Alleged Racist Abuse by CSG Security Staff at Man Utd

I don't think he's making it up, but there are at least 6 statements/insults from the guards that he remembered clearly. Unless he was taking notes or happens to have a really good memory, it seemed unusual. Especially when he was already upset during the ordeal, which included physical violence.
Ethnic and racist slurs cut deep and are hard to forget bro. I was attacked by 3 drunk adults when I was 12 and I remember every single racist thing they screamed at me, even after 30 years.
I am glad to hear that the club is cooperating with the investigation. However, that's the least it should do. The club has made a big play at all red, all equal this season. Even if it can't prejudice the investigation it should be proactive about what behaviour is or is not acceptable around the ground.
Ethnic and racist slurs cut deep and are hard to forget bro. I was attacked by 3 drunk adults when I was 12 and I remember every single racist thing they screamed at me, even after 30 years.

Really sorry to hear about that man. :(
I know a long standing season ticket holder who runs a security firm much like CSG. He does a lot of events up and down the country and employs a lot of staff.
He revealed that you do get some real scum applying and being employed by companies. Some have criminal records too. It doesn’t disqualify them from working though. Many incidents like this go unreported or backed up by police who can’t be bothered to investigate.
Glad Utd are investigating and hope it gets more publicity
I don't think he's making it up, but there are at least 6 statements/insults from the guards that he remembered clearly. Unless he was taking notes or happens to have a really good memory, it seemed unusual. Especially when he was already upset during the ordeal, which included physical violence.
Apart from money what rationale is there for lying about being racially abused ? He’s not going to get rich by making this up, you can’t sue for everything like you can in America. This has to be true.
I know a long standing season ticket holder who runs a security firm much like CSG. He does a lot of events up and down the country and employs a lot of staff.
He revealed that you do get some real scum applying and being employed by companies. Some have criminal records too. It doesn’t disqualify them from working though. Many incidents like this go unreported or backed up by police who can’t be bothered to investigate.
Glad Utd are investigating and hope it gets more publicity
Out of curiosity, should there not be a law in place, stopping an individual with a criminal record gaining a position of power. Even if it is only stewarding, in certain situations you can lay hands on an individual. That is a scary prospect if coming from an ex-con, no?
Wankers. Security is unfortunately full of them, but this is a cut above. United need to take strong action. If it is now unfortunately a 'he said, she said', even though it's very very likely he's telling the truth, without evidence they at least need to stop those individuals from working at the ground.
Out of curiosity, should there not be a law in place, stopping an individual with a criminal record gaining a position of power. Even if it is only stewarding, in certain situations you can lay hands on an individual. That is a scary prospect if coming from an ex-con, no?
Well having a criminal record shouldn’t prevent you from being employed providing the job description in itself doesn’t disqualify you from doing that job per se. Eg if I have conviction for aggravated assault I hardly think I’m going to be allowed to work with children or vulnerable adults. I could do manual jobs and security fits the bill. My martial arts instructor was jailed for manslaughter after one of the 3 guys who attacked him died as a result of hitting his head on the pavement. It didn’t stop him being re employed as security. And therein lies the problem. That job attracts, let’s say men with a propensity for violence. Maybe I’m generalising but you get what I mean

The guy I know was never in jail himself but was never shy of emptying those who were .. why? Because they weren’t shy of chucking people out etc and were borderline sociopaths
Well he works there and he was physically assaulted so clearly he is not making it up and I'm sure he didnt arrive there to cause trouble.

Most r certainly an awful lot of security guards are scum unfortunately, they are often convicts who haven't changed their ways and never will, thats the reality. I worked as one for a few months years ago and the people I worked with were worse than the people they were meant to stop. Perhaps its changed now but this incident suggests not.

Crazy that he wasnt provided with a work ID badge to begin with which he would then have been able to show.

The contract should be terminated with the security firm.
I know a long standing season ticket holder who runs a security firm much like CSG. He does a lot of events up and down the country and employs a lot of staff.
He revealed that you do get some real scum applying and being employed by companies. Some have criminal records too. It doesn’t disqualify them from working though. Many incidents like this go unreported or backed up by police who can’t be bothered to investigate.
Glad Utd are investigating and hope it gets more publicity

I'd say its bordering on a majority of security guards and bouncers having a criminal background, if not a criminal record.
I'd say its bordering on a majority of security guards and bouncers having a criminal background, if not a criminal record.
Never met one yet who didn’t like throwing his weight around
Well having a criminal record shouldn’t prevent you from being employed providing the job description in itself doesn’t disqualify you from doing that job per se. Eg if I have conviction for aggravated assault I hardly think I’m going to be allowed to work with children or vulnerable adults. I could do manual jobs and security fits the bill. My martial arts instructor was jailed for manslaughter after one of the 3 guys who attacked him died as a result of hitting his head on the pavement. It didn’t stop him being re employed as security. And therein lies the problem. That job attracts, let’s say men with a propensity for violence. Maybe I’m generalising but you get what I mean

The guy I know was never in jail himself but was never shy of emptying those who were .. why? Because they weren’t shy of chucking people out etc and were borderline sociopaths
Yep, they shouldn't be allowed a job that requires restraint and proportionate physicality if they have proof of a propensity for violence in the form of a jail sentence for it.
If this is true the club has to cut ties with that company asap, have them all charged and the police staff reported. I'd quite like a name and shame to be honest. Revolting.
Disgusting and tough to read that. Admire the kids resolve to stick around and try to get in to work.

Can’t believe there’s any chance it’s not true, too many people able to corroborate:
Manager, parent, hospital and police.

Rip the contract up.
The allegations were vehemently denied by CSG in a strongly worded statement.

