Apparently we have football's worst-behaved fans

Millwall, with their relatively small fan base, punching well above their weight
Couldn't have picked a better number of banning orders as well
Quite simply we have far more fans than any other clubs so this is just a numbers game, doesn't mean are lot are any worse than others

If this were the case, then wouldn't other teams with big fanbases like Liverpool, Arsenal, City & Chelsea be near the top?
If this were the case, then wouldn't other teams with big fanbases like Liverpool, Arsenal, City & Chelsea be near the top?

It's not so much about fanbase than size of ground - Anfield and Stamford Bridge are smaller than West Ham's London Stadium for example.

Anyway it turns out that our rise to the top of this list is mostly about the Super League/Glazer Out protests of 2021 - banning orders from that day were given out in 2022 which is the period refered to:
It's not so much about fanbase than size of ground - Anfield and Stamford Bridge are smaller than West Ham's London Stadium for example.

Anyway it turns out that our rise to the top of this list is mostly about the Super League/Glazer Out protests of 2021 - banning orders from that day were given out in 2022 which is the period refered to:
That makes sense, and explains the dramatic jump from 14th to 1st.
It's not so much about fanbase than size of ground - Anfield and Stamford Bridge are smaller than West Ham's London Stadium for example.

Anyway it turns out that our rise to the top of this list is mostly about the Super League/Glazer Out protests of 2021 - banning orders from that day were given out in 2022 which is the period refered to:

Ha! I was right. :cool:
'Nationwide, Nationwide, we're the famous Man United and we've been on Nationwide.'

Nationwide used to be a thing back in the 70s. They sent their cameras to follow United fans to away games and, of course, they aired the footage of Britain's 'worst behaved supporters.' Tommy Doc and Willie Morgan, captain at the time, went on the box to condemn the troublemakers but it still went on.
Absolute bollocks this. Really pisses me off these whining whinging arses. If I ran into them with the lads we'd give em a right kicking!
No surprise this given the amount of people who seem to be totally coked up at OT these days.
Anyway it turns out that our rise to the top of this list is mostly about the Super League/Glazer Out protests of 2021 - banning orders from that day were given out in 2022 which is the period refered to
That’s so scummy. Nevermind how well behaved our fans are at games, lump in the protests and create a story without the correct contest. I wonder how many of the protesters banned have ever been to a game? Could easily just be tossers looking to cause trouble.
We get what? 60k more people in through the gates every week than Milwall do?

That's 1.5 - 2m people a year more attending OT, and we have 3 more bannings than they do.
Pretty meaningless as reported. Bannings as a percentage of attendance would be more meaningful but only then if equal effort and standards are being made eveywhere. More bannings could be better policing and application of the standards just as fewer bannings could be a result of ignoring lots of terrible behaviour.
Next time just shut up and enjoy your Chicken a la Salmonella.