Amy Winehouse

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I don't know much about this girl. First impressions irritate me though. Angsty young girls bother me. I feel like taking them aside, telling them that nobody gives a feck about their rebellion and that the welling-up of emotion they feel regarding world issues is just a phase. Oh and also that your parents love you and that it's not fashionable to hate your folks. 14 years olds do that. I'd imagine she's bi-sexual too.

She probably fits the template for your typical angsty emo arty tortured-genius type chick. She's probably smelly too

I'd like to see her have a fight with Joss Stone because she is another tit who annoys me
she looks lovely when she has more meat on her

Gone crazy skinny. Obivously caning the drugs and not eating. Looks alot better with some meat on her bones but isn't a sex object at all.

Her album was excellent. Very different sound and voice. The remix she did of Valerie on Mark Ronson's version was also very good.

Not sure if her sound will carry onto a successful career though.
she looks lovely when she has more meat on her


Are you sure that's the same bird in both photos? If the healthy looking one is the before and the malnourished one is the after, where has the tattoo on the inside of her right forearm gone?
For the love of buddha, I thought without Marcos the caf was free of ****** obsessions. That girl is minging big time.I can't believe my right honourable friend Kinky started a thread about her.
I'd back scuttle her, would be a bit concerned about getting one of my nuts caught in her gap if she was giving me head though...
she seriously looks like she smells.

some love her voice. I think it`s extremely annoying.
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