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Yea I saw that trailer the other day, looks good. Start a thread on it...
Now here's a genuinely good-looking alien invasion flick - if the trailer is anything to go by that is....
Super 8 Movie.
Writer: J J Abrams
Producer: Spielberg
Longer, better trailer here: Super 8 - Super 8 Movie Trailer - TwitVid
Yea I saw that trailer the other day, looks good. Start a thread on it...
There is a thread on it
No oddly enough, though she if of course still playing Vasquez from Aliens, the role she was born to play, but was born 20 years too late for, which forces her instead to walk the earth endlessly acting it out in every film anyway, as it's all she's ever been capable of doing, in the desperate hope that it'll somehow giver her life meaning...
I didn't like this...At all...At least Skyline was unintentionally funny. This is just utter nothingness for people who find flashing things and endless banging riveting.
Noodle's right it's like Modern Warfare 2 with aliens, but it's not like playing Modern Warfare 2 with Aliens, it's like watching someone else, whom you don't particularly like play Modern Warfare 2 with Aliens, for 2 hours, on the same level....Why on earth would anyone want to do that?
Also, it hasn't removed the "half arsed cliche'd plot" at's still very much there. He gives them speeches, they say hoo rar, there's a woman who wants to be a vet, a father doing something brave for his son, various different kinds of black people... and they keep... on... following him unquestionally into endless battles when he's told them to go home in a sort of macho Dead Poets Society tugfest for the kind of people who get hard playing Modern Warfare 2...You know the kind of bollocks..."we're not leaving you staff seargent" "why should you get to have all the fun" "I've got nothing better to do anyway (smirk)"...Oh feck OFF...feckITY feck OFF YOU feckING feck FACE!! No, you'd want to have a sit down and a bacon roll after all that, you wouldn't just keep ...oh feck it.
It's a war movie more than an Alien invasion film, but somehow without anything that makes any war movie interesting. There isn't just no plot, there are no characters either. I think one of the soldiers had some beef with Aaron Eckhart for something, but it's mentioned like, twice, and then Ecky gives a speech that makes him cry and it's all "my captain my captain" from there on in..
Pointless thing.
Jenette Goldstein had a bit of range though
An Insult To Your Intelligence
12 March 2011 | by fabolous_1024 (United States)
Oddly enough, this movie came on right after Total Recall on the "SyFy" channel. Total Recall was filmed 20 years ago. Which movie do you think has better special effects? 10 minutes into this movie and I had to turn it off. EVERYTHING about this movie (that is, the part I watched) is insulting. The fact of the matter is that this specific production company does this intentionally. You feel as if you're watching a group of 10th graders trying to make a movie. In reality, you're watching a group of people who know enough people will accidentally buy these movies thinking they're legitimate movies so that their $100,000 budget will net them a few $million.
Jenette Goldstein had a bit of range though. She was great in Near Dark and pops up in Lethal Weapon 2 and Terminator 2.
Near Dark is a film I'd forgotten about and needs another viewing.
So this is not worth watching? It's on Sky Premiere/Anytime now...
I actually fell asleep during this last night. For the first time ever.
I remember watching this but not much else about it. Can't even remember how the film ended off the top of my head