I've been reading the megathread of the series as I was rewatching it, and was going to bump it (much more fun the the series itself) but got scared by the old thread bump warning, so I'm bumping this one instead. Two things that I found odd from that thread were the bites Eboue got for his non-stop rather unambitious wumming, and some posters who genuinely seemed to like the steaming pile of shite the series had become by sesons 6-7.
As for my rewatch, I was going to stop at season 6, which I already thought was far, far worse than I remembered, but I thought, feck it let's go all the way, look at how much all these caftards were having the first time around... and wow, it truly got awful, the scripts were just one dumb plot point after another, an absolute trope fest and an embarrassment compared to anything bar the dumbest Michael Bay blockbuster. And the saddest part is it was obvious nobody actually making the show gave a single feck anymore. D&D couldn't look more fecking bored in the post-episode explanations if they tried, and the cast felt disinterested too at best, which is understandable considering they witnessed the decline first hand and were being given utter shite to work with.
Unfortunately the books are never going to be finished, at least by Martin himself, so it's quite likely this is the only conclusion we'll get. Such a waste of tens of hours of tv and thousands of pages. Ah well, time to move on for good.