Film Are Hollywood making too many superhero films and when will they stop? | Never, apparently

To be honest, I'd prefer if TV series were created from superhero movies like Thor, Spider-Man, Deadpool, Hulk, etc. It's expensive but I know it won't happened :(
To be honest, I'd prefer if TV series were created from superhero movies like Thor, Spider-Man, Deadpool, Hulk, etc. It's expensive but I know it won't happened :(

You mean like, Flash, Arrow, Gotham, Batgirl, Supergirl, Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Black Lightning, The Punisher, Teen Titans, Krypton, Batman, Superman, X-Men?
The fact that they make so much money and attract so many people just nullifies your point that there's too many. That's literally just your opinion that's evidently not a widespread one.

Not sure if this was directed at me but if it was then, well, yes obviously that is just my opinion. I don't think I suggested otherwise.

Really though my point was that it would be extremely remarkable if one form of blockbuster dominated for as long a period as DC/Marvel are scheduled to pump out that one form of blockbuster. I mean you're looking at a 20 year block where superhero films have been utterly dominant. In terms of the history of cinema it would be pretty extraordinary for one specific niche of film to maintain the public's interest for such an extended period of time.

Or maybe it isn't as extraordinary as I think given Westerns were so popular across a large chunk of 20th century cinema? I'm sure someone who knows more about film history than I do could probably draw a lot of parallels between the two in terms of how/why they were so embraced by the public what did/will likely see them decline in popularity.
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You mean like, Flash, Arrow, Gotham, Batgirl, Supergirl, Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Black Lightning, The Punisher, Teen Titans, Krypton, Batman, Superman, X-Men?

The Flash, Supergirl, etc storyline is shit, predictable and very recyclable as if they meet new villain every episode and beat them eventually each episode, not much development for a villain. DC Universe should take them back and reboot the season because DC Universe seems to be capable of having a decent storyline from start to end in a season like Teen Titans, Krypton, etc

I like Daredevil, Luke Cage, Iron fist, Black Lightning, the Punisher especially the Netflix Marvel but they're more of street superhero fighter, not same quality as I watch in movies, I don't get same taste of watching them especially the actions as I do with Thor movie, Spider-man movie, Hulk, Guardians of the Galaxy, Black Panther, Captain America, many of my favorite superhero were made from movies.

I'd like to see Thor, Hulk, X-Men, Guardians of the Galaxy or Captain America, etc to be made as a TV series/streaming so they can have many episodes in an each to play out a storyline and develop characters so I can have like many hours of watching one season rather than just 1 half hour to 2 hours+ per movie.
The Flash, Supergirl, etc storyline is shit, predictable and very recyclable as if they meet new villain every episode and beat them eventually each episode, not much development for a villain. DC Universe should take them back and reboot the season because DC Universe seems to be capable of having a decent storyline from start to end in a season like Teen Titans, Krypton, etc

I like Daredevil, Luke Cage, Iron fist, Black Lightning, the Punisher especially the Netflix Marvel but they're more of street superhero fighter, not same quality as I watch in movies, I don't get same taste of watching them especially the actions as I do with Thor movie, Spider-man movie, Hulk, Guardians of the Galaxy, Black Panther, Captain America, many of my favorite superhero were made from movies.

I'd like to see Thor, Hulk, X-Men, Guardians of the Galaxy or Captain America, etc to be made as a TV series/streaming so they can have many episodes in an each to play out a storyline and develop characters so I can have like many hours of watching one season rather than just 1 half hour to 2 hours+ per movie.

The special effects needed to make them characters work just isn't compatable with tv. It'd be years between seasons.

Is there any sign of declining interest in this stuff yet?
10 movies in 22 months sounds insane, but they also had a 2 year break(probably because of Covid-19). 10 movies in 4 years is not that bad. That is until you realise that this is just one studio with one cinematic universe...

It's live-action Disney remakes and the same old comic book movies forever it seems :nervous:
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I hate this stuff usually but i really want to see Joker 2 :drool:
10 movies in 22 months sounds insane, but they also had a 2 year break(probably because of Covid-19). 10 movies in 4 years is not that bad. That is until you realise that this is just one studio with one cinematic universe...

