It wasn't my intention for my post to come across as discourteous to fans of The Wire. When I asked for a show related to an owner/entrepreneur/ go getter/workaholic in 9-5, I was thinking a salesman, a marketing executive, an owner of an accounting firm, an attorney, a creative, a blue collar worker etc. From shows I've watched, I would say Suits, Billions, Severance, and Empire meet the criteria I was searching for.
For example in Empire, there's three brothers competing to own a record label worth millions of dollars. At one point in the show, one of the brothers has a boyfriend, and he's in a predicament of giving his new bf time and affection, and pursuing his goal to leave behind a legacy in the music industry. At this point, he was on an upwards trajectory, and each moment he spends with his BF, one brother in particular is catching ground on him. So he ends up in a precarious position where he's breaking promises to his bf for a higher purpose, and then the mixed emotions of happiness at accomplishments, combined with the guilt of upsetting his partner.
Again, I'm grateful for Neverdie's suggestion of The Wire. I read the synopsis to identify how the show is linked to finances, and my findings were drug dealers and the police. I imagine Neverdie's line of thinking was the hustling aspect of drug dealing would meet the criteria I was asking for. That's why I thanked him, as I appreciate the thought process to make that connection. But wasn't quite what I was looking for. I was thinking a line of work that one could have on their resume. That's not to say The Wire isn't a brilliant show in its own right, I'm sure it is, its widely considered to be one of the greatest shows ever. I was after a very specific kind of show. My apologies for the offence I've caused.