3D TV - Will you be taking the early plunge?

You say that like it's a solution; why would you pay thousands of pounds for a 3D tv to switch the 3D off?!

There is no other economical option ATM, the problem is that the TV is a 2D device, this is a work-around.

Large hi-res affordable versions of this:


Are simply not going to happen for a very long time.
I think that he's talking about spectacles. :lol:

It really becomes a pain for those that need to wear real optical glasses to have to stick another pair over the top. Not only do you look like a cnut, it quickly becomes very uncomfortable.

Oops my bad:lol: I thought he meant he'd kept a pair from the cinema or something. Sorry Elvis :D
ive heard the future is in tvs that are just 3d, no glasses needed. the tech already exists according to the leaflet i got from the cinema
Of course they'll push it. They need a new fad to make money off of. Like everything, I'lkl wait till it becomes a sensible price and then get it.

I always have a look though when I'm in Sears to buy something. It's pretty cool.
I was looking at this the other day with my impulse buy head on. I managed to resist though. It was £850ish last week and it's now gone up. I still think it's good value though.

SAMSUNG LE40C750 40" Full HD 3D Ready LCD TV £916.00

SAMSUNG LE40C750 40" Full HD 3D Ready LCD TV at low prices | Dixons

Been looking at this on amazon, £862 at the moment also down from around £950 a few weeks ago. Samsung LE40C750 40-inch Widescreen Full HD 1080p 200Hz: Amazon.co.uk: Electronics & Photo

In the same situation to you, it's a lot of money for what might be a gimmick...especially when you add on a 3d bluray player, spare glasses etc
Been looking at this on amazon, £862 at the moment also down from around £950 a few weeks ago. Samsung LE40C750 40-inch Widescreen Full HD 1080p 200Hz: Amazon.co.uk: Electronics & Photo

In the same situation to you, it's a lot of money for what might be a gimmick...especially when you add on a 3d bluray player, spare glasses etc

Well, I have a PS3 which will support 3D and I have Sky HD which will start broadcasting 3D content in the autumn. I will wait though and see how popular it gets. If the TV's are already this reasonably priced then i'm sure they will come down a bit more before too long.

My main issue is all the crap films with 3D as a gimmick. However, if the console games and the sports on sky look good in 3D then I will probably get one eventually.
Well, I have a PS3 which will support 3D and I have Sky HD which will start broadcasting 3D content in the autumn. I will wait though and see how popular it gets. If the TV's are already this reasonably priced then i'm sure they will come down a bit more before too long.

My main issue is all the crap films with 3D as a gimmick. However, if the console games and the sports on sky look good in 3D then I will probably get one eventually.

Does PS3 support 3D bluray aswell as gaming? That's quite significant.

Also, do we know for sure if SKY are gonig to charge more for 3D? They seem to imply it'll be free to HD but they announced huge profits on the back of HD yesterday and expect it to tail off a bit, hence the need for new revenue streams. I'd be suprised if they gave 3D away...
no i will wait for the kinks to be ironed out
A firmware upgrade for BD 3D will be released in a month or two.

That's brilliant because a 3D blu ray on amazon will set you back £200.Sony really are on the ball with the PS3...great bit of kit.

Quick question, re the telly posted above....how much can a telly like that improve? It's full HD, they can't do anythnig more with the refresh rate surely?
3D as a whole was thought about for PS3 since it's initial design, there just were no consumer level 3D displays available at the time. It must be easier for Sony do do this type of thing than the others however, as they make both consoles and TVs, so the console teams must know what's in the pipe quite some time before it happens. The reason I say this is that when originally showed off, the PS3 had 2 HDMI 1.3 ports on the back, that must have been for 3D, sending out two separate images, then things changed, and it all settled that it could be done over a single HDMI 1.3 pipe. HDMI 1.4 doesn't add that much, mainly ethernet into the cable.

It's not perfect, as it doesn't support 1080p at 60fps, but film is at 24fps in any case and the machine isn't powerful enough to render a game with two 1080p frames at 60fps - basically 120fps in 2D. Super Stardust HD does 120fps 2D @ 720p or 60fps in 3D at 720p, it does Full 1080p @ 60fps now, but only 2D.
Quick question, re the telly posted above....how much can a telly like that improve? It's full HD, they can't do anythnig more with the refresh rate surely?

Well, the ideal refresh rate for a 2D TV is 600Hz as it's divisible by 24, 50, and 60 - such that it directly supports film, PAL and NTSC refresh rates without having to repeat frames on an uneven basis. I've never thought about this for 3D.
Well, the ideal refresh rate for a 2D TV is 600Hz as it's divisible by 24, 50, and 60 - such that it directly supports film, PAL and NTSC refresh rates without having to repeat frames on an uneven basis. I've never thought about this for 3D.

