Batistuta is about to be given a free transfer and has stated he would love to play for united
Originally posted by Raoul:
<strong>interesting. whats the source ?</strong><hr></blockquote>
skysports news just reported it
Originally posted by True Treble Reds:
<strong>We can get Kanu for £1m.
<img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laugh Out Loud]" />
Originally posted by Raoul:
<strong>Batigol on a free makes sense. He's yet 33 and still has a couple of good years left in him...especially if it were with an attack minded club.</strong><hr></blockquote>
Another old fart and past his best - no thank you
Originally posted by lchk:
Another old fart and past his best - no thank you</strong><hr></blockquote>
you are obviously forgetting the manager's comments over the past few days. He has literally said he can not spend big for a while. That's why names like diCanio and Gomes were being batted around for a while. A player like Batistuta could keep us ticking over until the Summer. SAF says would have to sell if he wanted to buy big. Now who would you sell to raise the funds, Sherlock ?
Originally posted by Gazza:
<strong>no reason why not. People who say he is past it needs their head examined. Never liked Batistuta himself, but there is no doubting his quality and 33 is not an age to right-off a player of Batigol's calibre.</strong><hr></blockquote>
Batistuta is a player with limited technique, whose main assets have been physical strength, speed and a great shot. Obviously if his strength/speed are not good enough for Serie A, they're certainly not good enough for PL.
Baggio, Di Canio, Chiesa, Sheringham et al, who are more technical can still play at an "ancient" age, because they have never heavily relied on physical strength, but rather dribbling, vision, positioning, good passing/crossing etc. It's the old debate fantasy vs. strength.
Bottom line: Batistuta is too old, and not good anough anymore. Get it Sherlock?
Originally posted by Gazza:
you are obviously forgetting the manager's comments over the past few days. He has literally said he can not spend big for a while. That's why names like diCanio and Gomes were being batted around for a while. A player like Batistuta could keep us ticking over until the Summer. SAF says would have to sell if he wanted to buy big. Now who would you sell to raise the funds, Sherlock ?</strong><hr></blockquote>
I'd rather he try out our youngsters or get someone on loan rather than being saddled with some prima donna past his sell-by date.
Quick fixes is NOT the way forward.
Originally posted by Suedesi:
Batistuta is a player with limited technique, whose main assets have been physical strength, speed and a great shot. Obviously if his strength/speed are not good enough for Serie A, they're certainly not good enough for PL.
Baggio, Di Canio, Chiesa, Sheringham et al, who are more technical can still play at an "ancient" age, because they have never heavily relied on physical strength, but rather dribbling, vision, positioning, good passing/crossing etc. It's the old debate fantasy vs. strength.
Bottom line: Batistuta is too old, and not good anough anymore. Get it Sherlock?</strong><hr></blockquote>
We'll never know unless we give him a chance. People said two years ago Teddy was too old to handle the CL and the Premiership but he did well on all fronts. I know you said his type of player can carry on forever, but the fact is we gave him a chance. At the moment I really can not see the risk against signing Batistuta, if only for a season. It's no loss if he doesn't do a good job, because for the forseeable future Ole and Ruud will be doing the business. You have obviously seen more of GB than I have, but I can not imagine him failing with the likes of Seba, Becks and Giggsy creating chances for him.
Originally posted by lchk:
I'd rather he try out our youngsters or get someone on loan rather than being saddled with some prima donna past his sell-by date.
Quick fixes is NOT the way forward.</strong><hr></blockquote>
maybe, but as Roy has said there are not a great deal of youngsters capable of breaking in to the team up front. I agree Davis should be given a chance, but can you really see SAF playing him more than in the Worthington cup and a couple of meaningless fixtures if we win the league ahead of schedule ?
Originally posted by gulli_G:
<strong>we need the tricky forward, not another snail.</strong><hr></blockquote>
I think Batistuta would be a great rotation/backup player, because that's what we're after. If we can get him at the right price, I'd be happy
Originally posted by blythy:
I think Batistuta would be a great rotation/backup player, because that's what we're after. If we can get him at the right price, I'd be happy</strong><hr></blockquote>
exactly. What if it came to playing three games in a week against quality opposition ? We could play Batigol for the mid-week CL games, problem solved.
Originally posted by lchk:
Another old fart and past his best - no thank you</strong><hr></blockquote>
Yadda, Yadda...
I guess you're still dreaming of Ronaldo. Wake up Itch.
Originally posted by Gazza:
exactly. What if it came to playing three games in a week against quality opposition ? We could play Batigol for the mid-week CL games, problem solved.</strong><hr></blockquote>
You're right. We're not after someone who's garunteed 30+ goals a season, Ruud and Ole are enough. We want someone who has enough quality and experience, to come in and do the job. Batistuta is that, and his European experience is a huge bonus.
Originally posted by blythy:
Yadda, Yadda...
I guess you're still dreaming of Ronaldo. Wake up Itch.</strong><hr></blockquote>
When did I ever mention ronaldo? pizz off... <img src="graemlins/houllier.gif" border="0" alt="[Houllier]" />
Originally posted by lchk:
When did I ever mention ronaldo? pizz off... <img src="graemlins/houllier.gif" border="0" alt="[Houllier]" /> </strong><hr></blockquote>
Well, we all know we need a new Striker, but with SAF saying there is no money in the kitty and PDC and Gomes are all ruled out, who would you suggest ?
Originally posted by Gazza:
maybe, but as Roy has said there are not a great deal of youngsters capable of breaking in to the team up front. I agree Davis should be given a chance, but can you really see SAF playing him more than in the Worthington cup and a couple of meaningless fixtures if we win the league ahead of schedule ?</strong><hr></blockquote>
You brought up a good point there and it is sad to see that we may be forced to rely on a player in his sunset years because our youth teams haven't been able to deliver someone whom Fergie can confidently slot him into first team action.
Originally posted by mu77:
<strong>why not same the same for Batistuta -
i've read that he and veron don't get on that well. that veron's gang of 25-28 yr olds froze bati out in france 98 and in 02 quailifing. that's one reason that crespo and veron would be great , they're friends off the field.
and at his advanced age kept crespo on the bench.</strong><hr></blockquote>
where did you read this ?
Originally posted by Gazza:
Well, we all know we need a new Striker, but with SAF saying there is no money in the kitty and PDC and Gomes are all ruled out, who would you suggest ?</strong><hr></blockquote>
Sadly mate with our lack of funds and promising home-grown strikers, we will have to "scrounge" around for someone free. Just prefer a younger player if that's available but I get your drift.
Originally posted by Gazza:
<strong>People are not in a position to complain if we signed Batigol. It's him or no-one it seems, and if we have to 'scrounge around' for a world-class player like Batistuta I will not be too upset.</strong><hr></blockquote>
Point taken.
Originally posted by Gazza:
<strong>People are not in a position to complain if we signed Batigol. It's him or no-one it seems, and if we have to 'scrounge around' for a world-class player like Batistuta I will not be too upset.</strong><hr></blockquote>
Oh come on: We're the best, richest, most supported club in the world. Surely we can get anyone to play for us![]()
Originally posted by lchk:
Another old fart and past his best - no thank you</strong><hr></blockquote>
We're not buying him as our featured striker. He'd be a fanatstic mentor for Diego and his experience would be incredible if we got into an injury crisis.