earthquakes and they hung out for a bit.

If true how cool would that have been to see.

I suppose I should do this. :lol:


At least somebody got it, eventually.

This old boy in knew who played in the NASL told me Bob met Bestie when he was playing for the Earthquakes and they hung out for a bit.

If true how cool would that have been to see.

That would have been a meeting of epic proportions. 'Ol Bob was apparently pretty decent at footie, I bet they had a kick around. Would love to have seen that.

I did once watch Best play alongside May McFettridge in a charity match but that probably doesn't count. Best did score a cracking freekick that day though.
Pity George didn't get into the ganja instead of the bottle. He might have still been here.


Really dying to see this movie but seems a lot of the UK cinemas aren't entertaining the thought of showing it :rolleyes:

Queens Film Theatre are showing it in Belfast.

I hope someone has a link to download this so i can report them to the powers that be! :angel:

Saw it last night, really enjoyed it. Some great interviews an characters. It's 2 and 1/2 hours long but worth it.

One love.
Saw it last night, really enjoyed it. Some great interviews an characters. It's 2 and 1/2 hours long but worth it.

One love.

I saw it too, have to say i felt pretty inspired by it too. He was pretty cool and the Zimbabwe story where the tear gas went off and he kept playing was pretty good too.