Brooker is a technofile if anything. Plus he didn't write this one. But yeah, he's a natural cynic.
I agree with Pogue, I think this was possibly the best one. It's between it & the first for me anyway. It's oddly got a few luke warm reviews, maybe because people expected a bit more of a scope from it after the last one, but I thought it was far better written. It was certainly far more tense and uncomfortable (like to first one) to watch, and I thought Kebbell was great, even though he was playing a bit of a dick.
There are a few things it possibly could've expanded on that it didn't, the idea that we can create false memories for example, or the black market in other peoples memories - which I initially thought was where it was going (I thought he'd hire someone to jack hers out of obsession to see her past) but as with the 2nd one, the time constraints dictated it had to be relatively contained. So I thought it did a very good job in exploring the way these things would inevitably become nightmares in relationships.
All in all I thought the series was great. I'm sure they will commission a new one after the rave reviews it's gotten.
Interesting Pizzle should say Twilight Zone. 'Cos that's what Brooker said he hoped it'd be compared to. I'd say he's largely succeeded.