Arsenal 2023/24 - Born to be runner up

Almost £200m and I don’t think they have improved that much.
It’s weird because they was all raving about Partey last season and sayin he’s better than Casemiro yet they’ve replaced him with Rice? Unless they play them both together.
It’s weird because they was all raving about Partey last season and sayin he’s better than Casemiro yet they’ve replaced him with Rice? Unless they play them both together.
There’s a bit of an issue coming up with HMPartey, that’s why. There’s been a cluster of Saudi links, recently
Well, they are certainly clearly better than 17 teams in the league, I think Liverpool will challenge them for 2nd, City will very likely win the league.

They are so underrated and disrespected on here, I don't know if it is jealousy or just historic hatred but they are heading in a good direction with their oldest first XI player being just 26.
Well, they are certainly clearly better than 17 teams in the league, I think Liverpool will challenge them for 2nd, City will very likely win the league.

They are so underrated and disrespected on here, I don't know if it is jealousy or just historic hatred but they are heading in a good direction with their oldest first XI player being just 26.
On the caf, everyone is shit :cool:
Well, they are certainly clearly better than 17 teams in the league, I think Liverpool will challenge them for 2nd, City will very likely win the league.

They are so underrated and disrespected on here, I don't know if it is jealousy or just historic hatred but they are heading in a good direction with their oldest first XI player being just 26.
What on earth have Liverpool done to suggest that they are fighting for 2nd?
-90% chance City wins the league
-Pool will get much closer to us for 2nd place. I still feel we will keep second place.
-I suspect we will get around 80-82 points
-hopefully we have a good run in the CL and FA Cup. That should be a goal now.

Our players are young but fairly experienced now. Our key players are signed to long term deals....we are looking good for the future I hope the team stays healthy and we should do fairly well.
What on earth have Liverpool done to suggest that they are fighting for 2nd?

Liverpool have an established team. The results didn't always show it last year, but their class is obvious. I would be a little concerned defensively though as VVD looks like a shadow of the player he was but I feel other than City and us, they are the only other team that can run rampant over their opposition fairly consistently. The others are still figuring things out, and need more time, not just players coming in. Man Utd will be there soon too I am sure but maybe not quite this year or at least at the start of it.
Liverpool have an established team. The results didn't always show it last year, but their class is obvious. I would be a little concerned defensively though as VVD looks like a shadow of the player he was but I feel other than City and us, they are the only other team that can run rampant over their opposition fairly consistently. The others are still figuring things out, and need more time, not just players coming in. Man Utd will be there soon too I am sure but maybe not quite this year or at least at the start of it.
Chelsea , United, Liverpool all have equal chances of getting the second place. The window is still young and I don't see any team being far superior to other.
It’s weird because they was all raving about Partey last season and sayin he’s better than Casemiro yet they’ve replaced him with Rice? Unless they play them both together.

Seems odd doesn't it. I can only imagine it's because Partey has had a few injury issues. Can't be anything else can it.
-90% chance City wins the league
-Pool will get much closer to us for 2nd place. I still feel we will keep second place.
-I suspect we will get around 80-82 points
-hopefully we have a good run in the CL and FA Cup. That should be a goal now.

Our players are young but fairly experienced now. Our key players are signed to long term deals....we are looking good for the future I hope the team stays healthy and we should do fairly well.

Arsenal fans are my favourite for getting ahead of themselves.
You've had one season in the sun, in many many years, and now you think 2nd is suddenly a given?

What if last year was just an amazing coming together of all your young attackers and was a one off?

There's absolutely no given after City.
United could finish truly anywhere from 2nd to 6th I think.
Chelsea , United, Liverpool all have equal chances of getting the second place. The window is still young and I don't see any team being far superior to other.

