American Politics

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Arizona Republicans Sue To Block Ballots In Latino Precinct

One of the few unresolved congressional races in the nation could come down to whether voters in a heavily Latino precinct in Arizona get their ballots counted this week.

Backed by two high-powered lawyers, a supporter of Republican congressional candidate Martha McSally filed a lawsuit on Tuesday to get election authorities to halt counting of provisional ballots from a heavily Latino area of the state’s Cochise County.

The suit could be pivotal as McSally is trying to unseat Rep. Ron Barber (D) in southern Arizona’s 2nd Congressional District. At last count, McSally was trailing Barber by just 512 votes, but the lead had changed hands multiple times since election night.

Jim Nintzel of the Tucson Weekly reported that Barber campaign manager Jessica Floyd called the lawsuit an “active attempt by Martha McSally’s attorneys to disenfranchise voters in Cochise County.”

Eric H. Spencer and Michael Liburdi of the Snell and Wilmer law firm filed the suit in Cochise County Court on behalf of McSally supporter William J. Odle. They argued that 130 provisional ballots shouldn’t be counted because they “were not sealed, as required, when they were transported from the Castro Park, Ramsey and Hopi Precinct polling locations to the Cochise County Elections Department and Recorder’s Office.” The lawyers said 96 of the provisional ballots came from Castro Park, a heavily Latino precinct that leans Democratic.

National Republican Congressional Committee spokesman Daniel Scarpinato told the Tucson Weekly that NRCC officials believe “every voter has the right to an election that is free of fraud and ballot tampering.”

...yeah...unless you are a black or latino..
They can try as much as they like to hold back the tide....sooner or later they'll be washed away.

firstly...I suspect there are several races where the Democratic candidate actually won and they are intentionally not counting the votes.

Secondly, this is is an excellent way to 'reach out' to the Hispanic community....

what a bunch of idiots.

keep digging.
they are an easily confused lot alright.
79% of evanglicals voted for Romney, someone who does not believe in the divinity of Jesus Christ...but hey at least he is not black...

peel away the evanglical voters, the teabagger voters...and what do they have?
My wife grew up as a Mormon and knows more about the old testament than anyone I've ever met. She can discuss the new testament with anyone and hold her own. She absolutely considered herself to be Christian. All the arguments I've seen about Mormons not being Christian usually come from people that know nothing about Mormons.

We are now both devil worshippers. Hail satan... or something
Billy Graham's organization as recently as October had the Mormon Church on their list of cults. That is until his son, Franklin Graham, decided to pick a political candidate and had the Mormons removed from said list.
She's not Mormon anymore, her brother has actually been excommunicated and I'm pretty sure her goal is the same.

before this goes completely off original comment was leveled at the hypocrisy of evangelicals...and my own Catholic church or at least the Council of Bishops which indirectly hinted at voting for Romney on the basis of his stance on abortion.

I am a liberal/progressive. It does not matter one bit what someone's faith is or even if that person does not believe in any god.

Peacefully grant the State of Texas to withdraw from the United States of America and create its own NEW government.
The US continues to suffer economic difficulties stemming from the federal government's neglect to reform domestic and foreign spending. The citizens of the US suffer from blatant abuses of their rights such as the NDAA, the TSA, etc. Given that the state of Texas maintains a balanced budget and is the 15th largest economy in the world, it is practically feasible for Texas to withdraw from the union, and to do so would protect it's citizens' standard of living and re-secure their rights and liberties in accordance with the original ideas and beliefs of our founding fathers which are no longer being reflected by the federal government.

Created: Nov 09, 2012

Think 12 states have done this now - Texas is the only one that requires a response from the White House(it crossed the 25,000 signatures threshold) -

Love for a State like Mississippi to be allowed to secede, and then the US put in embargoes on it - travel, economic, the whole deal :lol:

They have a right to secede, but they should then feel the consequences of that decision.

Destroy them.
I'm watching some stupid shit called Doomsday Preppers. There really are some deranged twats in this country. Heavily armed, deranged twats!

Peacefully grant the State of Texas to withdraw from the United States of America and create its own NEW government.
The US continues to suffer economic difficulties stemming from the federal government's neglect to reform domestic and foreign spending. The citizens of the US suffer from blatant abuses of their rights such as the NDAA, the TSA, etc. Given that the state of Texas maintains a balanced budget and is the 15th largest economy in the world, it is practically feasible for Texas to withdraw from the union, and to do so would protect it's citizens' standard of living and re-secure their rights and liberties in accordance with the original ideas and beliefs of our founding fathers which are no longer being reflected by the federal government.

Created: Nov 09, 2012


Something tells me Austin will give them a polite "im good..." in response to this.

This Is the Real Political Map of America—We Are Not That Divided

Jesus Diaz

This is the real political map of the United States of America after the presidential election. A fascinating view, much different from the maps you saw that night, which showed an artificial, binary divide. But these maps demonstrate that there is not such a huge gap between rural and urban America.

At the top of the column you can see the usual representation by state: who won where. One or the other. It shows a big area of red (republican) and some blue (democrat). If you see the results by county (second in the column), the difference between red and blue is even more overwhelming. Visually, it appears as if a few blue states are imposing their will on a huge majority of red states. We know that's not the case, but that's what the maps convey because we associate area and volume with importance.
That's why those maps are not really good for understanding what really happened. They convey the wrong idea.

The third map of the column is much more accurate. Created by Mark Newman—from the Department of Physics and Center for the Study of Complex Systems, University of Michigan—it mixes blue and red based on popular vote percentage instead of showing a binary representation.

There's no huge area of red. There is a gradient. A lot of purple. That's the accurate map that reflects the actual result of the election. It also shows that the divide between the cities and the countryside is not that huge. There are differences of opinion everywhere.

The large map is even better. It factors in population density, showing the importance of every county based on the population. The lighter the color, the less populated, the less weight in the election. The more saturated it is, the more populated and more weight it shows.

The Republican Party should look at this map and think again for 2016. In fact, everyone should. Those insidious suggestions of impending civil war between urbanites and farmers are wildly exaggerated. [Election Maps via Facebook]
In our local House of Rep. elections the high turn out in a couple of towns spelled good news for the Democrat incumbant (she ended up winning). Now, in those a couple of those towns the Republicans ended up winning most of the town offices that were being voted on. Goes to show you that an area being Red or Blue is not always so cut and dry.
Think 12 states have done this now - Texas is the only one that requires a response from the White House(it crossed the 25,000 signatures threshold)

Dear Texas,

Your wish is granted. Do not expect a militia to show up from neighboring states when Mexico or another nation decide to conquer. That 15th ranked economy will take a hit funding its own army, air force and navy, as well as the high tariffs we will impose.

My apologies MrMarcello, but if I were you I would revoke my Texan heritage asap. And thanks for coming to our side. If you would like I will name you my ambassador to Texas, and we can sit and laugh and drink courvoisier while watching sports.


Barrack Obama
President (of what's left) of the United States
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