Asus EEE Pad Transformer

Right, I've got to think of a present for my 21st and at the moment and this seems to be the one. Would I regret it if I didn't spend the extra £100 for the Prime or is the TF101 a perfectly good piece of kit that I'll have no complaints with? The extra £100 will come out of my pocket and it's definitely affordable but it's whether or not it's really necessary.
Right, I've got to think of a present for my 21st and at the moment and this seems to be the one. Would I regret it if I didn't spend the extra £100 for the Prime or is the TF101 a perfectly good piece of kit that I'll have no complaints with? The extra £100 will come out of my pocket and it's definitely affordable but it's whether or not it's really necessary.

Wait another month or so.

Buy the 201 because its price will fall since they're releasing a new 700 series.
Right, I've got to think of a present for my 21st and at the moment and this seems to be the one. Would I regret it if I didn't spend the extra £100 for the Prime or is the TF101 a perfectly good piece of kit that I'll have no complaints with? The extra £100 will come out of my pocket and it's definitely affordable but it's whether or not it's really necessary.

You should by the new 300, thats a slightly underclocked version of the Prime, with a plastic shell instead of the metallic one. And its about $100 cheaper.