Yep, definitely too early to judge.
We didn't get going last year until we brought Casemiro and Antony in and Martinez had got over those first couple of team being a shambles games.
Will we make any game changing signings this season? Hard to say right now.
So what is the expected strongest lineup? Would guess something like:
Timber - Saliba - Gabriel - Zinchenko
Havertz - Odegaard
Saka - Jesus - Martinelli

If Havertz is a hit, then they will be incredible. If not, it is probably enough for top 4 but unsure if they are genuine contenders.
-90% chance City wins the league
-Pool will get much closer to us for 2nd place. I still feel we will keep second place.
-I suspect we will get around 80-82 points
-hopefully we have a good run in the CL and FA Cup. That should be a goal now.

Our players are young but fairly experienced now. Our key players are signed to long term deals....we are looking good for the future I hope the team stays healthy and we should do fairly well.

I love how other fans are writing United off when they actually improved the most last season with a 17 point swing, not sure about Mount but something’s definitely brewing with all the recent Qatari activity, fans of every other club have dismissed united out of sight, thinking united are done, Glazers will finally grind them into the dust but when another ‘Al Thani son’ just likes the post of Mount joining and all of sudden United are looking at 2 or 3 new players, I genuinely can’t wait to see opposition fans when United under a new regime look like a monster club again it’s going to be hysterical.
Chelsea , United, Liverpool all have equal chances of getting the second place. The window is still young and I don't see any team being far superior to other.
I’d go further and say right now group those 3 teams with Newcastle and Arsenal and you have 5 teams vying for 4 places, remember top 5 this season qualify for CL football. City will hover around 90-95 points again and Villa for me are serious dark horses!
It is a good sign that Saka and Saliba renewed and there is no need to replace our players every season. Arteta got to keep the foundation he built and further improves on that this in transfer window.

I’d go further and say right now group those 3 teams with Newcastle and Arsenal and you have 5 teams vying for 4 places, remember top 5 this season qualify for CL football. City will hover around 90-95 points again and Villa for me are serious dark horses!
Arsenal, Chelsea, Spurs, Liverpool, United, Newcastle and Villa are fighting the remaining 4 CL spots. 7 clubs for 4 places.
It is a good sign that Saka and Saliba renewed and there is no need to replace our players every season. Arteta got to keep the foundation he built and further improves on that this in transfer window.

Arsenal, Chelsea, Spurs, Liverpool, United, Newcastle and Villa are fighting the remaining 4 CL spots. 7 clubs for 4 places.
Really can’t see spurs in the mix and this season will be just one season to early for Villa remember they are playing Thursday Sunday football and will be huge favourites for European conference league.
Arsenal fans are my favourite for getting ahead of themselves.
You've had one season in the sun, in many many years, and now you think 2nd is suddenly a given?

What if last year was just an amazing coming together of all your young attackers and was a one off?

There's absolutely no given after City.
United could finish truly anywhere from 2nd to 6th I think.
I’d say 1st to 5th after SJ buys the club with the caveat that I think Newcastle are exactly the same, SJ will be actively involved in huge transfer dealing during the winter window, if that happens Arsenal and the others will now have to deal with 3 Sheikh your booty clubs, Newcastle are not here just to qualify, SA want to win too and they are well ahead of schedule.
@CannonBalls @GoonerBear I’ll hold my hands up and say I didn’t envisage you guys spending like you are and it does change the perspective as you should be a different entity to what you ended the last campaign as.

You should be in the mix for the outlay.
So what is the expected strongest lineup? Would guess something like:
Timber - Saliba - Gabriel - Zinchenko
Havertz - Odegaard
Saka - Jesus - Martinelli

If Havertz is a hit, then they will be incredible. If not, it is probably enough for top 4 but unsure if they are genuine contenders.
This looks very suspect defensively.
It’s so weird that people rag on Arsenal. I think it’s a hatred gleaned from AFTV. This despite most Arsenal fans despising the channel.

Historic English club. Great rivalry with United in our most prosperous periods. Closest team to rival City for the next 12-24 months. Manager is a brilliant but annoying Toss but most of their players are likeable. Had a women’s team before it was cool. Great fan base - their accepted rehabilitation of Xhaka is something we’d all do well to take lessons from. Young talented team that plays front foot football. Really don’t get the hate.

