The Anderson runs up there are fantastic, but it's not exactly something that requires an unbelievable amount of skill.
Timing, vision and speed are skills as well.
The Anderson runs up there are fantastic, but it's not exactly something that requires an unbelievable amount of skill.
Timing, vision and speed are skills as well.
Agreed. Not trying to say that you just need to be an athlete to take the ball forward - there are obviously other contributing factors. Just trying to highlight that it's something we could see a lot more of given the average level of skill of your professional footballer. It's a confidence thing.
The whole rationale to the OP is a bit weird tbh. It boils down to "don't dribble the ball into opposition players". Er... ok.
When attacking space goes wrong
The amount of stick I get on this website over the last few months/last year is actually incredible.
You can always guess which posters aswell.
It really is some experience.
You're just not thinking outside the box amol. Dig a little deeper and it'll open up a whole new level of appreciation for the game.
I hear you Boss. It's vitally important to attack the space.
Watch Usain Bolt here, attacking the space. He sees the space, and he attacks it. They all do in fact. All of them. But he attacks it more. Nothing is going to stop him attacking that space.
Here's another example. John Cleese, the master of attacking space, in one of his most infamous space attacks. Watch him from 0.09. He sees the space. Makes up his mind, and then at 0.13, boom, he attacks it. Classic space attacking. All the way.
Mesmeric isn't it? Look at how he skips past that long line of men in smocks. Beautiful isn't it?
Now I've read Cleese is one of the few people capable of this in England. I ask, why? At times it's the quickest route to the other side of the street.
In Spain, where everything is amazing and brilliant and that, due to their slower style of play, the space is often presented more...often. As such it is ripe for attacking. Hard.
Ewanio McGregio was a fine proponent of attacking the space in his day. As evidenced below.
Why can't we do this more often? Why can't we just attack the space? Why can't everything be like it is in Spain? I'd like a sleep in the middle of the day. Why can't I do that? Why can't Darron Gibson attack the space? Why can't Michael Carrick attack the space? Why can't I sit outside of Lionel Messi's house singing him love poetry I've written in esperanto with my own blood and faeces? How can a team of lawyers possibly rule that to be dangerous and obsessive behaviour?
In summary. Attack the space.
And really, the players mentioned in the op are ones with top class technique. They can afford to drive forward with the ball because their control is good enough to manipulate it in the event of defenders getting closer. Get a Darren Fletcher to do the same and hell lose the ball. I'm not sure what the point here is really?
Attack the space is Bangerang