A Christmas Cafrol

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Grammar partisan who sleeps with a real life Ryan
May 5, 2003
Where Albert Stubbins scored a diving header
Here is a little story to tide you all over the Yuletide. I can only hope that, unlike Richter, and Twenty-Sixth Of’s dogs, in their different ways, no-one will want to put it down.
Apologies in advance to the poster I promised that I wouldn’t use the term ‘spastic’ anymore. In my defence, I have only used ‘spastic’ here where it is dramatically essential to the narrative.

Your faithful Friend and Servant,
December, 2005.


Stave One

It was Christmas Eve, and the whole world was rejoicing. Well, nearly the whole world. Turkeys weren’t, for obvious reasons. Spastics weren’t: they don’t know what the feck is going on. Nor were old people, whose only concerns were the temperature, the events of World War II, looming oblivion, and how agonisingly painful shitting would be that day. Neither, now I think of it, were Islamic extremists, who think Christ is gay, and only like “fun” in conjunction with “damentalism” …and who are largely already covered by the ‘spastics’ category anyway…as are old people in fact, and turkeys.

And neither was Slabberneezer Scrooge.

Slabberneezer hated Christmas. He hated the songs and the presents, he hated the platitudes and beatitudes and enforced merriment. He hated the gimpy extra smilies that suddenly appeared, showing little snowballs falling and drunks with hats on. Slabberneezer felt that Christmas could feck off, and he told it so, in a thread in the General called “feck Off, Christmas”. Christmas remained indifferent, but Very Ruud posted the snowman smilie 8 times, and Richter laughed, and Van Nistelrater put up a photo of his cock, smeared with brandy butter and set alight for the occasion.
Slabberneezer gagged violently – and he’d only got as far as Richter’s post.

All the good folk of the Caf were out and about, greeting each other and the hallowed day with good cheer and ruddy countenance. Such variety, such a range of good and bad, such sheer unpredictability you never did see in all your days, not even in a packet of Liquorice Allsorts or a performance from Wes Brown. There were wise men and fools here, the old and the young, the blue and the red, the quick and the dead, the knave and the knighted, FC United, realists, romanticists, Walter-Mitty-fantasists, moaners and splitters, gooners and dippers, Mancs and Malaysians, Yanks, Australasians, losers and winners, saints and sinners, simians, simpletons, Singaporeans, Hyperboreans, Extremely Boring ones, even a personal friend of Jamie Carragher, who had never been right about anything in his entire life - not once, ever.

“Merry Christmas, Slabberneezer!” said Stamford Bridge. “Looks like it’s going to be a white one!”

“That’s racist,” replied Slabberneezer, “BNP cnut. feck off…Cockbiscuit.”

“Merry Christmas folks,” drawled Mr Marcello, “Let’s all put our handguns down for a minute, and pray to God, and little baby Jesus, and Carlos Tevez.”

“Loony Godsquad Yank spastic,” was Slabberneezer’s response.

“Happy Christmas everyone!” roared Big Andy. He was in a particularly good mood that day, not just because it was Christmas Eve, but because he’d won a gruelling verbal joust with a rival quantity surveyor the previous evening, in a shed in Warrington…and by way of reward was off to buy a Cristiano Ronaldo wig.

“You’re gay,” said Slabberneezer.

Big Andy just laughed, and went on his way. (Though in his heart of hearts, in the dead of night, Andy had actually been wrestling with this very question, ever since getting a surprise boner while watching William Shatner on the telly).

“Merry Christmas Slabs!” said Amolbhiata, “Glad tidings to you and yours, my good man, and many happy returns of the season.”
“Merry Christmas, mongo,” said Slabberneezer, “I hope you, and everyone from the Indian subcontinent, celebrate by going mute, going mad and dying of AIDS.”

“Hey Slabbs,” inquired French Henry, “Do you fancy spending Christmas with me and Sarah? We’ll be linking up via webcam with some guys from Popbitch, and shoving mistletoe up our arses.”
“Filthy gooner scum,” replied Slabberneezer. “Rapist. Cockbiscuit.”

Being a decent sort, French took it in good spirit, and grinned, and went into a coma for no real reason.

