"decent wage", "look after his family financially"
Listen to yourself. Do you for a second think if he retired today he'd have even the slightest worries about working for the rest of his life?!
So, I suppose when players like Neymar negotiate hard, to earn £750Kpw, instead of say £400kpw, they are being greedy?
It's the way of the World, mate.
You try hiring a top barrister, for example, on the cheap and you will get nowhere. Professionals (especially those with good agents), will always negotiate the best possible deal.
Understand this: no matter how rich a person is, he/she will generally try and acquire more, be it a bonus, a wage or financial package. This is how the World works unfortunately and is the reason why there is such a huge disparity between the richest and the poorest.
Regarding "being set for life". Footballers have proven, time and time again, that after earning millions, they can end up in serious debt 10 or so years later. I remember watching a TV show on debt collectors. They were collecting from Neil "Razor" Ruddock. The guy earned big money, yet could not afford to pay bills.
Have a read of other, muli millionaire footballers, struggling in their later years: