BBC Chairman Samir Shah: MOTD should show fewer highlights and more analysis

No need for legacy shows when the highlights are available anytime anyway. The likes of motd will fade in to obscurity.
So often at these big British institutions be it the FA, British Airways, BBC and others (Manchester United), their decision making at the top seems like they're deliberately trying to rile up those who are actually affected by them.
Yeah sure if you hire pundits who know what the feck they're on about. To be honest, I don't know who even watches it anymore. Highlights are on YouTube quite quickly these days

This. I personally haven't watched it for about 5 years, maybe more.

As you say, highlights are on YT almost instantly. There's no need to try and sit down and watch a full show when you can run through each game that you care about whenever you get a few minutes spare.

And then there's absolutely tonnes of analysis out there these days either from Sky Sports or independent content creators that is way better than what the BBC provide.
Yeah sure if you hire pundits who know what the feck they're on about. To be honest, I don't know who even watches it anymore. Highlights are on YouTube quite quickly these days
Whilst true, nothing frustrates me more than the choice of either Sky's shitey 3 minute highlights, where nigh on 1 minute of it are the graphics screens and barely any play shown; vs the choice of the 6 to 8 minute unofficial highlights clipped together in non chronological order by some random channel.

If I'm watching MOTD, which admittedly is now about once a year, I definitely want the level of action they show now.

Reality is I've gone from loving football, with a full scale addiction to it, to barely being arsed. Now I watch United for the negative drama entertainment value than any hope of watching for cheering them on with a view to success. If a goal goes in I'm unmoved and basically waiting for VAR to possibly rule it out. The joy is gone and the main amusement now comes from every one of my friends sending all sorts of take the piss messages and even my cat blocking the TV and staring me down questioningly every time I put Utd on.
Couldn't agree less. The highlights are already so brief that you usually get little sense of the flow and balance of a match. Instead there are a few key incidents, generally replayed from at least two other angles during the match and then several times more in the analysis. It's not uncommon for the analysis to show action that wasn't included in the match highlights in the first place, so truncated is the coverage. Most of the talk is banal and repetitive.
btw A lot of people have not already seen the highlights, partly because they are even more truncated than on MOTD.