“Happy Holidays!” called out Flashwok, “I know we’ve had our differences, but Happy Chanukah, to a fellow Yid!”
“Nazi Jew," Slabberneezer shot back, "(That’s racist). Yank. Retard.”

Flashwok went mental, and started a thread dissing Turkey (the country, not the aforementioned non-rejoicing, winged spastic).

And so it went on, into the evening and through to the small hours. There was hardly anyone online now, and of those who were, most had already been called spastics by Dubai Devil before Slabberneezer had time to get in there. It was quite tiring, but he persevered. “It’s a hobby,” he told himself. “And besides, anything’s better than going down the pub and listening to Bulk bang on about cycling.”

Around midnight, Slabberneezer noticed some strange and disquieting happenings. First of all, threads kept going bold and coming back up to the top, but when he clicked on them, no-one had added anything new – usually the last post was by him in fact, calling Dubai Devil a spastic. Then a new thread appeared, entitled “FAO Slabberneezer” – but when he clicked on it, a message came up saying “invalid thread”. Something was certainly afoot, for the entire screen emanated a lunar, spectral glow.

Suddenly, from nowhere, a large grey box appeared on his screen. Slabberneezer recoiled. How was such a thing possible? He was a man of reason, he refused to believe it. But there it was, plain as day, superimposed over the forum. With mortal dread, he read its contents:

“You have a Private Message, from redmarlie”
Stave Two

A cold fear crept over Slabberneezer, not unlike the kind he experienced whenever Spurs went 2-0 up before half-time. redmarlie? But he was supposed to be…he dared not even say the word. Like a man digging his own grave, he clicked on the “read message now” button.

“Slabberneeeeeeeeeeezer…” said redmarlie, “Slabberneeeeeeeeezer Scroooooooge. Whaaat…have you…BECOME?”
Slabberneezer swallowed back his fear.
“redmarlie…” he croaked, “I thought you were dead…didn’t your throat explode?”
“Not dead…” replied the wraith, “Just ghosted…and told to stay off the spirits…as it were…condemned to walk these rooms, seen by no-one, witnessing the harm done to one poster by another, the lack of kindness and simple human decency, but unable, alas, to intervene.”

Slabberneezer by now was in a state of terror.
“B-but what’s it got to do with me, g-g-gaytard?” he stammered.
“With you?” replied the undead Ulsterman. “Than whom no-one is a worse offender? What do you do here, Slabberneezer? You go around all day, calling people names, derailing threads. There’s good people on here, intelligent people…well, definitely good people anyway…there’s people on here…with stories and experiences that would amaze you, if only you’d listen. There’s a chance for life, for growth, for reaching out across the gulf of fear that separates us all, one from another…that prevents us truly touching each other.”

“You sound like French Henry,” said Slabberneezer “You bummer.”
redmarlie shook his finger, using the rubbish little “nono” smilie.
“That won’t work on me, sunshine. I have come here to warn you. Slabberneezer, you must change your ways, before it is too late. Listen carefully: you will be visited three times tonight, by three Spirits. The first will come at one o’clock. Be ready….be…feck me I could do with a drink…ready…”

And with that, he vanished! (Though if you clicked on his name at the top, you could see he was in the General, starting a thread about what style of architecture is the nicest to bone birds in).

Slabberneezer was so unnerved by the apparition of redmarlie, that for the next hour he could barely concentrate on playing Championship Manager, screening his calls, boozing, pasting his friends’ private emails all over the net, and calling the mad bloke from the flat downstairs a spastic. But soon the fateful Hour drew nigh, and once again the screen was washed in a ghostly luminescence. The first Spirit was come! Slabberneezer waited in wide-eyed suspense, for this messenger from the netherworld to speak. When it did, its words were cryptic:

“Yo, yo, hear me now!” quoth the Spirit, “Word up, this is some raw supernatural shit, blasting off in 2005. I’m about to blow da feck up, bitches, all upside your muthafeckin heads, like BLAM!…BLAAAH!”
“Er, do I know you?” asked Slabberneezer, “You appear to be some kind of retard.”
“I am da Spirit of Christmas Past,” said the ghost.
“That’s a really shit name,” said Slabberneezer.
At this the ghost became indignant. “Yeah, well I fecked your mamma up the ass,” he wailed. “She was so damn fat….Er, look, I’m supposed to show you how da Caf was in da old days, n shit, but if you like we could have a sponsored sparring match instead…in Hull?”

