Alexis Sanchez | Done deal

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Do people realise that if United fans stopped clicking on stupid, rancid, clickbait hatchetjobs like this, they would stop generating money for rags like this and clowns like him would stop getting paid for writing absolute shite?

Don't click on a link with the Sun, the Mail, the Mirror or any other of these idiots in the title. Switch offer when Guillem Ballache comes on Sky Sports News. Don't follow idiots on twitter.

United have more fans than anyone else in football. If we stop giving oxygen to these morons it will be felt and it will stop.
Just turned Talksport off (seems to be a frequent event recently) as discussion is about Alexis Sanchez getting £500,000 a week and is it obscene. I just thought if I left it on I would go into a complete meltdown.
:lol::lol::wenger::wenger: the media are a joke. Hate United love pep. Disgraceful writing. Should not even be paid for that piece. Right job would be if Sanchez could bring a slander case against some of those journalist's. They surely are writing pieces with opinion and hear say facts rather than the actually facts. Embarrassing.
You should check out last weeks Sunday Supplement.
He and his pals dismissed the rumours and told us Pep was due to meet Alexis and he'd soon become a City player.
He has to act like its a betrayal since it would be Sanchez fault he joined Utd rather than the journos being completely clueless.
Him and the Sun should be banned from our press conferences, that is what Fergie would have done.
I hope that when we make the Sanchez announcement Mourinho or Ed will lambast all the media and show all the world what a bunch of hypocrits they are!
Haha, I am somehow more pissed off at the half a million figure. People don’t even though if we are paying a transfer fee and adding it conveniently to the weekly wages that Sánchez is going to earn.

He is a waste of space though.
He is just pissed off because he got the story wrong last week he did a piece saying no way Jose meaning Alexis had turned us down.
Where has this 500k a week wage figure come from?

Being discussed on talk sport now as if it’s a figure we’ve released when in reality it’s been plucked from the sky!

The media agenda during this transfer has been nothing short of pathetic.
Yeah, it's just really bizarre and a confusing angle to take given City's spending more money than any club in football the last decade.

We probably offered less overall than City too which I find funny. Obviously for him he'll make that money elsewhere because being a United player is much more marketable so he's smart and wants to play for a big club.
Sanchez to start tomorrow, or will this be tied up and announced this evening?

I imagine there's an agreement between the clubs not to player either player for fear of any injury to either of them scuppering the whole deal.
Some journalist (I think) on Twitter responded to it (forget whom), rightly saying that if they did have some previous agreement, then it's evidence of an illegal approach and therefore a bizarre interpretation of moral judgement.

Forget the laughable fact of a Sun journalist preaching morals, it's just click bait crap to bait us into social media outrage and clicks. We all know this. However, some of the articles this week have been farcical - I normally don't subscribe to the cries of ABU, but it's been utter dross and disrespect all week. You'd think United were relegation fodder, not EL and League Cup holders. And second in the league to a team on course for the highest points total ever. Also this rubbish about Mourinho being ultra's clear that these people just don't watch the games.

That's what winds me up - differing opinions I can handle criticism but it's outright bullshit.
Those memes have permanently altered my perception of Ornstein.
Hes now "Pornstein" photoshopped into the most random pics online. Badly I may add but that only adds to the hilarity.
Forever more.
To be fair, last year he was banging the 'Pep is a bald fraud' drum and while I appreciate that some might share that view on this forum, I think it's pretty obvious that he's just on a mission to generate the clicks, and also being a bit thick.
The state of Merson on Sky trying to make out that they have got the best of the deal and that Mkhitaryan will have the same stats as Alexis come the end of the season. :lol::nono::rolleyes::lol:

Paul "score prediction" Merson who can't predict a single score to save his life. Wish I had a job where I can write stuff that's 100% wrong week in week out and get paid for it.
Even after a full agreement, the clubs will have to coordinate how they want their respective announcements. Videos need to be done over the weekend.
Mail: Mkhitaryan says goodbye to teammates

Ffs in tears, man up Mickhi!!!
Clever negotiating tactic from United to drag out Sanchez confirmation. According to the press we’ve already saved £15m in wages that we would have spent if we’d got him at the start of the week.
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