The imminent arrival of Dimitar BerbatovWhat are we celebrating?
The imminent arrival of Dimitar BerbatovWhat are we celebrating?
The imminent arrival of Dimitar Berbatov
"He is joining Manchester United for sure, the twat!"
Димитър Бербатовwho?
Only some hours to go between titles and trophyless
(Muppet extinction countdown from R3D_D3V1L in the newbies)
Does anyone else turn the TV on first thing in the morning and flick straight to SSN, hoping that the Berbie deal has been completed? or is it just me?
I find myself doing it very morning, without fail. Sad, i know.
I remember when Keano was rumoured to be signing for us. I sat watching teletext most of the summer holiday.
For all the wonders of the internet, I bet I had a better time than most of you cnuts have this summer...
You switch your TV off? Are you gay?Does anyone else turn the TV on first thing in the morning and flick straight to SSN, hoping that the Berbie deal has been completed? or is it just me?
I find myself doing it very morning, without fail. Sad, i know.
Does anyone else turn the TV on first thing in the morning and flick straight to SSN, hoping that the Berbie deal has been completed? or is it just me?
I find myself doing it very morning, without fail. Sad, i know.
I remember when Keano was rumoured to be signing for us. I sat watching teletext most of the summer holiday.
For all the wonders of the internet, I bet I had a better time than most of you cnuts have this summer...
Breaking News Ssn!!!
Only some hours to go between titles and trophyless
Breaking News Ssn!!!
Looks like Top might have some competition for the honour of Top gif-maker of the caf.
(that is a gif, right? don't really do computers, me)
I remember when Keano was rumoured to be signing for us. I sat watching teletext most of the summer holiday.
For all the wonders of the internet, I bet I had a better time than most of you cnuts have this summer...
I smell a ban coming on........only a smell like....Breaking News Ssn!!!
Breaking News Ssn!!!