Tempting proposal though this was, Slabberneezer declined. Since he remained surprisingly unreceptive even when the option of headgear was introduced, the Spirit gave up and agreed to fulfil his intended role, as guide to the Caf of old.

Glancing at the date on the main page, Slabberneezer got a shock: it was now December 24th, 2001! He ventured out into the forum, less surfer of the net now than deep-sea diver, plunging into the Ocean of Time. It was clear things had indeed been very different in days of yore: there was no General Forum, only a “Lounge,” and the thread titles weren’t underlined…and some other stuff was different that I can’t remember. But how far removed was the conversation! The United forum was full of Pride, Hope, Cheerful Vigour and Stoutness of Heart. The football forum had feck all about Chelsea in it. And the Lounge was awash with banter and abuse, with all the old stalwarts in full voice.

Here were Charlie’s Devils, and Ed, and the Sultan of Sikh. Blythy, Weastedevil, giggzy and Dans got on their arses and posted more than once a year. And what a hive of activity it was! Twenty-Sixth Of was trying to build a fence, Davo was trying to get rid of his rubble, JSV was doing the ironing and painting his nails...And such romance! Couples were getting it on all over the place, handsome youth with winsome damsel, bluff fireman with big-mouthed slapper, morose Scouser with rude cow. What a joy it was to peruse the threads, with titles like, “My wife’s fanny-farts sound like motorbikes and smell like Wensleydale.” Slabberneezer found himself laughing, crying, bleeding and puking all at once…it was beautiful. “feck me,” he said to himself, “Stan used to be funny.”

Oh, there was wit here, and banter, and a feast of personal abuse, enough to make even Slabberneezer happy to be alive this fair Christmas Eve. The only thing obviously lacking was some sort of hilarious, wordy, songsmith type, substantial of proboscis perhaps, but nevertheless amazingly good-looking, great company, quick to get his round in, possibly based intermittently in the Czech Republic... Still, this being the season of Advent, the promise hung heavy in the air that such a Saviour would one day come…and that when he did, he wouldn’t be at all bitter about missing out on the good times...it was a shite forum anyway…feckers…

Er, anyway…Slabberneezer got so absorbed in Christmas Past, that he’d quite forgotten about its Spirit, when of a sudden, he piped up again.

“Yo, blud,” he said, “It’s 2am, I gots to go to Doncaster to do a DJ set at this well fly gangsta party. Word out.”
“Is it really a gangsta party?” inquired Slabberneezer.
“4 sho,” replied the Spirit, “I mean…it’s in my mate Clive’s garage, but that’s just cos his mum n dad won’t let us do slumber parties in his bedroom no more, after we had bitches in there till 6 in da morning…”
“ ‘Bitches’?”
“Yeah, real fine ho’s…well, Clive’s little sister Fiona…but we did keep her up well past her bedtime…we was playing spin da bottle, n also Connect 4…4 real.”

“You’re gay,” said Slabberneezer.

This remark occasioned another unwelcome invitation to one of Humberside’s less salutary sporting arenas, and it took a good ten minutes to resolve the issue, by ridiculing his name till he went away.

But no sooner had the Spirit of Christmas Past departed (for Doncaster), than another took his place…
Stave Three

“I am the Spirit of Christmas Present,” said the Spectre.
“Christmas Present?” replied Slabberneezer, “Not that retarded Secret Santa bollocks? “Ooh, whoopee! Wobbly sent me a lemon squeezer”…feck off. I hate Christmas presents.”

This seemed to confuse the Spirit, who clearly wasn’t the brightest. “Er…Fletcher’s fecking shite…?” he hazarded.
Slabberneezer spoke slowly and deliberately. “Okay. Why, are you here, spasmo?”
“Oo right, I know this one…to show you the Caf as it is now.”
“But I know what it’s like now, fecktard…I’m on here all day. It’s rubbish.”
“Oh aye…er…hang on…is it, that Fergie only plays him cos he’s Scottish?”

