Alexis Sanchez | Done deal

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Just drove to Carrington hoping to see fellow muppets only to find there was only me and some press waiting!! Drove off embarrassed :lol:
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Wait how would we know that was a flight connected to this move? Surely it's just a deduction that he could be on a private jet at some point?

If it is the actual flight I would actually be scared of what the power of the caff can do!

You don't know the half of it, they once found a member's, dad's house in Spain off a few street pics posted years before.
According to the media, despite both players being the same age Mikhi has massive potential to turn things around and be a success for Arsenal whereas United have taken on a headache and questionable player in Sanchez.

Couldn’t make this up even if you tried.
They are biased as hell.

Hope Alexis can shut them up quickly with his perfomances.
There’s a gulf and a half between what Rangers did, spending beyond their means for years on end, paying poor/mediocre players fortunes and what Man Utd are doing by signing a proven superstar for money well within their budget.

Expensive, yes. Cavalier, absolutely not.
I wasn't directly comparing United and Rangers, that'd be ludicrous. I was simply highlighting that comment for a tongue-in-cheek Rangers dig.
Did you introduce yourself as 'the manchester united fan'? :lol:

No I didn’t get out. If I didn’t have my daughter, would of set up camp. Was hoping to speak to fellow muppets but there wasn’t any there haha. Anyway this is my last post for the day, unfortunately! Happy Sánchez day fellow muppets :D
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