Film Batgirl movie cancelled

and then he continues ' It was not a dumpster fire, and even if it was, that is irrelevant. It should be released. ' :lol:

There's a youtuber called Mr H reviews who almost a month ago posted that the test screenings were a mess. Batgirl apparently had visual memory super power - she remembered basically everything she ever saw...
It was obviously going to be turd and I respect WB for not releasing it officially tbh. Perhaps it's the first or second step in sorting out the mess that is there movies.

James Gunn is done with Disney after guardians, let him start from ground zero and reboot the entire universe. Go with a quality over quantity approach.
Apparently it tested….absolutely fine.

The info in this tweet is wrong. A studio picture testing in the 60s is a disaster. Since they are not releasing the actual test screening numbers, you can be sure "about 60-ish" is an aggregate of the screenings, with most being in the 50s, with maybe one of those screenings being over 55. Testing in the 60s for a popcorn / crowd pleaser / 4 quadrant movie is a fecking disaster. They would be lucky to recoup. Testing in the 50s means burn the negative. In no way shape or form is testing in the 50s considered "absolutely fine".
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DC has great heroes and a fantastic range of villains. The batman villains gallery is just something with so much history and background.
Only Spidey villains from Marvel come close imo.

DC didnt even need to try that hard or overthink it given MCU gave them a blueprint.
While I prefer dc's overall world marvel is definitely more suitable for big screen adaptations as its generally more streamlined, the power levels and the comics world of dc can get really wacky at times and years of inconsistency and unneeded reboots have done it no favors.
and then he continues ' It was not a dumpster fire, and even if it was, that is irrelevant. It should be released. ' :lol:

There's a youtuber called Mr H reviews who almost a month ago posted that the test screenings were a mess. Batgirl apparently had visual memory super power - she remembered basically everything she ever saw...
It's part of her character in the comics, and photographic memory is an actual thing. It's not a made up super power.
Apparently most of the visual effects is not done yet and it probably affect the audience score.
It's part of her character in the comics, and photographic memory is an actual thing. It's not a made up super power.
Apparently most of the visual effects is not done yet and it probably affect the audience score.
Yeah but to actually see every small detail is a bit farfetched. I mean look at the bat girl's costume
Heard a rumour that Batman dies in Batgirl. And that this is one of the things sticking in the craw of Zaslav. He wants to take a ten year plan with the holy trinity at the centre piece of the plan. Where the DCeu was headed was to kill off superman and batman and have them be replaced with super girl and batgirl and join up with Wonder Woman to be the new holy trinity. Zaslav sees this as dumb as feck considering the popularity of both the superman and batman characters and the audience draw they have. But from what I understand, The Flash kills off superman and thats still going ahead. So who the feck knows at this point whats going on.

One thing is for sure, Zaslav does not give a single feck. Dude tossed a match on (supposedly)half a billion when he shut down CNN+.

Black Adam has a more box office cast. The studio probably feels a good chance of profitability despite it being awful.

Certainly probably worth the investment in marketing and distribution.
Heard a rumour that Batman dies in Batgirl. And that this is one of the things sticking in the craw of Zaslav. He wants to take a ten year plan with the holy trinity at the centre piece of the plan. Where the DCeu was headed was to kill off superman and batman and have them be replaced with super girl and batgirl and join up with Wonder Woman to be the new holy trinity. Zaslav sees this as dumb as feck considering the popularity of both the superman and batman characters and the audience draw they have. But from what I understand, The Flash kills off superman and thats still going ahead. So who the feck knows at this point whats going on.

One thing is for sure, Zaslav does not give a single feck. Dude tossed a match on (supposedly)half a billion when he shut down CNN+.

Zero chance Superman gets killed off in The Flash now.
Black Adam has a more box office cast. The studio probably feels a good chance of profitability despite it being awful.

Certainly probably worth the investment in marketing and distribution.

Theres also likely to be far more interest to see it in the first place. Because its Black Adam and not "Batgirl Barbara Gordon, but not as you pictured her for half a decade"

And Black Adam is a movie for the cinema while Batgirl was aimed for a tv/streaming release which is why they cancelled it. Because they want to focus on theatrical releases.

