"Work to the Fuhrer"
A methodology of his tenure which allowed for unbridled autonomy to each one of his appointed leaders in their respective roles, which in turn gave way to the worst kind of indulgence to create systematic methods of persecution.
It's often remembered how bad Hitler was, but it's seldom realised that the conception, development and application of the worst kinds of human rights violations were the brain child of Göring, Himmler, Goebbels, Ribbentropp and co. Hitler assented to them, absolutely, knew what was going on, but was always careful to distance himself form them publicly for the sake of propaganda value. We look at Hitler as an anomaly, when in fact, idiosyncrasies permitting, the development of his ideas were shared by a number of his peers and later developments themselves from Georg von Schönerer and Karl Lueger in the 19th Century.
The environment that Hitler inherited was increasingly becoming steeped in the influences of the above. That's partly what made it so easy for the NSDAP to mobilise the nation to his side. That and the Versailles Treaty issues post-WW1.
But alas, Hitler was a bastard amongst bastards. Possibly not even the worst of them, if that can be believed.