Ben Shapiro

Not surprising coming from a guy that thinks Trump is a B tier president(the second highest). That video is less than a month old:

Not surprising coming from a guy that thinks Trump is a B tier president(the second highest). That video is less than a month old:

This is one of the worst and most brain-dead videos I've ever watched.

Which makes sense.

It comes from one of the worst and most brain-dead people in the USA.
Woodrow Wilson was essentially a socialist, but also believed the government should be run top-down by elites? Okay, Ben.

A shit tier list from a shit-tier person.
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Not surprising coming from a guy that thinks Trump is a B tier president(the second highest). That video is less than a month old:

What a cnut. He predictably put Obama on F category (same as Wilson), but even more bizarrely, gave an F to FDR. And then gave the same score to Teddy Roosevelt as to George W Bush.
Don't think he ever fully recovered from "Sell their houses to who?!"
A whole career built and crafted by gish-galloping university students and simply saying stupid shit like the climate change video or "rap isn't a form of music". Yet to this day he's parroted by conservative circles as "the cool kids philosopher". Never let it be forgotten that a fast tempo speaking style and spewing 10,000 useless arguments in 10 mins can provide you with a profitable career.

The fecker couldn't even handle talking to Andrew Neil...........Andrew fecking Neil. :lol:
A whole career built and crafted by gish-galloping university students and simply saying stupid shit like the climate change video or "rap isn't a form of music". Yet to this day he's parroted by conservative circles as "the cool kids philosopher". Never let it be forgotten that a fast tempo speaking style and spewing 10,000 useless arguments in 10 mins can provide you with a profitable career.

The fecker couldn't even handle talking to Andrew Neil...........Andrew fecking Neil. :lol:

To be fair Andrew Neil is a superb interviewer and does an incredible amount of research and very often catches people out. Having said that this Shapiro guy doesn't deserve any airtime at all and anybody taking him seriously needs their head examined.
To be fair Andrew Neil is a superb interviewer and does an incredible amount of research and very often catches people out. Having said that this Shapiro guy doesn't deserve any airtime at all and anybody taking him seriously needs their head examined.

It was more of a joke at the fact that it was a right-winger talking to a right-winger and the result of that was Ben getting so exasperated that he called Neil a leftist and stormed off the show. Shapiro can't even control himself in a conversation with another conservative that doesn't let him get his way.
It was more of a joke at the fact that it was a right-winger talking to a right-winger and the result of that was Ben getting so exasperated that he called Neil a leftist and stormed off the show. Shapiro can't even control himself in a conversation with another conservative that doesn't let him get his way.

He just wasn't used to being properly interviewed by a skilled interviewer - they simply don't do that in America. Neil may be right wing but he doesn't show any bias in the way he interviews people, I've seen him destroy people on the right and people on the left.
I guess I could use an analogy about fire extinguishers at home versus using one as a murder weapon, or talking about overthrowing a congress versus actually taking part in a coup attempt.

There's a fine line in there somewhere.
He could be the smartest man on the planet and I still couldn't listen to him with that voice. Does he suck down a gallon of helium before every video/speaking engagement?
A Ben Shapiro movie apparently.



“Thanks Mom, Dad and auntie Clare for your birthday posts and thanks to everyone else for messaging me all those lovely words directly, I’ll try to get back to you all as soon as I can”
A Ben Shapiro movie apparently.


This is cringeworthy on so many levels :lol:

It makes complete sense based on Ben Shapiro's earlier statements, though. He thinks that media in any form is doomed to be severely biased, so if he's going to make a movie then he's not going to hold back on his own biases. I nearly puked when I realised that the honorable hunter's daughter is gonna play "The Good Guy With A Gun" in fecking school shooting scenario.