It's live-action Disney remakes and the same old comic book movies forever it seems :nervous:

Also worth noting they're moving into TV more and more too, with Wandavision and TFATWS being more direct offshoots from the cinematic releases than previous superhero TV shows (of which there are also a lot).
I like some of them. Guardians of the Galaxy were a big surprise and I've always been interested in Spiderman. Deadpool was fresh aswell. But they are draining the market, seems it's only superhero movies, a Star War or some ultra serious Oscar material like Nomadland.

Apatow stated that they have a hard time selling comedies nowadays to studios, just because they don't see enough profits there. I think it was Todd Phillips that said he moved away from them because of how hard it is not to offend anyone these days.
There is a big hole in the market, for a guy like me who doesn't like action movies, rather comedies and occasional psychological thrillers, there seems almost nothing of note coming out for a few years now.
I like some of them. Guardians of the Galaxy were a big surprise and I've always been interested in Spiderman. Deadpool was fresh aswell. But they are draining the market, seems it's only superhero movies, a Star War or some ultra serious Oscar material like Nomadland.

I once thought that there would be superhero fatigue. I was wrong. They're never going to stop pumping them out. We're stuck with them for our life time
Have to agree. Tired of them now. Saw every Marvel film up until the last Avengers. That should have been the end but no. I’ve always preferred DC but their films have been atrocious. I’m done with it all now.

And releasing a four hour justice league. What the feck was that about?
Wasting as far as the quality of content for the money spent. Thr avenger films are simply awful.
In your opinion. Many disagree, including myself. Then again, I can't understand how so many people liked Avatar or the Fast and Furious stuff, which is all wildly popular. At some point we just need to accept that different people have different tastes.
This thread reminds me of movie critics. They write terrible reviews about certain movies and you go see it for yourself anyway. It usually turns out to be a damn good movie and the critics are usually wrong mainly because it's a bunch of boring old farts. It's all preference. Some people like chocolate and some people don't. Some like pineapple on their pizza and some don't. We just need to respect other people's choices and move the feck on.
That’s quite an apropos comparison, Avengers franchise to Fast & Furious franchise. Both are repetitive, low script entities that print money.
I love em, but they will slow down at some point. People's tastes always change over time. I'm just enjoying them while we get em :drool:
This smacks of producing content for the sake of producing content :wenger:

But it does feel like the burnout is more visible, especially when I’m seeing Marvel fanboys who will consume anything with Marvel on it, say the new Thor movie was forgettable and very average.
There's apparently another 8 still unannounced projects across cinema and TV too. And I think that's just taking us up to 2025 when phase 6 ends.

And you better believe they've already announced the start of phase 7 in 2026.
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I saw a reaction video to these announcements...yeah, this shit aint ending anytime soon. Just listen to these people, they still love this shit with no signs of it slowing down. Although, you can kind of tell what is and isn't popular based on the effort to scream like a dafty.

I saw a reaction video to these announcements...yeah, this shit aint ending anytime soon. Just listen to these people, they still love this shit with no signs of it slowing down. Although, you can kind of tell what is and isn't popular based on the effort to scream like a dafty.

I wouldn't say the audience at Comic-Con is an accurate representation of the general public. In fact, you'd be hard pressed to find a group that it would be easier to sell some of this phoned-in shite they're announcing now to.
Oversaturated. Yes

Previously most are waiting anxiously for the next Avengers movie. Any of the original superhero movies pre end game was highly anticipated.

Now... Dont even bother to watch them even if they're available at netflix.

Movies like Shazam, moonknight, morbius, venom and other poorly made cash grab don't even garner that much hype and box office.

It'll die out in another 5 years naturally until the next big project kicked in

To be fair they have tons of comic materials, probably cheaper than developing brand new ideas.
I wouldn't say the audience at Comic-Con is an accurate representation of the general public. In fact, you'd be hard pressed to find a group that it would be easier to sell some of this phoned-in shite they're announcing now to.

I guess youre right. Its not so much that Im sick of super hero movies, so much as its the quality of them thats dropped off a cliff in a consistent fashion. ITs just about getting them out to be consumed, rather than making something they actually believe in. Chewing gum for the eyes and ears, if you will.
The same five people will probably have to do the special effects for all those films. Feel for them.
This smacks of producing content for the sake of producing content :wenger:

But it does feel like the burnout is more visible, especially when I’m seeing Marvel fanboys who will consume anything with Marvel on it, say the new Thor movie was forgettable and very average.

Well that's exactly what it is most of this is new series for Disney+. Can't remember how many series they've made so far but most of them have been Meh, I expect that won't change much going forward.