Best TV Series'

You tried the Sopranos, House MD or The Wire yet? Heard good things about breaking bad but I haven't delved into it as of yet.
Sopranos and The Wire should be top of your 'to watch' list, both shit all over Prison Break from epic heights.
Prison Break was as follows...

Series 1: Very good
Season 2: Shit
Season 3: Alright
Season 4: Turned off
I was like you not long ago. I had only seen a few of the top American shows, but then I went nuts and watched loads of them.

Shows like, The Wire, The Sopranos, The Shield, Breaking Bad and Dexter are so much better than Lost its not even a contest
Sopranos and The Wire should be top of your 'to watch' list, both shit all over Prison Break from epic heights.

Sopranos and Wire are class. But they don't exactly shit on Prison Break. The 1st season was very very good. One of the best I've seen. At least it was the more exciting. The 2nd season was also very good but they should have ended it there and then.

The Wire is possible the best show ever. At least my former Mayor thought so. He wouldn't take meeting with anyone on the city council who hadn't watched the Wire.

Breaking Bad is a must watch.

24 is good if you don't mind major plot holes. Lost is crap. Heroes became bad too quickly.

Band of Brothers
Boardwalk Empire
Breaking Bad
Game of Thrones
Six Feet Under
Sons of Anarchy
The Sopranos
The Walking Dead

I recommend these shows that are 40-60min long non comedy types.
I was like you not long ago. I had only seen a few of the top American shows, but then I went nuts and watched loads of them.

Shows like, The Wire, The Sopranos, The Shield, Breaking Bad and Dexter are so much better than Lost its not even a contest

Better than all four of them really. In terms of comedies you can't really go wrong with It's Always Sunny In Philidelphia, Curb Your Enthusiasm or Arrested Development, Trailer Park Boys isn't for everyone but it's brilliant if it's your kind of comedy. Peep Show and The Office for UK comedies. For dramas I'd just recommend Breaking Bad to everyone, along with Boardwalk Empire, Game of Thrones, Six Feet Under, Carnivale...True Blood's good if the subjecy appeals to you, it's very well done.

I was the same 2 or 3 years back too, plenty of great series' for you to watch NS.
The first seasons of PB and Heroes were such brilliant stuff.
It's true, but there's a reason for that. People like talking about and judging/rating TV should know this as well as anyone cina! There have been plenty before and there's going to be plenty more. You type series into search and the first page has both of these - and - made within less than half a's always going to happen.

If you're really looking for something to watch NS you can just look in here - Buffy was good fun back in the day but they started showing them all over again on Sky Atlantic, I watched a couple and they really weren't very good...Sarah Michelle Gellar was hot back in the day though.
Game of Thrones
The Wire
Breaking Bad
Mad Men
Sopranos and Wire are class. But they don't exactly shit on Prison Break. The 1st season was very very good. One of the best I've seen. At least it was the more exciting. The 2nd season was also very good but they should have ended it there and then.

I disagree, PB season 1 was very good but it quickly became poor and then excruciatingly bad. The Sopranos and The Wire are both consistently brilliant and for that reason (in my opinion, of course) are infinitely better than Prison Break.

The West Wing will always be my personal number 1, Sorkin is a genius.
It's true, but there's a reason for that. People like talking about and judging/rating TV should know this as well as anyone cina! There have been plenty before and there's going to be plenty more. You type series into search and the first page has both of these - and - made within less than half a's always going to happen.

If you're really looking for something to watch NS you can just look in here - Buffy was good fun back in the day but they started showing them all over again on Sky Atlantic, I watched a couple and they really weren't very good...Sarah Michelle Gellar was hot back in the day though.

What I love about Buffy and Angel, is that over the course of the series every character was given an arc. You look at first and last seasons of Buffy and Angel and there is a real dramatic difference in the most characters. I mean taken as a 'ep by ep' basis it follows a pretty simple formula of bad person turns up, bad person is killed (although it actually deals with certain issues a lot better than it's given credit for). It's got a lot of wit and fun to it, but the best part of it is that the whole series is rewarding in terms of how it never let their cast go stale, partly because Whedon is a bit of a sadist and doesn't like seeing his characters stay happy.