Not wanting to get get into a protracted conversation with the own-player-slating, ophthalmophagous, cretin, Slabberneezer thought it best to follow him onto the forums and have a look. It was a sorry site that confronted him. In the United Forum, a man called Fred was holding forth in 28 threads at once, half of them urging us to outwit Glazer by losing matches, the other half lamenting the fact that we were losing matches. The football forum was entirely about a team that didn’t exist, with the occasional thread inviting people to laugh at Liverpool for getting a draw. In the Current Events, five fat, insane American men were bellowing syllogisms at each other and not understanding sarcasm.

Most disheartening of all was the General. It was all cnuts requesting songs, cnuts pathetically trying to flirt, pictures of cnuts that cnuts fancied, and cnuts describing text messages that other cnuts in the Warrington area had sent them. Rams was bravely trying to stem the flow, by sticking his finger in a Dutch dyke…but it was in vain.

In the Transfer Forum, talk was of Michael Ballack…and Kevin Nolan.

“Is there no glimmer of hope in this whole place?” asked Slabberneezer gloomily.
“Aye, there’s a thread about Fletcher being doubtful for Sat…”
“Apart from that.”
“Hmm…” said the Spirit, thoughtfully. “Well…now you mention it, there might just…hmm…er, no, I can’t think of anything. I’m on the Irn Bru’s, if I’m totally honest.”
“Lemme see the Newbie,” grunted Slabberneezer.

The Newbie Forum was bumbling on, with discussion centring around Obi Mikel, alco-pops, and how shit Darren Fletcher is.
“It’s not bad in here actually!” said the Spirit cheerfully.

But down near the bottom of the page, about to sink without trace, Slabberneezer glimpsed something, something neglected by everyone, something that kindled hope within his heart. Who would have believed it? It was another Spurs fan! His name was Tainio Tim, and although he was still a little Newbie, and clearly a bit of a cripple, Slabberneezer saw something in him: a Purity, a Simple Goodness, a Knowledge of the words to the “Vieira, woa-oh, he’s off to Real Madrid, cos Campbell raped his kid” song, call it what you will…he was the kind of delicate creature whose soul, carefully nurtured by steadfast, compassionate and noble minds, might just make the Caf a better place.

“We’d better go now.” - Slabberneezer’s reverie was broken by the Spirit - “Around this time I usually hang around outside Fletch’s parents’ house in Glasgow, shouting incoherently and lobbing empty Special Brew cans at the windows…sorry…”

“You’re a Ihni binni dimi diniwiny anitaime,” said Slabberneezer, “A genuine gaytard.”
Stave Four

But no sooner had one spastic Spirit left, than another took his place.

Slabberneezer had already noticed the new date – December 24, 2025. “Yes, yes,” he snapped, “You don’t need to tell me. You’re the Spirit of Christmas Yet to Come.”

“Also known as “The Spirit of Sincher’s Missus,” said the Spirit, “…but my real namez torres’_son4ManU0.36794, n im here 2 tell u bout t fucha.”

“Hang on, weirdo,” said Slabberneezer, “How come the Mods let you post that gibberish?”

“evry1 talx ths way now,” he splurged, “all t modz v gon. niall shot himsLf wen he saw wot hed cre8ed, gb axidently band himsLf, marchin died ov old age durin an argumNt wiv djs n borin, yaps got gund down by mcvitEz, wibz Bcame a priest, liz Bcame a nun, liv got nikd 4 stalkn ole, n bury got tragicly e10 alive by 1 of hiz longa postz."

Indeed, a quick look around revealed that all the old faces had gone too. The only regular he recognised was Davo, still making out he was too cool for the Caf, but nevertheless online, calling people spastics, whenever he had a free moment…to the despair of his wife, his fish Plechy, and his grown-up children, Newbie, Smilie and General.

“yeh all thm pEpl v lFt da 4m,” said the Spirit, “thy cudn take it no mo.”

Twenty years on, the entire site had now been subsumed by the Transfer Forum. There was little discussion of anything else, although there were a fair few threads about whether Fergie should’ve sorted out the midfield by now.

