Biggest All Time Draft Ever

Remember, all unused players MUST play in the next game!

Making sure these rules are clear to every one now and not just "forgotten". I take it to mean the 1 or 2 players that didn't play in R1 must play in this round. Doing otherwise would result in disqualification.
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Making sure these rules are clear to every now and not just "forgotten". I take it to mean the 1 or 2 players that didn't play in R1 must playing in this round. Doing otherwise would result in disqualification.

this one is important, dont worry i wont forget this :D
@Synco can we get ours running during the next couple of days? Going to be more busy from monday onwards
Yes, let's do that. Sound like starting Saturday and ending on Sunday is best. Will likely get only a minimal writeup together until then, but can join the discussion later on.
Hey anybody able to upload my team to one of those formation sites? Work has blocked it now and I only have a work phone / laptop.. Need some help until I buy a private notebook..
Hey anybody able to upload my team to one of those formation sites? Work has blocked it now and I only have a work phone / laptop.. Need some help until I buy a private notebook..
PM me and I should be able to get it to you by the end of Monday (today) UK time
@Skizzo, prefer to wrap this up between Monday to Friday. Please choose a day per your convenience, my tactics are with Sjor and Harms.