If we are going with "what we want" then I wanted us to give Pogba some gametime and/or address the midfield problem five years ago. I dont see the sense in taking a decent homegrown player who could hold down a place in our squad, and letting their contract run out so that we cant even sell them. Cleverley was at one point highly rated, he and Anderson (

started to form what looked like quite a promising partnership in midfield at one stage. Exactly how and why Cleverley apparently declined I am not sure, although I do have a theory that Cleverley would have looked a lot better had we bought someone decent to play alongside him and/or stopped playing a two-man midfield/4-4-2.
Cleverley is however of all the players I mentioned, the one where it can fairly be argued that he simply didnt make the grade despite getting a decent amount of gametime, and I am not going to dispute that.