Adnan Januzaj | 2013/14 Performances

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You can tolerate greediness when he's creating something from nothing, but when he's spurning genuine opportunities to hit shots from distance then there's a degree of blame you can attach - like the time he could have slipped Jones in was especially stupid. Understandable at this stage in his career though.

8 Shots in total today, 2 on target.
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His shots were embarrassing at times tonight with that low one which spun out being Anderson esq. Still glad that some was willing to shoot though, rather than just dummy then feed it back out wide for yet another cross. As Ole says, you won't ever score if you don't shoot! And if anyone deserves a few shots at goal its Januzaj, he obviously feels a bit more at home now rather than the new reserve kid who'll get told off at any time.
Can you blame him to be greedy? He's the only one who has the form and confidence at the moment.
One or two of the shots he took were wrong...very wrong. But in the grand scheme of things I can support a kid showing some balls and willingness while the rest dilly dally or give it away.
It's scandalous the pressure on this lad to perform miracles every game for us. The whole team look to him to save us time and again, it's absurd.

This, basically. Good performance or bad, he was by far our most dangerous players and ended up with an assist after producing our sole bit of quality football in the 120 minutes. The team clearly look to him to produce something, and he knows it.
As talented and promising as he is, it really shouldn't have come to this 6 months into his first team career.
He may well be physically up to it thanks to our absence from the FA Cup however that less definable quantity of his mental reserves is another matter entirely, he could perhaps do with a few games out of the limelight or at least appearances from the bench [some of his decision making was Ben Arfa-esque yesterday].

The Game podcast cited the example of Derby's Will Hughes who apparently missed the last 6-8 week of 12/13 due to both mental and physical exhaustion.
Was not impressed with him today. He has set the bar high for himself now, and his decision making and selfishness ruined what would have been an amazing performance. We would have scored at least 1 more if he had made better decisions to finish off chances. He tried to be the hero too much.
Im not going to fault him in anyway, yes he could have made better decisions but he was the only play who looked like making something happen for United, in fact the other players we looking to him to create something all the time. I dont think he should have taken a penalty but perhaps it was his confidence levels in himself that he stepped up to the plate.

I believe in United and in the future of Januzaj as a player.
Tried a bit too hard but I don't mind that at all. The so called senior players could learn a thing or 2 from the lad. It would have been easy for him to drop into a shell too but kept trying all the way. He's going to be a monster player with this attitude.
Can barely blame him for being selfish when the rest of the team looked like fecking chimps out there. Just hope the missed pen doesn't affect his confidence.

Moyes has a problem though. Januzaj has been our best player by a country mile and we don't look like scoring without him bu the lad badly needs a rest. Hope Mata can step up quickly
Was his worst performance so far and he might need a bit of a rest. Still a shame when a 18 year old is the only player looking to try something on the pitch
I don't think it helps everytime he get's the ball around the box the crowd start shouting SHOOOOOOT. The poor lad is probably in 2 minds what to do.

Sure he made a few wrong choices in passes tonight, but that will come with experience. The thing for me is he is actually trying, and actually getting shots away rather than dallying on the ball and passing backwards.

He is 18 and still fairly inexperienced, we knew he would have up and down games.

