Anyone recommend me a decent Thriller to watch?

American Gangster
Training Day
Man on Fire

Top films.

Is there a theme here? i seem to love Denzel Washington's films...
Watched the Bourne trilogy long while ago, all of them were very good. The departed was quite good but didn't think it was worth it's 4 oscars and it's high ratings on Imdb .
Watched the Bourne trilogy long while ago, all of them were very good. The departed was quite good but didn't think it was worth it's 4 oscars and it's high ratings on Imdb .

That's because you should've watched Infernal Affairs and not bothered with The Departed.
The Usual Suspect is a brilliant movie; a must see.

Personally I REALLY like Arlington Road, definitely a thriller/suspence-filled movie.
Old Boy
Sympathy for Mr Vengance
Ichi the Killer
The 39 Steps (find the tv remake if you really can't stand old films)
The Croupier
Any more recomendations?

Want a good spy thriller or some sort for tonight :D

or a detective type of movie..

The Town. One of the best movies of 2010

Mystic River. Modern Classic - can't go wrong.

Sleepers. 'A' Star cast and a very good story.

Eastern Promise. Fantastic performances and the Cronenberg touch.

The American. Minimalist and restrained in style but I really liked it.