We are not going to win the league. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

I’d love them to improve on last season. Arteta is what I want EtH to be for us.
Soon as they signed Jorginho I knew they weren’t going to win the league.

They can’t be messing with players like that if they have ambition.

Same thing happened a few years back the moment Liverpool signed Thiago.

They have never been the same again.

Any predictions on this summer's signings without the benefit of hindsight?
So what is the expected strongest lineup? Would guess something like:
Timber - Saliba - Gabriel - Zinchenko
Havertz - Odegaard
Saka - Jesus - Martinelli

If Havertz is a hit, then they will be incredible. If not, it is probably enough for top 4 but unsure if they are genuine contenders.

I think they’re going for a budget City squad. Ben White is a better full back than Timber. But both can play centre half. They’ve enlarged their squad in two positions with one player.

Their squad was shagged from March. Adding depth would have seen them win at least another 6 points I think. Still wouldn’t have won the league but City would have had to play until the last day.

Saliba and Ramsdale are their only irreplaceables right now. Noting that Saka and Odergard are their best two players, albeit in easier positions to cover in a short term period.
It’s so weird that people rag on Arsenal. I think it’s a hatred gleaned from AFTV. This despite most Arsenal fans despising the channel.

Historic English club. Great rivalry with United in our most prosperous periods. Closest team to rival City for the next 12-24 months. Manager is a brilliant but annoying Toss but most of their players are likeable. Had a women’s team before it was cool. Great fan base - their accepted rehabilitation of Xhaka is something we’d all do well to take lessons from. Young talented team that plays front foot football. Really don’t get the hate.

We are not going to win the league. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

I’d love them to improve on last season. Arteta is what I want EtH to be for us.
Even though the tasks are different in these two clubs, but ETH did a much much better job in his first season with Man Utd result wise. He delivered a league cup and a CL place.
I think they’re going for a budget City squad. Ben White is a better full back than Timber. But both can play centre half. They’ve enlarged their squad in two positions with one player.

Their squad was shagged from March. Adding depth would have seen them win at least another 6 points I think. Still wouldn’t have won the league but City would have had to play until the last day.

Saliba and Ramsdale are their only irreplaceables right now. Noting that Saka and Odergard are their best two players, albeit in easier positions to cover in a short term period.
There is still no cover for Saka, and I surely hope Timber can be a competitor/cover for Saliba, Gabriel and White. Holding is a nice lad but he is a bit short in quality.
Stan provided loan to arsenal with 0.5% interest rate.

"Where did the money come from?
  • So how does a club like Arsenal, who are constantly embattled with trying to source capital to fund transfers, manage to cough up £150m or more to repay this debt? The answer lies in the club’s ownership structure.
  • Arsenal is effectively owned by Stan Kroenke, through the Kroenke Sports & Entertainment company (KSE). As the owner, Mr. Kroenke has likely decided that it would be more beneficial for Arsenal to owe the stadium debt to him and his company, and not to the previous bondholders.
  • So in essence, Arsenal’s owner has paid off a large portion of the club’s external debt. But this debt has not been waived entirely for Arsenal, and the payout has not been funded through owner provided equity capital. As a result, Arsenal will still owe more than £150m in debt, but rather to KSE as opposed to other external parties."
This is the investment of their own capital, otherwise where the money comes from? Spurs has similar wage bill and new stadium, just like Arsenal, with more CL money than Arsenal in the past 5 years. Spurs also has more revenue than Arsenal. This whole Arteta project is bankrolled by the owner.

Think everyone knows that they refinanced the stadium debt during Covid, to help reduce interest payments and it also freed up some money that had to be held in reserve because of the bonds.

I see that separate from the reason behind being able to invest in players. I'm not sure if Kronke is investing money allowing us to do that. It's more the reasons Feeling Dangerous has said, added with the fact Kronke is allowing us to make losses, and also we have a big amortisation bill in terms of payment for players.

