Television Ahsoka

That speeder, that highway, the background of Lothal, and her destination are all nostalgic for Rebels fans. Many parts of the show cater specifically to those who've watched Rebels and Clone Wars. It's a niche I am truly enjoying thanks to Filoni, but understand may fall flat for a lot of viewers who had actual lives.

I think that's the problem. It feels like fan fiction. If you've ever seen a fan-made movie, there are loads of examples on YouTube, they're all very much like this, albeit on a much lower budget. Fans have very high expectations of things that must be ticked off. They do not understand drama, or at least do not prioritise drama, it takes a backseat as audiences are less excited about being surprised than they are about seeing the things they expect to. I think that's okay in fan fiction or cartoons, but for a Star Wars show this heavily marketed that comes off the back of an Obi-Wan show which was similarly flawed, it's not good.
She was winning the fight until she got her hand burned removing the map.

Fair enough, maybe I didn't account for that enough.

We also do not know how strong Baylan is, but I agree that Ahsoka should win. By this stage, she should be around Kenobi level in ROTS strong.

Yep, since she was also holding her own against Vader in Twilight of the Apprentice before Ezra pulled her out from a collapsing Sith temple into the World Between Worlds. Again, it's nitpicking from someone comparing against too many animated scenes - I suppose the burnt hand was intended to discount all context.

I think that's the problem. It feels like fan fiction. If you've ever seen a fan-made movie, there are loads of examples on YouTube, they're all very much like this, albeit on a much lower budget. Fans have very high expectations of things that must be ticked off. They do not understand drama, or at least do not prioritise drama, it takes a backseat as audiences are less excited about being surprised than they are about seeing the things they expect to. I think that's okay in fan fiction or cartoons, but for a Star Wars show this heavily marketed that comes off the back of an Obi-Wan show which was similarly flawed, it's not good.

This was my favorite episode so far. This also had some of Hayden's personal best acting in Star Wars . The dialogue and delivery was far better than the prequels for him. It highlighted that he could do more with better material. He emoted better and his interactions in the Clone Wars sequences were excellent. I was immediately comparing the terrible dialogue he had to deliver in the prequels and felt good he has been given a chance to show the character again in these shows.

Jacen was really good here, with no training he is powerful. All the young actors were great. I really want to see more of Jacen, this is a great launchpad for more from him imo out of all the Rebels characters so far. I want Ezra training him to make a full circle moment his father's padawan finally teaching the master's son.

I want to see Rosario follow through with the "lesson" of Anakin here. In terms of now show me the difference in how adult Ahsoka acts now.
I thought epsiode 5 was flat and rather dull. I think the payoff is there for those who watched Clone Wars and Rebels, everyone else? Not so much.

The scenes with anakin were just meh. The show is missing a spark, not sure what that is.

Currently Ashoka is coming across as badly written fan fiction. Is this really the same studio that gave us Andor and Mandorian (S1 & S2)?
I thought epsiode 5 was flat and rather dull. I think the payoff is there for those who watched Clone Wars and Rebels, everyone else? Not so much.

The scenes with anakin were just meh. The show is missing a spark, not sure what that is.

Currently Ashoka is coming across as badly written fan fiction. Is this really the same studio that gave us Andor and Mandorian (S1 & S2)?

Doubt they can conjure up a show with the magic of s1 and s2 of The Mandalorian. Even S3 of Mando was a rather big step down in quality even if I enjoyed it.

I enjoyed the scenes with Anakin personally. Him walking up to Ahsoka transitioning between Vader and Anakin was one of the best shots in star wars imo.
The first Star Wars show that for me is truly interesting and feels like proper Star Wars. I'm a sucker for proper Jedi/Sith Star Wars lore and Filoni's work always explores that.

Ep 5 was just a great episode. Probably the best live action Star Wars piece of work in many a year or decade .
I watched the first 4 episodes. the plot and the characters are pretty basic and even the action scenes are meh, but overall it's satisfying enough. there's nothing particularly engaging about it and honestly, even the third season of Mandalorian is much better than this, but it's fun while it lasts and there will only be one season anyway so there's little point in being overly critical. it's obvious there was never a real ambition behind it, but I'd take simple and forgettable action before serious, but boring show such as Obi-Wan Kenobi every time.
The nods to previous shows within this series were to be expected, the live action Clone Wars was fantastic, but I didn't expect to be delighted by a throw away line in a cold open as I was with this episode's open. Huyang's introduction to his story and then the undertones of the main theme. Wow, I smiled all the way through. Simple as it was, it was totally unexpected, which in today's spoilers laden world was a nice surprise.

Whilst it would be easy to suggest that the story line is slow etc, we are splitting up 4 or 5 hours up, if this were a film it would be very different. TV gives us the chance to explore more and I feel that's what we've done here and with other shows. Nothing wrong with that for me.
I haven’t seen any of rebels or clone wars and this is crap. I am only watching so I have context for the Ahsoka/Mando/Book of Boba Fett tie in feature length.

