In a well-ordered universe...
Speaking of wingnuts, this guy, Kent Clizbe, claims that Obama is from an anti-traditional America thinking and his administration is doing all it can to change the nation in the wrong way. He also claims that the reason China and Russia won't turnover Snowden is because they don't respect the Obama administration. You can't make this kind of delusional thinking up. These fecktards really believe this crap.
A quick Google search yields Clizbe as a bit of a kook and he uses his apparent CIA background to plant himself as some sort of authority on topics and a subject matter expert of sorts. He apparently stalked and harassed Dr. Michael Mann about his research on climate change. It's laughable when right-wing talk radio hosts resort to bringing in these kind of asshats to spread their tripe. Unfortunately, the listeners believe this crap.
A quick Google search yields Clizbe as a bit of a kook and he uses his apparent CIA background to plant himself as some sort of authority on topics and a subject matter expert of sorts. He apparently stalked and harassed Dr. Michael Mann about his research on climate change. It's laughable when right-wing talk radio hosts resort to bringing in these kind of asshats to spread their tripe. Unfortunately, the listeners believe this crap.