Probably you don't understand.
The problem is not what points you have after 6 games, but what points you will have after 19 games.
By 19 games last season you had 2 draws and 1 loss ( To United at OT

). So beating United in emirates happened last season also.
So for any resemblance of last season, you guys need to lose only 1 game and win the next 12 games till game 19.
Is that possible? You know it's not possible.
I have always maintained the 2022-23 first half of the season from Arteta was such a big anomaly. A 50 point in 19 games is such a big anomaly. Arteta is a 30-35 points manager in 19 games. As it happened in the second part of the last season.
And all the pointers point to it being as business as usual for Arteta in this new season.