Bafta Video Game Awards


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Nov 30, 2006
Hunting The Hunter !
Not that the Oscars, Golden Globes and all that other mumbo jumbo is out the way. Its finally time for the main event.

Live tonight on GAME British Academy Video Game Awards

The Main Award:
GAME Award

* Call of Duty: Black Ops

* Dance Central

* FIFA 11

* Halo Reach

* Heavy Rain

* Limbo

* Mass Effect 2

* Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit

* Red Dead Redemption

* Super Mario Galaxy 2

COD:BO to do a Kings Speech and clean-up ?
I hope not. ME2 and RDR for me, from that list. Both worthy winners.
You could be right. MW2 was expected to clean up last year and the big awards went to Arkham Asylum and Uncharted 2.
Yeah I hope not. Black Ops was basically repackaged MW2.

SMG2 or RDR for me. But would love it if Limbo won. Great little game.

I really despise all of the commotion and hype around the CoD series; they're good games but honestly nothing ground-breaking or revolutionary.
I might actually watch that - should be good entertainment with O'Briain as host. He does a brilliant routine on the pleasures of gaming.

I saw him live last year, did a whole bit about Solid Snake being the worst secret agent of all time. Twas amusing, well to the half of the audience that knew what he was on about.

I think Red Dead or Mass Effect will win best game, Heavy Rain and SMG2 should be close behind. My only fear is if it was voted for by the unwashed masses, in which case we'll get COD winning everything.
I have just read that the only category which is voted for by the public, is the BAFTA Game Award.

So, will the COD haters outweigh the fans, is the question.
* Call of Duty: Black Ops

* Dance Central

* FIFA 11

* Halo Reach

* Heavy Rain

* Limbo

* Mass Effect 2

* Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit

* Red Dead Redemption

* Super Mario Galaxy 2

I own all the ones in bold and yet I have played Black Ops more than any by quite a distance. As I would say a lot of people have. Is that how we record our favourite?

Best game though would RDR but most played Black Ops.

I loved Heavy Rain but I completed it within 2 days and not played it since. Limbo too
And MP is great isnt it? Ive not even played the single player on Black Ops yet

Its just hard to look past the game I have played most this year

This'll be why you've enjoyed Black Ops so much! I don't really play much MP (I need a narrative!) but you'd understand why it gets so slated if you played the SP. It really is abysmal.
And MP is great isnt it? Ive not even played the single player on Black Ops yet

Its just hard to look past the game I have played most this year

MP just bores me now, loved MW1 to bits but since then it's all just gone down hill imo. SP is where the concentration should go not MP.
This'll be why you've enjoyed Black Ops so much! I don't really play much MP (I need a narrative!) but you'd understand why it gets so slated if you played the SP. It really is abysmal.

For what it's worth I really liked the Black Ops SP story, though it was very short
Black Ops single player was the best in the franchise so far.
For games like COD MP is the only reason why most will buy it so in this game they should not concentrate on SP at all.

It is games like Dead Space, Bioshock and AC were they put together an unnecessary MP though, because with those type of games it simply aint needed
Yeah, 2 best games of the year easily. Black Ops was crap.

I wouldn't say it was crap, but FPS's have just got a tad tedious to me. They need something to stand out from the crowd, or a decent single player story, and i couldn't play the MP for longer than a week or so before i was bored senseless with replaying the same couple of maps over and over.

I also figured out the ending of it long before it was revealed which made it kinda anticlimactic.
I wouldn't say it was crap, but FPS's have just got a tad tedious to me. They need something to stand out from the crowd, or a decent single player story, and i couldn't play the MP for longer than a week or so before i was bored senseless with replaying the same couple of maps over and over.

I also figured out the ending of it long before it was revealed which made it kinda anticlimactic.

I had a quick bash on Bulletstorm on the 360 earlier. It is a little different to your standard FPS.
For games like COD MP is the only reason why most will buy it so in this game they should not concentrate on SP at all.

It is games like Dead Space, Bioshock and AC were they put together an unnecessary MP though, because with those type of games it simply aint needed

And this is what I meant by Halo/CoD winning showing how fecked the industry has become, MP seems all most people want these days and as for totaly scrapping SP... Seriously?
Technical Innovation Nominees:

* Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood

* Call of Duty: Black Ops

* Halo: Reach

* Heavy Rain

* Kinectimals

* Super Mario Galaxy 2

Winner is : Heavy Rain of course :smirk:
I've got Heavy Rain waiting for me, so I wouldn't mind seeing Heavy Rain taking whatever comes their way.
Best Use of Audio goes to Battlefield: Bad Company 2. Not actually played that one so can't comment, but i thought Limbo had a shout as that was eerie as hell.
Best Use of Audio goes to Battlefield: Bad Company 2. Not actually played that one so can't comment, but i thought Limbo had a shout as that was eerie as hell.

Deserved winner. The audio on BC2 is awesome. I think the Battlefield games are renowned for it.