Cheers...is the telly a good option or can you suggest a better one for a similar price?
He he, they've been showing it off again, it's some funky shit!

Haha, that's how I envisaged a holoTV to look like. But anyway, I think 3D's a bit pointless. Avatar was good but everything else has been a disappointment. . .and in most cases the images have been like layered cardboard cut outs.
I am happy with the normal one, I don't want to look like a gimp with those glasses on.
Cheers...is the telly a good option or can you suggest a better one for a similar price?

It's a nice TV. How much are they charging for the glasses?

As for the PS3 firmware update.

PlayStation Blu-ray 3D update arrives in September; 3D photo, PlayTV and YouTube support to follow
By Richard Lawler posted Jul 9th 2010 4:26PM

Just in case you weren't really sure how deep into this 3DTV thing Sony is, senior director of Sony Europe Mick Hocking announced the PS3's update for Blu-ray 3D movie playback will be released in September -- but it won't stop there. Expect future firmware upgrades that give the PS3 3D rendering for photos (.mpo files), any broadcasts it can pick up on PlayTV, and even YouTube videos.

So September.
blu ray in the ps3 has payed off huge for sony and now with 3d blu ray support that will pay off even further given itll be the cheapest 3d player around
It's great technology, but fairly useless for the home consumer, I'm not going to stand up and walk around the other side of my T.V just because the actor turned away.
Peronally, i dont really believe theres much point of putting 3D on the ps3, at this point in time. Just like HD a few years ago (and still to this day really), not a lot of people had the HD tellys. Right now, hardly anybody has a 3D ready TV, and will probably put off buying one for a bit if they (like me) just got the bloody HD tv for where they live.

If the Wii got updated, and say it was capable of HD graphics (hypothetically speaking), then the wii would benefit from increased sales and more wii owners would be taking advantage of the HD graphics. I dont see many people taking advantage of the 3D on the ps3.

I think it was pointless releasing this firmware update so early, but sony must have a plan. That said, its sony, they seem to go with the flavour of the month.
Sony want to sell TVs, it's a software update, the PS3 was designed from the start to do this - read at one point it had two HDMI out sockets - think about that. You can't update the Wii to output HD, it's not capable of doing it. XB360 is not capable of outputting HD 3D either, as Microsoft in their wisdom only went with a HDMI 1.2 output, and that was half way into the game with the launch of the Elite, before that no XB360 had HDMI out.
Imagine if they could get it working for a football game though. You'd be able to see the action from whatever viewpoint you wished.

Yes, that would be quite something I suppose. But this is restricted by the camera's, how hard would it be to have every angle covered, 360 around the pitch? It's doable, but by god I don't see this in the foreseeable future (sadly)

I imagine it would have great qualities for the medical profession also.
Sony want to sell TVs, it's a software update, the PS3 was designed from the start to do this - read at one point it had two HDMI out sockets - think about that. You can't update the Wii to output HD, it's not capable of doing it. XB360 is not capable of outputting HD 3D either, as Microsoft in their wisdom only went with a HDMI 1.2 output, and that was half way into the game with the launch of the Elite, before that no XB360 had HDMI out.

I know its not possible for the Wii to output HD, thats why i said hypothetically. Its not possible, but the point i was trying to make is that, something like that would be more beneficial to them and the wider public then 3D TV, at this point in time.

And so you are saying that the PS3 is now being used as an incentive for us to buy 3D tvs? Fair enough actually, some hardcore gamers will buy the 3D Tvs just so they can fully experience their PS3s. However, if there is actually no point to the 3D, as in, it adds nothing to the gameplay of games, it just looks different, the intelligent hardcore gamers will think otherwise about buying another expensive TV just for games. It could just be a gimmick. Who knows until we get to see the 3d games for ourselves? I do get your point though.

Also, what are the specs for the new 360 coming out? Did they stick with the same HDMI ports then?
Yes, I'm saying that the PS3 has been used by Sony as a whole to speed-up shall we say the use of new technologies, Blu-ray, 3D TV, etc. It's a trojan horse to its own detriment. It was released a year late with a cost through the roof because of Blu-ray, but Blu-ray is Sony's baby, and if they had put a simple DVD drive in the machine XB360 would have been buried, but HD-DVD would now be the de facto optical disc format.

As far as I know, the XB360 still has a HDMI 1.2 interface - there is no point changing it. You can't say here is a game that you can only play on a machine produced from this date onwards.