“And what became of Tainio Tim?”

Here the Spirit became melancholy, and maudlin, and let a single tear roll from his eye, by putting up a gay weepy smilie.

“im afr8…sob…t-t-tainio tim…wont b cumin home diss xmas.”
“Why not?
“he died.”
“stung 2 death by Bz.”
“Bees??? Nothing to do with the Caf, then?”
“no…jus Bz Bin Bz.”
“I see.”

The clock struck three.

“rite, I gotta go,” said the Spirit of Christmas Yet to Come.
“l8ter, u g8ard,” replied Slaberneezer.

And with no amazement whatsoever, he found himself back in his flat, in front of his computer…where he’d been all the time, posting on the Caf. What a night it had been! Slabberneezer would never be the same again - and neither would Christmas. He had seen the Future, he had seen the text-speak, he had seen what a crime it is when life is frittered away on frivolities. Truly, Slabberneezer was a changed man.
Stave Five

A few short hours later, the cock crew…no I don’t mean Rio’s possie, twats, I mean the cockerel started crowing…and the luminous, numinous Day dawned. The snow lay deeply bedded, the air was sharp and fresh, and the joyous song of the birds seemed to herald the renewal of God’s promise to mankind…at least, it seemed that way to stupid people… obviously, the birds weren’t saying shit - and if they were, it was about worms and twigs and so forth. They’re essentially imbeciles - the scrawny-legged, plague-bearing, cnuts.

“Hello, Slabberneezer!” said Thomas M. “Merry Christmas!””
“Hello spastic,” said Slabberneezer. “Merry Christmas to you too.”

redmarlie was unimpressed. “So I see you’ve learnt nothing from your experience last night,” he said.
“On the contrary,” replied Slaberneezer, “I’ve learned everything. I’ve realised that my time here is precious. Soon the place will be entirely unbearable, so I must seize the day, and put all my powers of invention into calling as many people as humanly possible gay, spastic and racist, right here, right now. That is my mission,that is my duty. Don’t you see, that is how I reach out to people, how I touch their lives - in short, how I love them. In the sense of, ‘hate them’.”
“But what about poor Tainio Tim, and the bees?”
“feck Tainio Tim,” said Slabberneezer, “feck the bees.”

redmarlie rolled his eyes, called Slabberneezer a stuck-up little prick, and went off to talk about what kind of woman was the nicest to discuss architecture in.

Meanwhile, Flashwok was just arriving.
“Merry Christmas, Spazi,” said Slabberneezer.
Flash burst into tears, and rang the police, and then apologised and offered to make up.

Marching was doddering about in the Matchday Forum.
“Merry Christmas, retired retard,” said Slabberneezer.

noodlehair too was on the scene, being affable and amusing.
“Merry Christmas, spasta-hair,” observed Slabberneezer, “You’re gay!”

And so it went on, with Slabberneezer offering Yuletard greetings to everyone he came across: “Merry Christmas thicko, you’re gay, that’s racist, cockbiscuit, you’re a rapist, feck off you spastic, cocktard, shut up Richter, su’agoaws, that’s racist, gimptard, you’re a Nazi, cockbiscuit spasmo racist Richtard noncebiscuit rapetard su’aspaz gaycist, spockbiscuit…”

“Merry Christmas all and one,” interrupted Devilish - the real one, not the boring counterfeit - “I had wished at this fistive season we would do less slatting and more sledging!”

“Eeeueueueueueuuuung!” replied everybody, in joyful chorus.

And so it was, that Christmas Day became a huge feast of calling each other gay spastics, the like of which will not be bettered on this good old site, or any other good old forum, or good old message-board, or good old psychiatric ward, in the good old, gay spastic world. Every kind of poster, genius to Detinu, match-going red to Murt, joined in, until it could truly be said that this was indeed a Merry Christmas, with Many Happy Retards.

And the happiest of all, was Slabberneezer Scrooge.

(The gay spastic).

And together, they all sang:

We Three Ihni binni dimi diniwiny anitaime

Right to left:

These three Ihni binni dimi diniwiny anitaime, are murdering threads:
MUFC, Robbo and Fred
Moaning, sniping, groaning, griping
Isn’t it time for bed?

