Arse FamTV

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stolen from reddit

stolen from reddit
It must be hard for him. On one hand he probably wants his team to do well, on the other the amount of views and money he generates when they lose is nothing to be sniffed at. Actually what am i talking about, hes probably a Tottenham fan
It's TY/Claude!

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This season they always do interviews together. Guess Robbie really wants Ty to wind Claude up so he kills him. Views would be amazing

EDIT: WTF did Ty just say hes 47?! Dude looks good for his age... Although makes me worried about his mental state given some of his comments
This season they always do interviews together. Guess Robbie really wants Ty to wind Claude up so he kills him. Views would be amazing

EDIT: WTF did Ty just say hes 47?! Dude looks good for his age... Although makes me worried about his mental state given some of his comments
They're great together:D

And yes, Ty does look good for his age. Arsenal woes not affecting him one bit!
I don't want Ozil go come to Manchester.
I'm with you. A big expensive mess of a player he'd be. We need younger and hungrier. Don't want that attitude anywhere near us.
Hahaha, in the youtube comments someone says Claude sounds like the faketaxi guy!
It must be hard for him. On one hand he probably wants his team to do well, on the other the amount of views and money he generates when they lose is nothing to be sniffed at. Actually what am i talking about, hes probably a Tottenham fan
It's all about "Can a loss be a win" for him.
And it's time for Troopz!

Is saying Wengers name incorrectly some sort of dumbass protest or something? Amazes me the amount of Arsenal fans that still pronounce it incorrectly.
This season they always do interviews together. Guess Robbie really wants Ty to wind Claude up so he kills him. Views would be amazing

EDIT: WTF did Ty just say hes 47?! Dude looks good for his age... Although makes me worried about his mental state given some of his comments

I literally laughed out loud reading that. Man arsenal fc is one big mess. I know our times under Moyes and van gaal (2nd season) but this is getting beyond that.
Is saying Wengers name incorrectly some sort of dumbass protest or something? Amazes me the amount of Arsenal fans that still pronounce it incorrectly.
It is incredible really. Not like they have had almost 20 years to learn it. Must be a cockney ‘fing’.
He is a man child this DT. Embarassing stuff :lol:
He is funny to hear but he is on point about the underlying problem as a team. You can point finger at Ozil miss, but it's not really the sole reason to end up conceding defeat. It's the whole team mentality. Win some and it's okay, looking at turning a corner.
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