I'm only half-way through this interview to be fair but honestly i'm quite enjoying it.
Yeah it was actually interesting, especially since they're both uncharacteristically behaving like grown ups in the video.
I'm only half-way through this interview to be fair but honestly i'm quite enjoying it.
Yeah it was actually interesting, especially since they're both uncharacteristically behaving like grown ups in the video.
Brilliant.Ben sounds like how I imagine a nine-year old Jim Rome sounded like while annoying his friends with sports rants.
Jim Rome was actually engaging at one time. Ben, not so much.
TV was never his medium in my eyes.He better now than 20-30 years ago when the likes of Jim Everett wanted to beat him up for trolling him.
‘How soccer of you’ is still a line I use to this day.Rome is garbage. The only thing I ever found remotely good/funny were some of his takes like "softball guy."
Does he still take random shots at soccer for no reason other than to be an ass?
I watched about 15 minutes of it then had to stop. Hadn't even got to any controversial topics, it was still on the warm up soft stuff, I just can't stand the way he communicates. It's like he doesn't really attempt to answer or even understand the question, he just hears a topic and then just recites whatever facts or talking points he has about that topic.
This was one of his better interview imo. Good topics and no arguing.
I assume all the credit most go to Russell for that! I like ol' Russ so I thought I'd give it a go.
Absolutely. Brand has turned into a pretty good interviewer since his Trews days. He has a unique ability to speak to others in a way that disarms them, which usually results in decent discussions.
Human being seems generous.I honestly can’t wrap my head around why anybody would make any effort to listen to this thundering great turd of a human being.
Good point, edited.Human being seems generous.
Will be on Real Time with Bill Maher tonight according to a post on Maher's FB page.
Can't get over his voice.
His wife still dry as a bone?
His wife still dry as a bone?
Bill: "You and I are very different people Ben, me a critical thinking, enlightened liberal and you a moral Christian Conservative. But I think we can both agree that it's all the fault of wokey Marxist devil worshipers bent on destroying this great country"
Ben: "Yes."
Audience: Rapturous Applause
Bill: delivers some poorly told, trite and probably racist joke without any wit, timing or a punchline.
Audience: Hysterical Laughter
Weed: Douses herself in weedkiller.
Theme song.
Bill: "You and I are very different people Ben, me a critical thinking, enlightened liberal and you a moral Christian Conservative. But I think we can both agree that it's all the fault of wokey Marxist devil worshipers bent on destroying this great country"
Ben: "Yes."
Audience: Rapturous Applause
Bill: delivers some poorly told, trite and probably racist joke without any wit, timing or a punchline.
Audience: Hysterical Laughter
Weed: Douses herself in weedkiller.
Theme song.
He's the definition of the term piss weasel. If it weren't for Elon Musk and Boris Johnson, he'd be the first person I'd fire into the sun if I could.
But you love Elon? What happened?