Music Arcade Fire

I'm jealous! I love them to bits, but there is no chance that they will be coming to this part of the world any time soon.
I saw them on Saturday night too at the MEN. Was a good gig. Shame there was no Laika though. I give the gig 8/10.
I saw them on Saturday night too at the MEN. Was a good gig. Shame there was no Laika though. I give the gig 8/10.

I'd agree with that, on the basis that my seats were shit and I hate the Arena. Had I been in the mosh pit it could well have been full marks.

Highlight of the evening though was an extremely pissed up Scottish bloke (fancy that eh!) in the beer queue asking me if I knew any arcade fire songs as he only knew keep the cars running and no cars go. Anyway he staggered in and sat near us 15 minutes into the set and missed both songs.

The daft twat.
I was at the front and let me tell you it was no mosh pit. Whilst they were very good, there are better bands out there. I had a good time and would go and see them again.

The lead singer needs to work on projecting his vocals a little bit would be my only musical criticism.
Nowt wrong with that Biscuit. They're incredible.
Give the album a listen?

It's bloody brilliant.
'Month of May' sounds like it should be on a Bowie album from the 70's. Love it.
Album of the year so far. Epic.
Depends really, are they outdoor or in a tent? The music doesn't come across well when it's an outdoor gig for some reason.
Outdoor, main stage at Reading. I never really bother watching anyone on the mainstage, except the occasional headliner. I think outdoors can be really good but only at night. During the day it's usually rubbish.
The Suburbs is a fantastic album, so much better than Neon Bible and I'd nearly rate it up there with Funeral.
Yeah, I've had it on repeat for a few weeks now, lovely stuff. Particularly enjoying Ready to Start and The Suburbs (the track),
Live on youtube at 3AM
Giving the album a listen now, will report back once I've had a few plays through the songs.
I've been listening to the new album non-stop for the past week or so.

The Suburbs is a great album. It's basically the best from Funeral and Neon Bible.

Standout song for me would be its climax track near the end:

Got it yesterday, only listened to it a couple of times so far, but it's already got me hooked in a way that neither Funeral or Neon Bible did. They were more about the standout tracks where as this seems more like a body of work, 16 songs and i'm really not bored of any yet. Time will tell, i'm sure i'll have a few that i can listen to nonstop but so far i'm just enjoying the album as an album.

Hope they are doing another UK tour, it's been a few years since i saw them live and if they are anything like they were then i'll be happy to pay whatever to see them, superb band.
I'm going to Reading this year, but I'm not familiar with their stuff. I might pick up their new album, but any recommendations for songs from their earlier work?
I'm going to Reading this year, but I'm not familiar with their stuff. I might pick up their new album, but any recommendations for songs from their earlier work?

Here is my personal best of. Obviously depends on your own taste but i'll just list the most accessible stuff they have. Still i never think festivals are the best place to see bands but that's personal opinion.

from Funeral

Neighbourhood #1 (Tunnels)
Neighbourhood #2 (laika)
Neighbourhood #3 (Power Out)
Wake Up
Rebellion (lies)

From Neon Bible

Black Mirror
Keep the Car Running
Black Wave/Bad Vibrations
The Well and the Lighthouse
No Cars Go.

I've left out great stuff i just wanted to try and get the ones that would be imediate. From the new album i'm not willing to say yet as i havent really got it in my head, song names etc. However i think at this point its easily the most accessible album. You should youtube them live, they recently did a gig that was live on youtube. If you could get a look at that it would show you why they are one of the best bands in the world.
Here is my personal best of. Obviously depends on your own taste but i'll just list the most accessible stuff they have. Still i never think festivals are the best place to see bands but that's personal opinion.

from Funeral

Neighbourhood #1 (Tunnels)
Neighbourhood #2 (laika)
Neighbourhood #3 (Power Out)
Wake Up
Rebellion (lies)

From Neon Bible

Black Mirror
Keep the Car Running
Black Wave/Bad Vibrations
The Well and the Lighthouse
No Cars Go.

I've left out great stuff i just wanted to try and get the ones that would be imediate. From the new album i'm not willing to say yet as i havent really got it in my head, song names etc. However i think at this point its easily the most accessible album. You should youtube them live, they recently did a gig that was live on youtube. If you could get a look at that it would show you why they are one of the best bands in the world.

Thanks for that, I will check it out. I remember seeing them on Jools Holland a few years back, and thinking they were a bit odd but very good.

I never did get around to buying/listening to any of their albums.
Thanks for that, I will check it out. I remember seeing them on Jools Holland a few years back, and thinking they were a bit odd but very good.

I never did get around to buying/listening to any of their albums.

No problem, i'd honestly say the newest album is the most accessible. It might lack a bit of the origional charm of Funeral but as a body of work it's for me looking like their best. I've listened to it 4 times through today. It's not getting boring at all.

I challenge anyone (with this sort of musical taste) to buy this album, listen to it from start to finish and not want to put it straight back on. It's class.
Neon Bible was ok. Not listened to the new one yet.

Dont think they can ever top Funeral. One of the best albums ever imo.

Have seen them a few times like. The Porchester Hall in London was amazing. You wont see any other band do an encore in the foyer of the venue....

Apparently Vampire Weekend are supporting them during the European tour at the end of the year. I may jizz in my pants.