Assassin's Creed II

Yes, this is the new version of the 'Enter Rome' trailer.

I prefer the original version though:

How long is the AC2 game? I'm past the point at which I:

kill the fat man, doge, on a boat during a carnavale

And it says it's 42%, I don't think I'll need 100% to complete the story, how many is it then?
No, that's quite near the end. I'm not sure what percentage exactly corresponds with the main story line, but there are alot of 'side missions' like races, assassinations, deliveries, chasing feathers, hidden symbols, etc.

Also, there are two sequences brought out as dlc.

Might change the 'code' tags into 'spoiler' tags though ;)
No, that's quite near the end. I'm not sure what percentage exactly corresponds with the main story line, but there are alot of 'side missions' like races, assassinations, deliveries, chasing feathers, hidden symbols, etc.

Also, there are two sequences brought out as dlc.

Might change the 'code' tags into 'spoiler' tags though ;)

:lol: I've changed it.

I don't think it's that close to be honest. It says that I've completed 9th sequence and there are supposed to be 14 sequences from what I've read. A bit too many if you ask me, it's got repetitive already and I'd like to finish it in two or three next hours, I may not unfortunately.
:lol: I've changed it.

I don't think it's that close to be honest. It says that I've completed 9th sequence and there are supposed to be 14 sequences from what I've read. A bit too many if you ask me, it's got repetitive already and I'd like to finish it in two or three next hours, I may not unfortunately.
Ok, I thought it was a bit closer to the end.
But anyway, sequences 12 and 13 aren't really there, unless you buy them. And sequences 11 and 14 are quite short compared to the others.

You can find the list here: Assassin's Creed II Walkthrough - The Assassin's Creed Wiki - Assassins Creed, Assassins Creed 2, walkthroughs, and more
Ok, I thought it was a bit closer to the end.
But anyway, sequences 12 and 13 aren't really there, unless you buy them. And sequences 11 and 14 are quite short compared to the others.

You can find the list here: Assassin's Creed II Walkthrough - The Assassin's Creed Wiki - Assassins Creed, Assassins Creed 2, walkthroughs, and more

I've just completed Sequence 10, and indeed Sequences 11 and 14 are supposed to be very short but I've bought the platinum version that's been released lately so I have 12 and 13 too. I probably have 2 or 3 hours of the game left which will bring my total to about 12 hours, not that much indeed, I thought it'd be more like 20 hours when my clock was going so fast and my percentage was barely moving. At 47% already with 9 hours passed.

Good game, a little too easy for my taste because once you got a good armor and weapon you're virtually immortal (especially as you can have 5 medicines in your pocket)

UPDATE: Ah, I've just noticed I won't have to complete 12 and 13 to complete the game. Well, I probably won't now, I will get back to it when AC:B is released because it's supposed to be connected. I was thinking about trading the game but I probably won't because it's really good and I'd like to get back to it sometime in the future, and £10 I'd probably get for it in my trading store wouldn't get me anything very good.
Ah ok, I liked the two extra sequences. One because it unlocked the last part of Florence and handled an interesting part of history (Savonarola). And the other (in Forli) because the mission itself was quite fun.

I prefer to play most of those side missions in between the main storyline missions. Makes the game last longer and finishing them all together after the main missions are finished is less fun. But some things (like the feathers), I just don't bother with.
Ah ok, I liked the two extra sequences. One because it unlocked the last part of Florence and handled an interesting part of history (Savonarola). And the other (in Forli) because the mission itself was quite fun.

I prefer to play most of those side missions in between the main storyline missions. Makes the game last longer and finishing them all together after the main missions are finished is less fun. But some things (like the feathers), I just don't bother with.

I seldom do the side missions in games, especially now that I've put several games on my shelf and barely have enough time to play them. I already think whether to play Enslaved, MGS4, Prince of Persia, Just Cause 2 or GTA next. :D Though admittedly I'd rather play the whole game because those side missions are usually fun and when you pay a full price for a game you usually want it to last longer, just not when you've mindlessly bought too many games and want to play them all. I probably completed more games last month than in my entire history of owning PS3 before.

I just noticed none of DLCs is really connected to AC:B, I thought it'd take place in Rome but turns out that Rome and Romagna are two completely different places. :lol: So I may do them now, though I think I have to complete 14 to get to them anyway.

AC:B should be good as Rome is supposed to be three or four times the size of Venice and Florence. I'll be trading my copy of Enslaved for it when it's out in three weeks.
Yes, my biggest disappointment about AC:II was the limited part of Rome at the end. Very glad they made a 2.5 version of the game which is mainly played in Rome.

And AC:B has a very addictive multiplayer as well. I preordered mine and I'm playing the multiplayer beta now.
Yes, my biggest disappointment about AC:II was the limited part of Rome at the end. Very glad they made a 2.5 version of the game which is mainly played in Rome.

And AC:B has a very addictive multiplayer as well. I preordered mine and I'm playing the multiplayer beta now.

Rome will be even more interesting for me than the other two cities because I've been to Rome twice and I'd look to see how the one in the game compares to the real one.

How does AC2 compare to the first one? Because I've owned the old Assasins Creed for a while but haven't really played it so far. It's supposed to be slightly worse, but how is it different exactly? I thought controls and stuff you do are basically the same.
Controls are basically the same, but you should have played the first game first as the overarching story is really interesting. The missions are more repetitive though, and there are a huge amount of flags to collect.