Beckham vs Scholes. Passing.

Beckham for his crossing and set-pieces.

Scholes for his (long) passing/vision.
Dylan Levitt had a pass that was equally good in one of the reserve-matches earlier this season - ended with Elanga missing a sitter.
Scholes overall, without question.

But even with all the praise Beckham earns for the brilliance of his crossing, his crossing is still underrated IMHO. Gnats' eyebrows were never safe when Becks was on the pitch.
So who was the better passer? For years I always thought Beckham was the best passer at United and Scholes never even crossed my mind.

Then Scholes moved further back and became a Deep Lying Playmaker and his passing range was more noticeable and ridiculously good.

So who was the better passer then?

The first sentence blew my mind.