Film Best popcprn action/adventure movies that are still binge watchable


Dirty Harry
Magnum Force
US Marshals
Art of War
Tomb Raider (first 2)
Gangster Squad
Sicario (both)
Golden Child

More Statham

The Mechanic

Everything by JC Van Damme(apart from the one with Kylie Minogue)
Lethal Weapon (all)
Robin Hood Prince of Thieves
Enter the Dragon
The Raid
The Rock
Con Air
Big Trouble in Little China
MI series
Predator 2
First Blood
Road House is still one of the greatest movies of all time
Big Trouble in Little China is still one of my faves.

One of my absolute favourites. Such a fun film to watch!

I’m a huge Carpenter fan in general, but I didn’t realise until recently that him and his band performed this :D

One of my absolute favourites. Such a fun film to watch!

I’m a huge Carpenter fan in general, but I didn’t realise until recently that him and his band performed this :D

Haha, cool video!

You know what? We had a few too many espresso martinis last night and feel a bit rough today, I’m going to stick BTILC on and watch it for about the millionth time!