Oh -

Rants of rage and flights of fear
Droughts of hope and floods of tears
Gaytard leading, spaz succeeding
Numpty bringing up the rear…

These three Ihni binni dimi diniwiny anitaime, are causing distress:
Boring, Marching, DJS
Football forum, futile mo-orons
Feck off to Inverness

Oh –

Who won what and which was when?
Mad, obsessed, autistic men
Round in circles, going purple
Boring’s name is really Sven…

These three Ihni binni dimi diniwiny anitaime escaped all my gags:
MUM, and Kippax and Babs
They’re alright but that’s not ri-i-ight -
Call them gay spastics, Slabbs

Oh -

Laura’s name’s not on that list
Cos I’ve seen her recent pic
We were wrong, it’s 4 to 1
She’s not a man, and is quite fit.

Richter the Redcaf Retard

I’m Richter, lol

Richter, the Redcaf Retard
Was a pretty pointless gay
And if you ever saw him
You would walk the other way

All of the other retards
Treated him like their pet chimp
All except for Very Ruudolf,
Who recognised a fellow gimp

Then one faggy Christmas Eve
Slabber came to say:
“Richter, you retarded wretch
You’ve been busted stalking Pletch”

Now all the other retards
Simply tell him to “Shut up” -
Then he posts the laughing smilie
The paraplegic Swedish cnut!

A Gay and a Monger

Gayforce: Can I stick this finger up your arse?
Andycap: Fiiiiinguuuuuh!

A gay and a-a monger,
A poof and a spoon
A queer and a scoper
A queen and a goon

A fruit and a raspberry
A mincer, a spud
A bumboy, a dumbo
A ducky, a dud

Rear-ender and retard
The soft and the slow
The hairless, the harmless
Here Nancy, meet Joe

A wearer of aprons
And a wearer of bibs
A homo, a remo
A fag and a flid

The sinful and the simple
No-brawn and no-brain
The camp and the crippled
The limp and the lame

A sucker of penis
Meets a licker of panes…………
It’s G4orce, and Andy………….
To-, ge-, ther, a-a, -gain!


The End.


Merry Christmas, spastics!

Post your own versions of classic Christmas carols here if you like, cnuts
I don't have time to read this, as I am running a bath.

Got through Stave one so far, which was very good, despite me not being in it (unless you count Van)

Will read the rest later.

I'd better be in it
Plechazunga said:
True, French

You're quick fecking reader

When I posted I was only up to Stave the 4th. The Christmas Carols rounded it off nicely.
Spoony said:
It's very good.

But I should be in it.

You were originally the person online at 3am, calling people spastics

However, careful research over the last few days has discovered that you're not on at that time, so you were replaced by DD, who's here all night, calling people spastics

Brought it on yourself there mate by being slack
Plechazunga said:
You were originally the person online at 3am, calling people spastics

However, careful research over the last few days has discovered that you're not on at that time, so you were replaced by DD, who's here all night, calling people spastics

Brought it on yourself there mate by being slack

Well I think Crembo should be in it as the token Isreali.

You hate Israelis.
CremboMan said:
I've just got the Caf-Carol word play, was wondering what a cafrol is...

Ah thank god some one cleared that up. Now i know that i can appreciate the full genious of the thread.

Seriously though thats good Plech, you gay spastic.

I should be in it though but you recieved a big :lol: from me.
Very good Plech, couldn't be arsed reading it all but may eventually.
“Bees??? Nothing to do with the Caf, then?”
“no…jus Bz Bin Bz.”


I liked that because it took me a while to work it out.

I liked it, mainly because I was in it, very good you spastic.
French Henry said:
“Bees??? Nothing to do with the Caf, then?”
“no…jus Bz Bin Bz.”


I liked that because it took me a while to work it out.
I still haven't. :(

and this :
"yaps got gund down by mcvitEz"
Good Job Plech, brought back happy memories of the old crew, Charlie's, Weastie, but I am embarrased that you mention JSV.

Lemsip head was neither funny nor amusing. same could be said for hans
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