Nurse bell end
Martin Sheen - the Damned United.
Ben Kingsley- Sexy Beast
Jamie Foxx- Ray
Ben Kingsley- Sexy Beast
Jamie Foxx- Ray
Yeah. He was far more interesting in those days too, before he got all shouty, vaguely hispanic and his hair started to out act him. I agree with whoever put Donnie Brasco up earlier though, that's a great modern performance from him. The stand out gangster actor in that film, and he's playing the understated, put upon, almost Fredo-like role. And he sold it perfectly.
John Cazale's always overlooked in those films too. I thought he was a stronger support than De Niro In Godfather II personally.
De Niro always gets a lot of credit for Raging Bull & Taxi Driver, but it's largely a lot of shouting and looking mean. I think his Russian roulette scenes in Deerhunter are probably the best thing he's done. He's amazing in them.
Daniel Day Lewis - There Will Be Blood (in fact, Daniel Day Lewis in pretty much anything)
Clint Eastwood - Unforgiven
Javier Bardem - No Country for Old Men
Dustin Hoffman - Midnight Cowboy
Jeremy Irons - Dead Ringers
Maria Falconetti - The Passion of Joan of Arc
Ana Torrent - The Spirit of the Beehive
Few women here, so I'll throw in Naomi Watts in Mulholland Drive. Especially that audition scene, holy shit.
Fantastic, effecting performance.
For Falconetti, the performance was an ordeal. Legends from the set tell of Dreyer forcing her to kneel painfully on stone and then wipe all expression from her face—so that the viewer would read suppressed or inner pain. He filmed the same shots again and again, hoping that in the editing room he could find exactly the right nuance in her facial expression
obviously without having read the thread Id say:
mia farrow - rosemarys baby
spencer tracey - bad day at black rock
robert shaw - jaws
paddy considine & toby kebbell - dead mans shoes
Paul Giamatti - sideways
forest whittaker - bird
christopher guest, michael mckean and harry shearer - spinal tap
kirk douglas - lonely are the brave
ray winstone and kathy burke - nil by mouth
are just some i rate