@CannonBalls @GoonerBear I’ll hold my hands up and say I didn’t envisage you guys spending like you are and it does change the perspective as you should be a different entity to what you ended the last campaign as.

You should be in the mix for the outlay.

No problem mate, I always thought we'd do £200m - £250m gross and try and recoup £50m- £100m in sales.

Think we're making the headlines because we've managed to get our targets in early but by the end of the window I expect a good few clubs to have spent over £150m at the very least.
They are having a good summer. Identified targets early and get them through the door no matter the cost
Think everyone knows that they refinanced the stadium debt during Covid, to help reduce interest payments and it also freed up some money that had to be held in reserve because of the bonds.

I see that separate from the reason behind being able to invest in players. I'm not sure if Kronke is investing money allowing us to do that. It's more the reasons Feeling Dangerous has said, added with the fact Kronke is allowing us to make losses, and also we have a big amortisation bill in terms of payment for players.
Arsenal is not even publicly traded. It is 100% owned by KSE. All the money in Arsenal is Kronke's money. I don't understand the logic about " Arsenal is a self sustain club and the owner doesn't invest his money" comes from. It is a private company.
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They are having a good summer. Identified targets early and get them through the door no matter the cost

I think that is how it should be.
In any case transfer fees are arbitrary. Find a player which fits the team and try to get him unless the team is asking crazy money. While I understand we have overpaid for Rice but it's still not crazy money. And many could make a case that we overpaid for White/Ramsdale aswell. But they worked out well for us so no one cares. Crazy money is probably what we paid for Pepe but that deal was dodgy anyway and the guy got fired for it.

We have had days where we were scrapping the barrel to find value buys on deadline days. Those rarely work. I prefer this much better
I think that is how it should be.
In any case transfer fees are arbitrary. Find a player which fits the team and try to get him unless the team is asking crazy money. While I understand we have overpaid for Rice but it's still not crazy money. And many could make a case that we overpaid for White/Ramsdale aswell. But they worked out well for us so no one cares. Crazy money is probably what we paid for Pepe but that deal was dodgy anyway and the guy got fired for it.

We have had days where we were scrapping the barrel to find value buys on deadline days. Those rarely work. I prefer this much better
Still haven't won anything yet. And the funny thing about White is that you signed him to be a cb but he wasn't good enough, then you lucked out when he forged a decent connection with Saks.
Still haven't won anything yet. And the funny thing about White is that you signed him to be a cb but he wasn't good enough, then you lucked out when he forged a decent connection with Saks.

We lucked out because we had a player in the squad that is probably superior to White in his centre back position, so we adjusted tactics and found a new position to utilise White.

Some might call it luck, some might call it good coaching.
It feels like these signings have been made for the fans rather than to aid their best 11.

They need a mf to sit next to a partey/rice (much like we did) and a striker, not another CAM in havertz, where will havertz even play in their 11, replacing odegaard? No, Saka? no.

But the fans can now no longer say the club won't spend money


This is why I miss Wenger. He wasn't emotional or reckless like this.

Rice and Havertz are both great players, but too overpriced. It's risky business like this which could deter the current team cohesion.

It wouldn't surprise me if we finish outside the top six and Arteta gets sacked
There is still no cover for Saka, and I surely hope Timber can be a competitor/cover for Saliba, Gabriel and White. Holding is a nice lad but he is a bit short in quality.
Arteta is probably betting on Nelson improving enough to compete with Saka.
Martinelli/Trossard, Jesus/Nketiah, Saka/Nelson
And you still have Vieira, Havertz and Smith-Rowe who can play in that front 3 if needed.
Any predictions on this summer's signings without the benefit of hindsight?
Jesus isnt a PL reason of winning outside of city imo - so i see title winning chances to be slim whilst pep is managing.
Can see Arteta throwing away everything again if they start well in the league.