When it mattered though he pulled out yet another little bit of class in setting up Hernandez.
It's about the time of year when SAF used to send Ronaldo off for a week's holiday. Adnan deserves a break.
I dont blame him 1 bit. a fecking 18 yr old was showing the balls and the desire to win it unlike the others who were content to pass it to someone else to have a go. He made some poor decisions but he's 18 and will learn. He's not a coward atleast, that's a big plus.
It's about the time of year when SAF used to send Ronaldo off for a week's holiday. Adnan deserves a break.
Tbf Moyes has said a couple of times already that he's had to play Adnan more than he'd like to. Giving him a holiday sounds a good thought.
Its amazing though, many are saying its is worst United game yesterday (most likely was) yet he still had the beating of his man, he set up us going 2-1 and also played a lovely through ball to Hernandez which should have been taken to make it 2-0 and kill off the tie.
I'm worried with the amount of football he's played recently, rather poor yesterday especially when it comes to decision making. Something he's usually very good at. Still the most creative player on the pitch worryingly.
The only people that are on his back are the united fans. No one in the press has anything but praise to him, he was the only creator in the team and people still bitch and complain. He took a few shots trying to take responsibility. We don't shoot enough.. let him have a go. The one where he could have slipped in Jones was the only one I thought is a really bad decision, but if he felt he will score then feck it, let him try. He will get the young Ronaldo treatment here, I'm pretty certain of that. Idiots.
hopefully he learns from last night, as it was one of the greediest performances ive ever seen from a player. fair enough, 2 or 3 times he took on the shot and it was decent, but at least 3 times in a row he shot when a player was through on goal.

i have no intention of watching the game back again, but if i am correct, he gave away the ball in the lead up to the Sunderland goal and it was by being greedy...he should have played in Hernandez.
hopefully he learns from last night, as it was one of the greediest performances ive ever seen from a player. fair enough, 2 or 3 times he took on the shot and it was decent, but at least 3 times in a row he shot when a player was through on goal.

i have no intention of watching the game back again, but if i am correct, he gave away the ball in the lead up to the Sunderland goal and it was by being greedy...he should have played in Hernandez.
I think their goal came from what is called a Hernandez first touch.
Don't see the criticism myself. I thought he was again a class above the rest of our forward players. The only one who belonged at a club of this stature.
Though he was our best attacking threat by a mile. He showed strength to muscle a defender off the ball and then send Hernandez clear (who should've done better) in the second half. Created both of our goals, was man enough to take a penalty and at least got it on target.

All in all it was (hopefully) another good experience for him.

I hope that the Mata signing serves to alleviate some of the pressure on Adnan. He has handled it well so far but there is too much expectation on him already. Mata will be able to share the load (personally I would pair them with Rooney and Kagawa for a really fluid front four) and Adnan will continue to progress.

Hopefully Moyes has spotted this and will help him grow. The problem is Moyes already has plenty of other things to worry about so is nurturing an 18 year old anywhere near the top of his list?

With Fergie you'd have seen a noticeable change by the end of the season.

If ever an article highlighted how stats are one of the weakest crutches in football discussions.....

They can be a decent crutch in the "hands" of someone who knows how to put them into to context, and who doesn't rely solely on them to form an opinion. That guy is obviously a fool with an agenda.

One of the worst thing about stats is that the majority of people who make use of them, don't seem to understand the most basic concepts of statistics (the field of mathematics), which is awfully ironic, considering where the word "stats" comes from.
That article reminds me of most comparisons the caf try to make here.

"X scored more goals than Y"
"yeah? Well Y has more 2nd assists than X"
"But X has more laces in his boots than Y" etc.
Stats are useful in some debates. But they're usually better applied in context to a player who isn't in his first fecking season almost carrying his team.

And lets say Sterling was 'outshining' him...erm so what? Adnan is well ahead of schedule. In football terms, Sterling is a year ahead of him and has gone as far as international football. If he's going to be a class player, he should be doing more than Januzaj in his second season.
They're both very promising footballers. I'd say in most important stats there, the two are basically even (Sterling seems to have a minute advantage in almost every one, 80 vs 82 % passing for instance). The only big outlier is tackles, which I don't care about when it comes to teenage attacking mids.

Obviously we're all biased here but I've seen a decent amount of Sterling this season and last. While he's definitely a talent, Adnan is a step above imo. That's based on the eye test far more than anything else.
PSG can feck right off.

Adnan would have no interest in joining them IMO.
Give us 200m and cavani and we will think about it you bastards
This Summer is going to be horrific if we finish outside the top 4 (and don't win the Champions league) We'd probably get bids for Rooney, van Persie & Januzaj. Mata would only be spared because of his short stint.
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