The best part of this series was the Hayden Christensen cameo, which was really quite good to be fair. The actress who plays Sabine Wren is more wooden than a tree
The first Star Wars show that for me is truly interesting and feels like proper Star Wars. I'm a sucker for proper Jedi/Sith Star Wars lore and Filoni's work always explores that.

Ep 5 was just a great episode. Probably the best live action Star Wars piece of work in many a year or decade .

I agree that it’s been very enjoyable. Properly Star Warsy, but…..Andor was by far the best live action Star Wars for the last decade. In fact it was one of the best shows last year period, let alone Star Wars.
Really enjoying this. Not watched Rebels/Clone Wars so some references pass me by, but enjoyable all the same. Thrawn was great too!

And Baylan is brilliant so far.
I agree that it’s been very enjoyable. Properly Star Warsy, but…..Andor was by far the best live action Star Wars for the last decade. In fact it was one of the best shows last year period, let alone Star Wars.
How does this compare to Andor (which I agree was outstanding)?
How does this compare to Andor (which I agree was outstanding)?
Not the same level of acting/dialogue quality, and a totally different vibe. More like Mando with a heavier dose of mysticism.

The past 3 episodes have been proper fun, despite me still having reservations about some of the actors and dialogue. And while it is cool seeing it in live action, I do agree they could've basically just done another season of animated Rebels...except then we wouldn't have gotten Ray Stevenson and Hayden Christensen I guess.
In general, I think they have brought out a lot of important elements into the live action universe here overall. To me the Clone Wars/Rebels characters are more endearing and more "important" than any of the sequel films characters. Ashoka, Ezra are far more important and interesting to me than Rey was for example. And she had 3 full movies to develop.

Adding in live action Dathomir witches and the magic were only seen in the animated shows and in the Fallen Order/Survivor games. They add a new dimension imo to live action Star Wars conflict.

Sabine however isn't being served as well with the writing. She needs to actually act out her justifications for being selfish and ignoring the threat of Thrawn. Ezra should be the one to call her out when he finds out she has potentially erased everything he sacrificed when he brought Thrawn here. Only for her to just hand Thrawn a way home and possibly strand both of them. They need to let her act that conflict out for character building. She is the weak link though it isnt unfixable she just needs the material to act.

I like the hints of what Baelen is doing, or after. But, they need to follow through. A new galaxy and a mysterious power that makes even the Night sisters want to flee. There is a lot of potential there.

Thrawn deserves a full season of conflict and plans/plots. I don't want him to be destroyed here.
There is some wierd plot holes in this episode. Somehow the "sisters'" can detect Ashoka in hyperspace inside a spacewhale, but cant find a lone jedi on their home planet. Who sabine finds in under day.

Also coming to a new galaxy, was so utterly underwhelming, could of been a hyperspace jump to the local cash n carry for the complete lack of sense of occasion.

They should have carried on making another season of the Rebels cartoon and given the Ashoka series a different more interesting storyline.

At the moment i want sabine and ezra to be killed off asap. Two annoying characters.

Baylon is the most interesting character, the rest are expendable.
What is Baylon’s endgoal? He is saying that he wants to end the cycle of violence (Jedi civil wars) for good, but how is he planning to achieve that? I guess it is killing the last few remaining force sensitives (Ahsoka, Luke and his students, Grogu, Ezra, his apprentice and himself) and he needs Thrawn’s help for that. But there would be new force sensitives in the future too.

Other than this, Thrawn was great. The new galaxy looked like just a new generic planet.
Baelen has shown before though that he doesn't want to just kill remaining Jedi. He showed noticeable reluctance to just kill Ashoka. Morgan even commented on that in earlier episodes and he just replied it would be a shame since there are so few left. At every opportunity he tries to engage first. He didn't just try and kill Sabine he tried to find her motivation and use her.

He talks down about Ezra that he's a random bokken jedi trained in the wild in that comment he made to Shin. But, I wouldn't be surprised if he tries to see what motivates him now too before trying to kill him. The biggest thing for him is finding out what is this mysterious voice or power he is sensing and what does he think it can do for him to get to this cycle breaking state.
Its such a shame the actor (for baylan) has passed away. A few seasons of him growimg closer to the dark side of the force and learning more about his character would have been great.
Just caught up.

Thrawn was..... underwhelming. He just doesn't have the gravitas after all the hype. Plus the makeup is off.

Sabine continues to be written as a naive and annoying teenager type character.

Ahsoka aside, this show belongs to the dark side.
I’m enjoying the show and it’s making me want to actual watch the cartoons now

but yes Thrawn was a bit underwhelming . Looks like a blue Data from Star Trek
For someone who watched rebels with his kids this has been great to watch...
Its such a shame the actor (for baylan) has passed away. A few seasons of him growimg closer to the dark side of the force and learning more about his character would have been great.
Very much this. Will be interesting to see what they do, a re-cast or just write him out.

I usually hate re-casts but the character seems too important to just kill off screen.
Binged it in one go over the weekend without much struggle, which means for me its lready better than Mando/Fett (they were a struggle). Got nothing on Andor but certainly has potential if they do right by the Thrawn character.