However, if it had scored amazingly high and they were really proud of it despite making it for a streaming release instead theres no chance they would cancel it and not find a way to publish it. They'd obviously take the easy win. It wasnt in that category, they dont think it'll be missed business/finances wise and thats why its gone.
Zero chance Superman gets killed off in The Flash now.

To be honest, Im expecting to see a massive reboot and finally getting the DC cinematic universe to rival what Marvel has done. Pulling the plug on pretty much everything instead of trying to make this and that work with whats already there. Some things will probably be safe, like Shazam and Black Adam simply because we haven't really seen any major cross over with the main three. Will be a real shame if they ditch Peacemaker though as I really enjoyed that show and the suicide squad. I don't know how they can release the flash now though, at least not without massive reshoots and a recast. Miller is just toxic as feck at the moment with all the shit that comes out about them. Grooming, cults, assaults, felony burglary. How could they ever do any press stuff without their shenanigans being brought up constantly?

"So here we are, at the premiere of The Flash, that many thought would see the light of day. Im here with its star, Ezra Miller, how you doing, Ezra?",

"Im good, thanks for asking."

"So your character in this film is facing quite an upheaval with all the changes from Flashpoint. And I really wanted to ask, whats with the grooming 12 year old kids?"

I just cant see WB rolling them out into that shit show. But Zaslav has said, its still coming out next year. Utterly bizarre goings on right now.
Heard a rumour that Batman dies in Batgirl. And that this is one of the things sticking in the craw of Zaslav. He wants to take a ten year plan with the holy trinity at the centre piece of the plan. Where the DCeu was headed was to kill off superman and batman and have them be replaced with super girl and batgirl and join up with Wonder Woman to be the new holy trinity. Zaslav sees this as dumb as feck considering the popularity of both the superman and batman characters and the audience draw they have. But from what I understand, The Flash kills off superman and thats still going ahead. So who the feck knows at this point whats going on.

One thing is for sure, Zaslav does not give a single feck. Dude tossed a match on (supposedly)half a billion when he shut down CNN+.

Sounds like this came from an incels fan fiction so they could shoehorn in a way to carry on the complaining about Marvel Endgame's all women fight scene. Is there any evidence of this? On the contrary they were actively developing a Black Superman story and setting up Shazam for an encounter with Superman.
Sounds like this came from an incels fan fiction so they could shoehorn in a way to carry on the complaining about Marvel Endgame's all women fight scene. Is there any evidence of this? On the contrary they were actively developing a Black Superman story and setting up Shazam for an encounter with Superman.

Its all rumours from "people in the know". The Flash kills off Superman and Batman through Flash point. This introduces Super girl who arrived instead of Clark. And Keatons Batman is reintroduced. This is why Batfleck was brought in for reshoots for Aquaman 2, because it was actually Keaton that was in that movie but because The Flash hasn't released, it would be weird seeing him as he hasn't been introduced. Although at this point, Aquaman 2 has also been pushed back massively. Then, Keatons Batman being old and now a mentor to Batgirl would follow the usual mentor trope of dying to give the main character something to spur them on.

I don't know if its changed, but there was a black superman story on the schedule, but he would NOT have been part of the DCEU just like Pattinsons The Batman isn't part of it. They hired a guy called Ta-Nehisi Coates to write it over a year ago and were looking for a director last I heard. At this point in time Walter Hamada who was kinda like the DCs Fiege, or one them. He was talking about a multiverse, and having multiple versions of the same characters going at once. For example Affleck and Pattinson playing two different Batmans at the same time. So that was the plan a year ago, or up until the merger. Ann Sarnoff, the chairman at the time at WB was really against the Synderverse going forward. Sarnoff was of the opinion that the synderverse was a trilogy and is now complete. She was fired after the merger, and since she was only in the role since 2019 its not really on her for the decade of drek, but she's gone. only Hamada is still there having taken up his current role in 2018, so also not his fault for the decade of shit. But Sarnoff, according to "those in the know", was pushing for the Supergirl and Batgirl changes to come from the The Flash and putting the final nail in the Synderverse. This was the reason she was one of the first out the door, supposedly. And to be honest, you can see why if its true. Superman and Batman and Wonder Woman are the three most popular characters for DC. To kill off two of them, or to sideline them as much as has been done is shocking. It was 2013 since the last Superman movie came out at a time when superhero movies are cleaning up. The team up movies don't count, as he's hardly in them. From 2010 to 2019, superhero movies was guaranteed cash. And look at the state of the DCEU compared to Marvel? Its just a massive waste of time and unrealised revenue.