“Controlled Solutions Group will comply fully with any investigation into the allegation of the assault or abuse by members of our staff,” the company said.

“We categorically deny that any CSG staff were involved in an assault or abuse of any type on this individual. It is our opinion that this individual has made a totally false and fabricated account of assault or abuse against him by security staff.

“CSG will be fully compliant in support of any police or other investigation into these false allegations.

“We are extremely confident that there will be no further action by police or any evidence produced to corroborate this individual’s claims following further inquiries.

“CSG will make no further comment on this issue.”

The part in bold is what someone says if they are guilty and confident they have successfully covered it up. Innocent people don't word things like that.
I really wish social media bombards United here and forces them to act. CSG find the vermin and fire them and their names are publicised - or the contract gets torn to shreds and they never work for their most illustrious client ever again.

Fight filth with filth.
True. Goes hand in hand: sociopathic behaviour =criminal behaviour (drugs)

It kind of goes without saying, though. Bouncers and security guards are basically signing up to enter physical altercations with people, so they're obviously going to come from that type of background. I have worked with some proper gents though, in my bar/club days. Hard as feck gents, but the type of hard as feck gents that it would take all manner of fire to get them to lose their rag and put hands on someone.
It kind of goes without saying, though. Bouncers and security guards are basically signing up to enter physical altercations with people, so they're obviously going to come from that type of background. I have worked with some proper gents though, in my bar/club days. Hard as feck gents, but the type of hard as feck gents that it would take all manner of fire to get them to lose their rag and put hands on someone.
That’s the difference between the old lags and the new thugs in the block. I used to see Lenny McClean in a club we used to frequent and of course he had a rep. But he was respectful to all guests and would always have a chat. If you were nuts enough to want a tear up, he could shut you down but he never went after kids and threw his weight around
How is the club not responsible for the CCTV? As in negligence on their part. Its not some dodgy backstreet nightclub
I am glad to hear that the club is cooperating with the investigation. However, that's the least it should do. The club has made a big play at all red, all equal this season. Even if it can't prejudice the investigation it should be proactive about what behaviour is or is not acceptable around the ground.

Its corporate brand protection.
This will just fade away. Nothing will happen.

When do bouncers ever get into trouble ?
Its one word agaisnt another and in law that's tricky.
Unless there are floods of witnesses to prove racism and assault this will go away
Wow. My condolences to the young man involved. Sickening that the police were involved in the cover up to. What chance do people have when the very people who's taxes pay for these coppers get zero protection. No cctv? @Man Utd? Really.
Sack the lot

Coppers, the security guards and anyone at man utd complicit to this
Its corporate brand protection.
This will just fade away. Nothing will happen.

When do bouncers ever get into trouble ?
Its one word agaisnt another and in law that's tricky.
Unless there are floods of witnesses to prove racism and assault this will go away
I think so

If that happened to someone higher profile then there’d be action taken
Absolutely disgusting, United need to make a statement here.
I felt sick reading through that account of what happened to the poor boy. There's no way in hell he invented some of those slurs and the fact they're saying there was no CCTV footage available smacks of guilt for me.

The company need firing and the individuals involved prosecuting. Shameful that a kid trying to get to work could be subjected to abuse like that.
The allegations were vehemently denied by CSG in a strongly worded statement.

“Controlled Solutions Group will comply fully with any investigation into the allegation of the assault or abuse by members of our staff,” the company said.

“We categorically deny that any CSG staff were involved in an assault or abuse of any type on this individual. It is our opinion that this individual has made a totally false and fabricated account of assault or abuse against him by security staff.

“CSG will be fully compliant in support of any police or other investigation into these false allegations.

“We are extremely confident that there will be no further action by police or any evidence produced to corroborate this individual’s claims following further inquiries.

“CSG will make no further comment on this issue.”

The part in bold is what someone says if they are guilty and confident they have successfully covered it up. Innocent people don't word things like that.

Wow that is a overconfident statement to make. How can they be so sure?
If any of this is proven United should terminate the contract immediately as it’s bringing them into disrepute.

CSG sound like a bunch of low lifes.
This could be one of those things where United decide to just cut off CSG just because of the bad publicity even if there’s no evidence.

Although I can’t see it happening seeing as CSG have had a monopoly within United at everything in their field, basically since before I was born.
Wow that is a overconfident statement to make. How can they be so sure?
If any of this is proven United should terminate the contract immediately as it’s bringing them into disrepute.

CSG sound like a bunch of low lifes.
Just think if this is what they are like under publlic scrutiny, what are they like when nobody is looking
Ethnic and racist slurs cut deep and are hard to forget bro. I was attacked by 3 drunk adults when I was 12 and I remember every single racist thing they screamed at me, even after 30 years.

Yep I still remember the one I got from when I was about 8. Things like that don't just fade away
This could be one of those things where United decide to just cut off CSG just because of the bad publicity even if there’s no evidence.

Although I can’t see it happening seeing as CSG have had a monopoly within United at everything in their field, basically since before I was born.

I imagine they have a fixed term contract, so it's probably not that easy. If there is evidence they can probably claim a breach of contract.
Really see no reason why the kid would lie about something like this.

People do lie about being victims of a crime all the time, for many different reasons though... That's why you have presumption of innocence and due process of law and all that.
In this particular case though, it seems they are in fact hiding something by claiming there is no footage.
People do lie about being victims of a crime all the time, for many different reasons though... That's why you have presumption of innocence and due process of law and all that.
In this particular case though, it seems they are in fact hiding something by claiming there is no footage.
Who is though, the company, the club or the police? Who owns it?
That security company should go belly up in two weeks if United dropped them as clients.