All ticket/travel information thread - 2024/25 edition - Ticket Purchasing FAQ in OP. Please read it and be careful purchasing tickets

Quick question for anyone that goes to a lot of European aways, or knows how it works.

So at the minute Atalanta away is open for anyone with 6 credits or more, yesterday it was 7 credits or more and tomorrow they will open it for anyone with 5 credits or more.

Do they just keep going down day by day like that? So once they open it for 5, then the next day 4 and the next day 3 and so on?

Or do they get to a point where they say ok everyone with 5 and above had a chance and now we just open it for everyone else (4,3,2 &1) now for example?
This is the 1st year they’ve decided to do this. It’s usually a ballot that’s done.
I know YB game went down to 0 credits but this was to do with the short Notice.
Stadiums are at 50% capacity at the moment so we only receive roughly 800 tickets but stadiums are due to go to 70% capacity in October AFAIK so we might receive more in a few weeks .
I’m not sure whether the credits go down in 4,3,2 etc or will they go 0-4.
I’d imagine most will be gone by 5 for the time been.

There’s about 70 tickets left just checked it there
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No, on the concourses. Never any alcohol on sale normally for European games due to Uefa's weird rule but I am wondering if it had changed now?
*Edit* Just found this, looks like it’s been allowed since the 2019/20 season

Just wondered re seats because I saw a headline the other day about it but didnt read any further at the time so thought that had changed. Just looked and it seems it’s just going to be reviewed and possibly piloted so no change yet for the league games. Ridiculous rule.
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This is the 1st year they’ve decided to do this. It’s usually a ballot that’s done.
I know YB game went down to 0 credits but this was to do with the short Notice.
Stadiums are at 50% capacity at the moment so we only receive roughly 800 tickets but stadiums are due to go to 70% capacity in October AFAIK so we might receive more in a few weeks .
I’m not sure whether the credits go down in 4,3,2 etc or will they go 0-4.
I’d imagine most will be gone by 5 for the time been.

There’s about 70 tickets left just checked it there

Thanks a lot for this. As you probably can tell I"m on the low end of credits - only one ! As Im within a few hours driving distance of Bergamo Id really like to get to this one as well and at the same time boost my credits.

Will just keep my fingers crossed and see if I get lucky.
Looking for two spares for the Atalanta game, if anyone has any then please PM me.

Also if anyone has any spares for the Palace game, City game or Liverpool game then please PM me also.

Folks. Looking for Spares for the City game in November. I know, these are very difficult to get. So this is a bit of a long shot, but here goes:
1. If anyone has spares, kindly let me know. We are looking for 3.
2. Outside of the caf: Is Viagogo reliable?
3. Outside of the caf: Is livefootballtickers reliable?
4. Outside of the caf: Any place we can go, where there are reliable folks, charging extra for the tickets?
Kindly DM or respond here.
Thanks a lot in advance.
Folks. Looking for Spares for the City game in November. I know, these are very difficult to get. So this is a bit of a long shot, but here goes:
1. If anyone has spares, kindly let me know. We are looking for 3.
2. Outside of the caf: Is Viagogo reliable?
3. Outside of the caf: Is livefootballtickers reliable?
4. Outside of the caf: Any place we can go, where there are reliable folks, charging extra for the tickets?
Kindly DM or respond here.
Thanks a lot in advance.

Premium exec tickets available direct from club for a bargain £500
Hi guys,

doubtful I’m sure. Looking for 3 for Everton if possible. All adults. 1 is over 65 but will pay full obv.
Looking for two spares for the Atalanta game, if anyone has any then please PM me.

Also if anyone has any spares for the Palace game, City game or Liverpool game then please PM me also.

I'm now sorted for the Atalanta game, if anyone has any spares for the City or Liverpool game or has two spares for Palace then please PM me. I only need one ticket for the City game.
Understood - tried to buy tickets this morning but '5 away game credits' stopped me in my tracks. Feels like trying to get an entry-level job without job experience... :)

Yeah, this is how I'm feeling as well. I mean I fully understand the rewarding loyalty element of all of that and that's fair enough. But how is someone ever supposed to climb to five credits if you can never get a ticket??
Yeah, this is how I'm feeling as well. I mean I fully understand the rewarding loyalty element of all of that and that's fair enough. But how is someone ever supposed to climb to five credits if you can never get a ticket??
Young Boys went down to 0 credits ... that’s how you start
Folks. Looking for Spares for the City game in November. I know, these are very difficult to get. So this is a bit of a long shot, but here goes:
1. If anyone has spares, kindly let me know. We are looking for 3.
2. Outside of the caf: Is Viagogo reliable?
3. Outside of the caf: Is livefootballtickers reliable?
4. Outside of the caf: Any place we can go, where there are reliable folks, charging extra for the tickets?
Kindly DM or respond here.
Thanks a lot in advance.
You shouldn’t be advertising point 2,3,4 on here.
How long do they normally take to do the ballots? A few hours? Half a day, more?
Haven't applied in one for many a year.
How long do they normally take to do the ballots? A few hours? Half a day, more?
Haven't applied in one for many a year.

Been a few years here too, the money would go from the account during the day and a text/email would be sent early evening from what I remember (usually starting with “Unfortunately…”. The ticket would appear in the purchases section on the old site too.

Only one I’ve had to apply for in the last few years was the Fulham game at the end of last season and I remember the money went out before the confirmation arrived.
How long do they normally take to do the ballots? A few hours? Half a day, more?
Haven't applied in one for many a year.

Yeah same. I think the results will be out on Monday. Back in the chubb club for the first time in years.
The ballot started this morning. Emails can go out between 4-8pm, but if you check your banking throughout the day you’ll see the payment go out and know you’ve been successful that way
First time member on the Utd Website and had put my name down in the ballot for the Utd vs Liverpool game, which closed this morning.
How does the Ballot system work?
I have checked my Ballot entry, that was showing in the Ballot section until yesterday however is has now vanished...
I don't like them N44 seats. Doing a bit of research this morning and a few wheelchair spaces popping up in West upper that I could add to my basket for £45(Everton)
Just putting the feelers out to see if anyone would want my Everton single if I can't make it? Bit under the weather and would be having to take the trains due to lack of petrol round here. Probably make a decision this evening to give myself chance to get a bit better.
First time member on the Utd Website and had put my name down in the ballot for the Utd vs Liverpool game, which closed this morning.
How does the Ballot system work?
I have checked my Ballot entry, that was showing in the Ballot section until yesterday however is has now vanished...

Is it showing in your tickets section!
You might be in luck!

(Unless they've just screwed the ballot bit up for you!)
The ballot started this morning. Emails can go out between 4-8pm, but if you check your banking throughout the day you’ll see the payment go out and know you’ve been successful that way

I'll be checking everything, hoping for some incredible luck.
Heck, i'd take Tier 3 for this one.

Might even find myself getting itchy fingers on those exec seats too if not.
I’m unable to attend the Everton game tomorrow due to work commitments. Any takers? 1 ticket north east quad tier 2 NE3419 face value £42
Just putting the feelers out to see if anyone would want my Everton single if I can't make it? Bit under the weather and would be having to take the trains due to lack of petrol round here. Probably make a decision this evening to give myself chance to get a bit better.

Definitely selling now if anyone is interested. W208 Row 31, £45. Seemingly not able to forward on via website atm but can share email with the QR link on.

EDIT Annnd SOLD. Thanks all.
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Are you more likely to get a ticket in ballot if applying for a single? Presume more likely if applying for an exec also?
Anyone after a ticket tomorrow? Can't go last minute mess up! Second Tier stretty end! W3105 members only!