If you wanna dismiss all this as the demented ramblings of neckbeards who cant get a woman to touch them, thats up to you. Doesn't really matter at this point as its not happening anymore. What I will say is that women in movies are being pushed as really big selling points these days. So it would be pretty weird if DC didnt try and jump on that band wagon. Marvel is doing it with having a majority roster of its heroes going forward being women. So, I can absolutely believe that DC would be trying to do the same thing in their insane catch up play that they have been doing over the years. Not everything is just incels moaning, sometimes Hollywood really is just chasing what it thinks is going to sell the most.
If you wanna dismiss all this as the demented ramblings of neckbeards who cant get a woman to touch them, thats up to you. Doesn't really matter at this point as its not happening anymore. What I will say is that women in movies are being pushed as really big selling points these days. So it would be pretty weird if DC didnt try and jump on that band wagon. Marvel is doing it with having a majority roster of its heroes going forward being women. So, I can absolutely believe that DC would be trying to do the same thing in their insane catch up play that they have been doing over the years. Not everything is just incels moaning, sometimes Hollywood really is just chasing what it thinks is going to sell the most.

That makes no sense, that isn't the plot of flashpoint. There's no reason whatsoever to go down that route and add in random deaths for two of DC's biggest draws for no reason. Flashpoint resets the DCEU with the heroes intact, it doesn't kill them.

More women in movies is a great thing, but I don't see any evidence to go conspiracy mode and say the biggest and most recognizable male characters are getting purposely killed for no reason at all other than to herald in leading women. It's more likely that women heroes will be introduced alongside the men and spin off groups will be created like Marvel are doing with young avengers, going for more widespread coverage of the IP using streaming services rather than sticking with a narrow scope of only a few people on movies.
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That makes no sense, that isn't the plot of flashpoint. There's no reason whatsoever to go down that route and add in random deaths for two of DC's biggest draws for no reason. Flashpoint resets the DCEU with the heroes intact, it doesn't kill them.

More women in movies is a great thing, but I don't see any evidence to go conspiracy mode and say the biggest and most recognizable male characters are getting purposely killed for no reason at all other than to herald in leading women. It's more likely that women heroes will be introduced alongside the men and spin off groups will be created like Marvel are doing with young avengers, going for more widespread coverage of the IP using streaming services rather than sticking with a narrow scope of only a few people on movies.

Yeah, youre right. It does make no sense. Which is probably why she was fired as I said. And there was a reason, dumb identity politics. For all the incels in the world screaming about...whatever they scream about. Theres just as many idiots thinking that theres some kind of competition going on and that we cant have a little something for everyone. Sarnoff, by all reports, was one of these people. Just like the incels who think theres no male leads anymore, she's one of those that thinks there no female leads. Overreactions for everybody. yay! Remember, the whole point of that girl power scene in end game was because someone had a public dig at Fiege for a lack of female heroes when wonder women came out and was insanely popular. Theres always someone trying to put their finger on the scale one way or the other. We cant just have nice things, we always need to be stuck in someone else's bullshit culture wars.

As for Batgirl, that movie appears to have been really hard done by. I was watching the critical drinker the other day and he had done an interview with the guys who directed the movie. So he sent them a text saying "sorry about your movie" and they exchanged texts for a bit. They said that the movie did test really poorly, but that it wasnt their movie. It was a studio cut that was screened. They didnt even get a chance to edit the movie the way they wanted. It was all studio. So its actually so much worse for those guys. They didnt get to cut the film they wanted, but the WB has said the movie they made was so shit it couldn't be released. Really shitty on WBs part. Hopefully it doesn't affect their career. But yeah, WB has been a shit show for awhile. Im pretty sure the studio has stuck its nose into just about every release, and derailed it.