Batman Arkham Asylum

Huge Batman fan but thought the demo was a bit bland on PS3.
Huge Batman fan but thought the demo was a bit bland on PS3.

Demo showed lots of potential though. I mean from what I've read the demo was just showing off the very basics of the game.
The demo was good, a bit linear and the combat was very easy, but the final room where you could take down the enemies in whatever order you want and however you want was cool and hopefully how most of the game is.
Its by Eidos, the same guys involved in the whole Kane and Lynch gamespot fiasco, I wouldnt trust the reviewers yet.
Its by Eidos, the same guys involved in the whole Kane and Lynch gamespot fiasco, I wouldnt trust the reviewers yet.

Well I've read 3-4 reviews and they've all been universal praise.
What was the Kane and Lynch fiasco?

Hmm, what's this about?

It was to do with GameSpot's review of Kane and Lynch: GameSpot itself received a lot of advertising money from Eidos to have the game advertised practically everywhere around it's site when it came close to release. The gamespot reviewer of the game (Jeff Gerstmann), gave an honest review of the game (i.e. it was horse shit), and this upset Eidos.

Pressure from Eidos forced CNET (the company who owns gamespot) to fire Jeff Gerstmann for simply not giving Eidos's game a favourable score regardless of how bad the game was. Basically Eidos expected that in return for GameSpot's huge advertising funds, gamespot would give an excellent review, and they didnt, which lead to one honest employee losing his job.

Its now been rumoured that for Batman:AA a few reviewers were handpicked and allowed to review the game earlier than others providing they gave the game a favourable review.

from Wikipedia's Jeff Gerstmann article (Jeff Gerstmann - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

Gerstmann was dismissed from his position at GameSpot as Editorial Director on November 28, 2007.[2] Immediately after his termination, rumors circulated proclaiming his dismissal was a result of external pressure from Eidos Interactive the publisher of Kane & Lynch: Dead Men which Gerstmann had previously given a Fair rating, which is relatively undesirable, along with critique.[2][3][4] This was at a time when Eidos had been putting heavy advertising money into GameSpot[5], going as far as transforming the entire website to use a Kane & Lynch theme and background instead of the regular GameSpot layout, regardless of which game or page viewers were seeing. Both GameSpot and parent company CNET stated that his dismissal was unrelated to the negative review, but have never cited any reason why his termination was deserved.[2][6] Following Gerstmann's termination, several other editors left GameSpot, feeling that they could no longer work for a publication that caved in to advertiser pressure, with scores being "softened", and management going in and deliberately editing the staff's reviews to appease advertisers

Bottom line, dont listen to everything reviewers tell you, especially when companies like Eidos are involved.
Yeah this happens especially when advanced reviews are involved. Like when IGN got to review GTA4 a month before release. Big surprise it got a 10. Their hardly going to let you review it a month in advance only to bad mouth the game.

Going to Metacritic close to the games release date is always a pretty accurate representation though.
Going to Metacritic close to the games release date is always a pretty accurate representation though.

Or just read player reviews, they're a lot more accurate than official ones. GameSpot has a great system of comparing the overall critic score against the overall player score, its by this I've discovered many great underrated titles that were torn apart by critics.
Or just read player reviews, they're a lot more accurate than official ones. GameSpot has a great system of comparing the overall critic score against the overall player score, its by this I've discovered many great underrated titles that were torn apart by critics.

Well in this case their nearly identical.
I got my copy today.

3 hours into the game, the graphics are very good but not better than the other blockbusters powered by the Unreal Engine (Bioshock etc.). Having sen a couple of footages. I thought that the game would be superior to what has been released, but Dead Space is still the most stunning game in my opinion.

It is very enjoyable, I was fearful of the beat 'em all aspect of the game being boring in the long run, but the feeling of strenght is so good that you aren't tired of destroying your opponents (and they are many). There are multiple of upgrades, gadgets etc.

Definitely a contender for GOTY, the Batman fans will obviously love the game even more.
About an hour into it, just picked it up earlier today. I'm a huge fan of 3rd person games, mainly the Splinter Cell series being my favorite. This is Splinter Cell on steroids. It looks as though it won't quite have the depth of SC and the many ways you can accomplish missions, but hopefully they can fix that with further games.

All in all so far, a very good buy. I'm not a huge comic fan, but I do enjoy the story lines and hope that they stay true. Batman is my favorite comic "hero" of all time, so this game was a must have for me.
Bought this today and have really enjoyed it.
Tempted, real tempted. Wheres the cheapest not online, any decent supermarket prices?
I'd have to say that this game is definitely worth full price. I'm fully addicted and have set finishing Fallout 3 aside for a week or so. I've been waiting for used games most of the time over the past year, but this one is going to set off a chain of games coming soon that I'll buy upon release.

I love fall time!
This game is awesome. Just got it earlier.

How fecking cool is the scarecrow? The leaping around the floating rubble is actually pretty intense.
Finished the story mode tonight. Very good. I found myself goign round collecting all 240 of The Riddlers hidden things, which is strange because I always find collecting things after games really boring and monotonous, I hate it, however Arkham Asylum made it quite fun and not as repetitive. I love all the detail put into the game as well, like the damage to Batman's suit as the game progresses, the inclusion of all the villains cells and hideouts, and even when i zoomed in on a newspaper there was stuff written on it.

Really is a solid game and easily the best of it's kind out there. 9/10

Downloaded the Joker challenge pack, feck it's hard. You only get x-ray specs, 1 exploding remote controlled teeth thing, and one bullet in your gun.

Up to the Botanical Gardens, good game so far, the Scarecrow sections are easily the best parts fo the game.
On the Botanical Gardens as well. Class game, easily 9.5/10. The gear they keep introducing is awesome, and will definitely keep me playing long after completion, attempting to gather all the collectibles. It helps that I'm an Achievements whore as well.
How many of Batman's villains are in it, and how true are they to their comic book originals? Is Manbat there? :lol:

Like I said earlier, I'm not a huge comic fan but I know most of the storylines, and it seems that this does pretty well in sticking to them. So far, the villians I've come up against are:

The Joker
Poison Ivy
Harley Quinn
The Riddler (not in person, only through his narrated mini quests)
Killer Croc (on his mission right now)

There are hints at other villains, with small easter eggs here and there. Don't know if the villians will make an appearance or if they'll be there later.

The detective side of this game and how they integrated it to keep the game flowing is awesome. Also, how they integrate the backstories of the villians through psych eval interviews that you have to find is pretty badass.