I mean yeah... it can be a bit lame at times, and it will never stand up to the goliaths like The Wire and The Sopranos, but as far as teen drama goes it's second to none, and I reckon it beats a lot of other shows in terms of writing and creativity. Shows like Dexter/Heroes/Lost/Prison Break etc loose a lot of fans because they get repetitive and the characters stagnate. Buffy/Angel probably had the most dedicated fan base of any series and I reckon there's a reason for that.
It's true, but there's a reason for that. People like talking about and judging/rating TV should know this as well as anyone cina! There have been plenty before and there's going to be plenty more. You type series into search and the first page has both of these - and - made within less than half a's always going to happen.

If you're really looking for something to watch NS you can just look in here - Buffy was good fun back in the day but they started showing them all over again on Sky Atlantic, I watched a couple and they really weren't very good...Sarah Michelle Gellar was hot back in the day though.

Obviously. But this thread is basically the same as one made around 2 months ago, that you just linked to at the bottom. It's an entirely different thing talking about tv shows that have recently been cancelled or are still airing that you're discussing.
Sopranos and Wire are class. But they don't exactly shit on Prison Break. The 1st season was very very good. One of the best I've seen. At least it was the more exciting. The 2nd season was also very good but they should have ended it there and then.

Yes they do, Prison back had a good 1st season and was fecking woeful thereafter. it's absolutely nothing near the level of The Wire/Sopranos.

Queue a big long debate about whether the Sopranos or Wire is the best show, as always in these threads.
Better than all four of them really. In terms of comedies you can't really go wrong with It's Always Sunny In Philidelphia, Curb Your Enthusiasm or Arrested Development, Trailer Park Boys isn't for everyone but it's brilliant if it's your kind of comedy. Peep Show and The Office for UK comedies. For dramas I'd just recommend Breaking Bad to everyone, along with Boardwalk Empire, Game of Thrones, Six Feet Under, Carnivale...True Blood's good if the subjecy appeals to you, it's very well done.

I was the same 2 or 3 years back too, plenty of great series' for you to watch NS.

Forgot all about 6 Feet Under. I loved that show

I have seen all of True Blood and Arrested Development, Although I would rank them nowhere near the other shows I mentioned they are both enjoyable. In the case of AD I am not really a sitcom fan so I was surprised I liked it. I despise Entourage for example

Couldn’t get into Boardwalk Empire and gave up after episode 8. Game of thrones was good but I didn’t like as much as some.

Carnivalle and Deadwood are on my list for watching at some stage
Supernatural. It's a bit cheesy but they know it and take the piss out of it regularly which is refreshing.

Any of the comedies Brwned mentioned as well are very good. I'm starting season two of the West Wing myself when I can find the time.
I cant help myself but I watch every Fringe episode. I know its not great but it has something about it.

I have also been watching American Horror Show. Its okish
Sopranos for me. The character building in that show was first class.

I have never seen The Wire but it's on my 'to watch' list. I just don't have the time to get through most shows these days. I only watched a couple of Boardwalk Empires, loved it too but never got round to watching the first series in full. Now the 2nd series is on, I feel like I've been left behind big time.,
Having finished Lost last night, I need a new series to watch in my spare time. Out of the major ones I've watched so far, I'd rank them:

1. Prison Break (mainly due to Season 1 & 2)
2. Lost
3. 24
4. Heroes

feckin hell man - i dont think i've ever heard of someone with such shit taste in tv. 24's alright, but massively overhyped & drawn out - the rest is shite!

Soprano's, The Wire, Dexter, Breaking Bad to name but a few, are all shows you should get into - if you havent already that is!
Gets a bit silly with the social plots and comic relief at times, but generally it's fantastic television.

OP needs to watch the Wire if PB is considered no 1
Within whiskers of finishing season 8 (the final season) of 24. if your looking for something new to watch and want to be blown away then this is a must. Each seasons revolves around a day in the life of Jack Bauer the lead agent for CTU (counter terrorist unit) where he contests all kinds of terrorists/ killers conspiracies etc. For me it is on par with Sopranos as the best ever TV series. Thats is saying somehting too as for me before I watched 24 Sopranos was the best things I had ever seen.

Both of these shit all over prison break, heroes.... lost ... they aren't even in the same league as these masterclasses.

SNOW - could you in a spolier briefly mention some of the plot holes in 24 you speak of? any for season 8 leave out please :)
Oh I should also mention, if you (the OP) think Prison Break deserves such high praise for having a good first season, give 'Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip' a watch. It got cancelled after only one season for reasons yet to be understood but it was very good and certainly worth watching.