I promised myself that If I ever got to the mains my first post will be on Anthony.I am living the dream right now

. Lurking around here and on our rivals' forums was especially fun this past season because of Martial.
The joy he gave people here when he scored against liverpool on his debut was unbelievable. Most of you here confessed to scaring a spouse, Child or pet half to death from celebrating that goal.
Secondly,it was pure joy observing the denial of his talent from our rivals. First they said he was lucky with the bounce of the ball against liverpool. But the young man proceeded to skin seasoned rightbacks one after the other. Then they said that the defenders always underestimate him because he is still new. Then they said the problem was that most of the defenders were scared of his speed and could not defend properly as a result.
Eventually it bacame stupid for anyone to argue against his talent so they started calling us a two man team. You read statements like .,....
"if it wasnt for Martial and De Gea they would have been relegated before ASton Villa"
I just grin every time i see this because they are finally accepting that the young man is going places.
ps. That clip of Martin Tyler Jizzing himself with the..
Ohhhhh Yesss!!!... should be in every football show's opening montage next season