A movie for a tired man...

Pogue Mahone

Feb 22, 2006
"like a man in silk pyjamas shooting pigeons
Ok, tards, little help here.

I've got a 2 week old baby at home and it's my job to give her a feed at 11pm every night. My missus goes off to bed early, so I have the telly all to myself and it's a great time to watch fillums.

The thing is, I'm absolutely cream-crackered. Had bugger all sleep last night and I'll be propping my eye-lids up with matches to this evening. I would therefore like a recommendation for an entertaining, exciting and gripping 90 minutes of film-making to peruse while pouring expressed breast-milk into the lungs of my second-born.

If it's very slow-moving or has a complex plot it'll be too much for my fatigue mashed brain to take. Can't be completely brain-dead though, like Transformers 2, because that would just depress me. Some kind of sci-fi/thriller type-thing would be great. I really enjoyed District 9, for example. That would be absolutely perfect if I hadn't seen it already. I also thought How to Train Your Dragon was great. The action sequences at the end would get me through the grave-yard shift with ease.

Any ideas?
The Town is worth a watch if you've not seen it Pogue.
Desperado, Once Upon a Time in Mexico, From Dusk till Dawn, Planet Terror, Machete.

I enjoy Roberto Rodriguez's work, well apart from Spy Kids.
Nice one, tards. Some good suggestions there.

What about sci fi?

Or something with monsters?

Can't beat a creature feature when you're jaded...

Underworld 1 & 2

Kate Beckinsale in tight rubber :drool:
Star Trek (2009), The Matrix, AI: Artificial Intelligence, Blade Runner, Independence Day
I second Taken.

Although you may have to warn your wife that you will have to leave her for Liam Neeson.
The Town, The Hurt Locker, Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Let the Right one In
took me completely by surprise, when I watched on TV having never heard of it before.

When it started I thought I was in for some girl-on-girl action!

haha that would have been a nice twist.

Have you seen the sequel, it is hilarious, the most one-dimensional characters you'll ever see in a horror.
Battle Royale is a cracking film, although another you've probably already seen.

Hmm.. a lot of the films i like involve large numbers of people dying, better balance it out,