Anakin cameo was good. After what was one of the most god awful portrayals of any character ever in the prequels, its just not an issue nowadays.
Thrawn getting his due with the tactical highlights this episode. Ahsoka continuing to show that she has reconciled her feelings about Anakin and the legacy he left her as her master. You can see the writing perspective change since the World between Worlds training and her being more adventurous and thinking out of the box tacitly. The growth of her embracing her training again and the holovids Anakin left her. I like that they are following through there in character development from the stoic, guarded character before seeing Anakin again.

Baelen just dumping Shin like that to what he had to know was failure was weird. They need to connect that thread to his end goal a bit better. Where is the mysterious "power"? Its already an interesting piece but I think it could do with more tangible connection. Some signs to the audience that he has a map, or a clue, or is somehow talking to whatever it is by now.

Ezra trying to use force martial arts instead of just taking his lightsaber back was interesting. I can see him just building another one. He's now reunited with the expert in Jedi sabers so maybe he can whip it up with a piece of ore from this galaxy on the ship.

One thing I would kind of like to see but is probably too big for this show. Is there any type of largescale intergalactic government in this galaxy? If so what is it like? That would be interesting. In all this time almost, a decade did Thrawns people ever meet up with any of them. The Mothers should certainly know of it. That would probably be something they use other media for, books, a game series to explore the powers of this galaxy, the politics or compeltely different factions of government.
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It's a mish mash. Far better than the Fett shite and I've quite enjoyed it but oh my some things are off.

Great cameo from Aniken - he actually doesn't grate and seems a competent actor in this.

Ashoka smiles far too much for someone with so many problems that's one thing.

Her sidekick acts like she should be a main character in The Wheel of Time.

It's not all bad but on a par with some substandard Disney stuff.

I loved Thrawn in the books so maybe he can take it to a B+ hopefully.

*edit* I'm watching ep 5 now.
Latest episode felt a bit forced with the happy get together. Shin especially felt misused and Baylan dumping her was just awkward.

Sabine seems to be a walking disaster. Disobeyed orders in intro episode and lost the map. Disobeyed orders again leading to Ahsoka's defeat, Ezra was able to hide for so long yet was found out immediately after Sabine's arrival. She's just a harbinger of doom at this moment. Naive and stupid.
All the remaining screen time to Baylan and Thrawn, please. The rest are mostly meh, though I do like Ahsoka's droid and Hera. Ezra is slightly less annoying than the cartoons I suppose.

I wonder if
they'll do more fan service with Ezra and Co. sneaking onto Thrawn's ship in the armor of the troopers they just killed, or they find some random way to get back after Thrawn has escaped.
All the remaining screen time to Baylan and Thrawn, please. The rest are mostly meh, though I do like Ahsoka's droid and Hera. Ezra is slightly less annoying than the cartoons I suppose.

I wonder if
they'll do more fan service with Ezra and Co. sneaking onto Thrawn's ship in the armor of the troopers they just killed, or they find some random way to get back after Thrawn has escaped.
Less fan service for me ideally. Also be usful if the director woke up for season 2 and realised hes not directing a cartoon season 5 of Rebels (which is what unfortunately ashoka currently is). He has an opportunty for a good live action series, dont waste it.
Just starting episode four but it's a struggle, I really don't like either of the protagonists! Sabine reminds me of a spoilt brat that needs a good clip around the ears and Ashoka doesn't have the presence of a Jedi at all. Furthermore, what's with the lack of men so far, was it intended to be a sausage free zone' girl power' and all that?
Just starting episode four but it's a struggle, I really don't like either of the protagonists! Sabine reminds me of a spoilt brat that needs a good clip around the ears and Ashoka doesn't have the presence of a Jedi at all. Furthermore, what's with the lack of men so far, was it intended to be a sausage free zone' girl power' and all that?
4 is when it starts to get good.

The lack of men is just timing. The best male protagonist from the cartoons is dead, the other is in a galaxy far, farther away, and the best male antagonist is lost in space with him.
I gave up in the end and I can't believe I did that since there's only one episode left I think. but come on, it's just weak. the writing, the characters... pretty much everything seem so basic, so flat, like it's intended purely for kids. it seemed watchable enough at first, but after a while I couldn't help but feel half the time they're just standing, talking and preparing for... whatever.

say what you want about Mandalorian, but even there you could sense his emotions just by hearing the tone of his voice. this... this is emotionless as it gets. you have to be either a very big SW fan to feel anything watching this or simply a veeeeery inexperienced watcher, most likely meaning very young.

god knows why there is more than 5 episodes of this.
Disney losing streak continues it seems

Just starting episode four but it's a struggle, I really don't like either of the protagonists! Sabine reminds me of a spoilt brat that needs a good clip around the ears and Ashoka doesn't have the presence of a Jedi at all. Furthermore, what's with the lack of men so far, was it intended to be a sausage free zone' girl power' and all that?
I honestly can't say I noticed a lack of men, probably because it didn't matter? To me atleast. Do you notice when there's a lack of women in these sorts of things?