50 Greatest TV shows

And considering this is heavily biased towards the present and very near past, how could they have possibly missed House?
The West Wing is definitely in The Wire's league, if not even better!

The Shield is right up there too!

I'd even make a case for Band of Brothers, even though it was a mini series....

I've not seen Sopranos so can't comment..
Blackadder (not series 1)
Fawlty Towers
Life On Mars
Ashes To Ashes
Band Of Brothers
Father Ted
Monty Python's Flying Circus
The Simpsons
Yes Minister
Yes Prime Minister
x Files
The Office (UK)
Coupling (first 3 series)
Black's Books
Edge Of Darkness

I also think that early Friends was a lot better written and acted than we remember due to the rather long and painful death by mediocryty it suffered in later years. I also have a soft spot for Law and Order (sadly just canned after 20 seasons) and SVU.
Come on Wibble I like you, but no Sopranos, no Wire :(

That said all the American shows you said were fine, although the X-Files fizzled out at the end, adn 24 was kinda hit or miss season to season I though
1 The Sopranos (HBO)
2 The Wire (HBO)
3 Arrested Development (Fox)
3 Mad Men (AMC)
5 Lost (ABC)
5 The Daily Show with Jon Stewart (Comedy
7 The Office [UK Version] (BBC Two / BBC
8 Deadwood (HBO)
8 The Shield (FX)
10 American Idol (Fox)
11 Battlestar Galactica (Sci-Fi)
11 The West Wing (NBC)
13 Curb Your Enthusiasm (HBO)
13 Freaks and Geeks (NBC)
13 The Office [US Version] (NBC)
16 24 (Fox) 2001-
16 30 Rock (NBC)
16 Friday Night Lights (NBC)
16 Survivor (CBS)
20 Breaking Bad (AMC)
20 Six Feet Under (HBO)
20 Veronica Mars (UPN/CW)

I think this is the best list till now.
Based on critic reviews and ratings etc over the years

Good List.

But you need to have Dexter, Rome, Damages, Band of Brothers, Generation Kill and Weeds on that list.
Come on Wibble I like you, but no Sopranos, no Wire :(

That said all the American shows you said were fine, although the X-Files fizzled out at the end, adn 24 was kinda hit or miss season to season I though

I haven't seen either. I will watch the wire soon but the misus hates Mafia things so the Sopranos may stay unwatched.

Agreed about x files and 24 but they would be on my list anyway
Ah this is picking up now, clearly I'm just ultra discerning

Fawlty Towers
Red Dwarf
The Office

Arrested Development and Scrubs are not better than Blackadder. That is an absolute fecking disgrace. The omission of Stargate SG1 and MASH are also FDs.
Ah this is picking up now, clearly I'm just ultra discerning

Fawlty Towers
Red Dwarf
The Office


Arrested Development and Scrubs are not better than Blackadder. That is an absolute fecking disgrace. The omission of Stargate SG1 and MASH are also FDs.

That's a decent list. Not seen Firefly but it sounds a bit gay - well, I've seen the movie and it was balls. And Life on Mars/Ashes to Ashes deserve to be on any list.
No Breaking Bad. No credibility.
West Wing and Sopranos should be at the top of any list like this in my opinion.